Tariq Nasheed has perverted the ADOS movement to the point that his idiot followers are worshipping Trump.


Jun 11, 2012
No lower human being than a black entertainer.

They dont build anything
Their entire platform is a "step n fetch" routine in order to put food on the table
Often times poorly educated and highly ignorant
Being entertainer, they often possess narcissist delusions of grandeur and greater self importance than they actually are.

Yet they are elevated in this country, really on purpose as Mr. Malcolm X expounded on

The irony of you saying this. Your narcissistic ass thinks you have power to influence people how to vote and think you can determine who or what blackness is. Mental illness and insecurity is a bad combo.

When you folks gonna humble yourselves to shut up when you realize that no one takes you seriously either?

Captain Crunch

May 9, 2012

, friend.

Ann was speaking facts for damn near the whole video


Jul 25, 2018
ADOS opened the door for someone like Tariq to come thru when they started going after African and Caribbean folks and sucking up to the racist white supremacist power structure. You reap what you sow.

Some of us were here when the shift happened.

Some of us remember when everyone was calling it AADOS, before they dropped “African” and started with the bullshyt.

God damn can still remember that 2018, 2019 "AADOS" era of straight up c00ning. Day after day of threads inviting everyone to see who can be the most verbally hateful towards Africans and immigrants.

Every "pro-black" nicca on the internet doing their best redneck neo nazi impression in the name of "black Americans". Yall whole entire niccas was fukkin LOST. Thank God it's just a small lil weirdo pro-Trump clique here still on this shyt. None of whom have come out in the verification thread btw.


Jul 25, 2018
The term ados does not really have a way to fact check all the way back to the beginning of slavery in the 1619, records only go as far back as 1870 for black people. Do yall know every single one of your ancestors up to the slave ships?

Most Black Americans were recently imported from the Caribbean and Africa in the 1800s

Made this point many times when these wannabe cacs first started spitting this simple minded shyt. The slave trade was largely a Caribbean project, was a comparitand many of these "AdOs" were in fact imported from the Caribbean. But the ignorant ferver surrounding the movement was so much it was like talking to a brick wall.

A lot of these niccas so badly wanna believe this aholstorical fake-intellectual c00n shyt that "Africans Americans" are some completely separate, 300 year old clade of the human race that "originated in America" (yes Ive heard this dumb shyt) when we all just Africans born in a different place.

This generation of pro-black politics--a bunch of weak niccas not voting, giving their time and money to Tariq Nasheed like a cult, banding with white supremacists over "immigrants," and spreading hate speech about their own race--will be remembered VERY poorly. FBA and Tariq Nasheed are going to set a defining precedent of how NOT to do a black movement.


Ocean air
Apr 2, 2015
ADOS opened the door for someone like Tariq to come thru when they started going after African and Caribbean folks and sucking up to the racist white supremacist power structure. You reap what you sow.

Some of us were here when the shift happened.

Some of us remember when everyone was calling it AADOS, before they dropped “African” and started with the bullshyt.
The discussions begin had in those threads you linked, are about ADOS ppl being disrespected in African and Caribbean forums. Nothing that you linked makes the origins or the “switch up” of ADOS look bad. The smoke and gripes they have for African and Caribbean ppl is based on those immigrants groups resentment and prejudice against Black Americans. You’re using those links as a “gotcha” against ADOS, while completely ignoring the convo and the context of the convos that were had in those threads.

“I remember when they started hating on Africans and Caribbeans” <—-As if there weren’t African or Caribbean ppl on those ethnic forums and on this very forum it’s self, who haven’t had white supremacy influenced prejudices against black Americans. Or as if immigrants haven’t decried the ADOS movement since it’s inception and even before the supposed “switch up”. The idea of deleniation(no matter how gently the notion is presented) has been a sore topic for ppl in the diaspora who frequent these spaces. This is the reality.
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Jul 25, 2018
Dope comment from @GMoney about why ADOS is necessary. Can't quote so I will copy.

I don't like these African shows or her tone but it's a mind fukk when you realize the class consciousness of many Africans. You don't realize how many of these folks that can come here got servants and shyt or how fukked up tribe and class is in Africa. Many of them don't have the mindset for any type of racial or political alliance that would combat white supremacy. They are looking out for their own.

This Fredrick Douglass quote was eye opening: "it was an argument against repatriation schemes for the freed slaves. “The savage chiefs of the western coasts of Africa, who for ages have been accustomed to selling their captives into bondage and pocketing the ready cash for them, will not more readily accept our moral and economical ideas than the slave traders of Maryland and Virginia,” “We are, therefore, less inclined to go to Africa to work against the slave trade than to stay here to work against it.”

It's not Africans fault, but since the late 60's, many of our pro-black conscious movements had a naive, rose-colored glasses view of Africa. It was part of our consciousness-raising because we were disconnected. The reality is that many of our folks didn't really know much about Africa. For the few that actually went to Africa, they were largely shepherded by Dr.Ben type guides or intermediaries that showed them a small glimpse of what life was like. Whether Yvette is anti-African or not, she's right that Pan Africanism is dead as a viable political movement. There's really no shared political fate with the upwardly mobile Africans that come over here. Their mindset is different, even though like many "people of color" they share cultural and common experiences with us. Cultural and commonality really isn't enough.

But there really is no black politics anymore either. It used to be that black/negro..etc and AADOS were synonymous, we were really the only black people in this country and our politics and struggle were centered in the discourse and on the news. Now we are just part of a coalition, a 3rd minority group. Dr Claud Anderson called it years ago and it's come to pass, we're about done. There's no point in arguing with these new immigrants who don't understand this, who don't understand what black life used to be like after the civil right wins; all of our gains and struggle seem to be evaporating or being used by others when they were intended for us.

Tariq took a necessary movement and turned it into a right wing shilling operation.

Yeah he did dummy and how easy was that?

How easy was it to take a political movement that was built entirely on nationalism and some new age "awoken" hatred for Africans and immigrantion in America, and co opt it into something strongly right wing?

Did you really expect an ignorant set of people indulging in a bunch of anti-immigrant bigotry to also be open minded, pro-diversity, pro-equal rights, pro-immigration rights liberals? Some of yall niccas want to compromise civil rights laws to be exclusive to certain people. Something not even a deep south cracker Republican would dare to suggest.

And let's not even pretend like Yvette Carnell wasn't up in PFIR working John fukkin Tanton. It was right wing, pro-Trump, don't vote astroturf intended to disengage and mislead the black community to begin with. And foolish people like you who can be easily swayed by self-important bigotry ate it up and thought you were intellects doing it.

Look, it ain't complicated. You wanna take pride in your American heritage? Cool. Pride in your family? Cool. Celebrate your history in this country? Awesome. Perhaps even fight for a specific census classification? Don't see no harm in that. Pursue reparations for those who qualify? Get that money.

You wanna incite a bunch of resentment towards Africans? Immigrants? Liberalism? You wanna push a bunch of childish propaganda about how politically, culturally and intellectually superior African Americans are to other black people? You want to inhumanely denigrate black people who have been born into the horror of third world poverty because youre a black man born in a predominantlycac first world country, and that makes you more imporant? Now you can take your "movement" and fukk right off. It says a lot that some people are so weak minded they can be so easily manipulated if you make them feel special. No critical thinking skills.

You one confused dude. You want to belong to both a liberal movement and a hate movement at the same time somehow. A movement that will still vote for the liberal party and candidate but is resentful diversity at the same time. You are lost my man. All that bullshyt about "tethers" and a full blown tether about to be your President. Give it up. You and no one in yalls hashtags is important.
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Aug 23, 2019
The discussions begin had in those threads you linked, are about ADOS ppl being disrespected in African and Caribbean forums. Nothing that you linked makes the origins or the “switch up” of ADOS look bad. The smoke and gripes they have for African and Caribbean ppl is based on those immigrants groups resentment and prejudice against Black Americans. You’re using those links as a “gotcha” against ADOS, while completely ignoring the convo and the context of the convos that were had in those threads.

“I remember when they started hating on Africans and Caribbeans” <—-As if there weren’t African or Caribbean ppl on those ethnic forums and on this very forum it’s self, who haven’t had white supremacy influenced prejudices against black Americans. Or as if immigrants haven’t decried the ADOS movement since it’s inception and even before the supposed “switch up”. The idea of deleniation(no matter how gently the notion is presented) has been a sore topic for ppl in the diaspora who frequent these spaces. This is the reality.

This is because posters like that are more concerned with being the smartest people in the room as opposed to having actual discussion and understanding the points of views being discussed.

So its like you can go here Home » The ADOS Advocacy Foundation, actually register, go to monthly meetings and have real discussions with the people and quickly find out just how full of shyt these "smartest in the room" types are. No real nuance or understanding in their points, just real surface level nonsense bordering on conspiracy theorist like thinking.
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Jul 25, 2018
Tariq uses female insults to belittle people which never sat right with me while observing a male leader.

Yvette is the real deal she just gets in her own way sometimes but I wouldn’t hesitate for a second to collaborate or work with her because I know she truly believes what she talks about.

Tariq on the other hand is a mixed bag.

Bro...this could all be avoided if we put down our cell phones, start taking black grassroots politics seriously again, and go back to true scholars, academia, and real activism to guide us.

People who have actually put themselves and their words out to the public because they're serious about it accomplishing things, and have to actually be accountable for the things they express. People who are actually working within reality and who care about truth, work and progress more than likes, clicks, views and attention.

Tariq, Yvette Carnell...these are all a bunch of internet carnival barkers who have chosen "black people" as their lane into their entertainment careers. Neither Yvette or Tariq are serious people, nor are they truly trying to accomplish anything. Which is why they have so much room to completely pervert pro-black thought and language into something for ingernet. Neither of them are true scholars or activists. You aint never seen Tariq Nasheed or Yvette participate in any visible protest or movements in the past. In fact they will spend more time smearing and denigrating it. And no white person in their right mind looks at Tariq Nasheed smacking his lips about "tethers" and "Africans" and sees anything close to a threat to their power.

They are just low budget "content creators" looking for an easy audience and a quick hustle. And lord know a set of black folks acting like a gang clique over their nationality couldn't be a better hustle.

Yvette Carnell would collaborate with Fresh n Fit sooner than you or I or anyone interested in real action. These are not serious people. Let's get back to admiring people.who do more than talk cheap on the internet about "wHaT wE nEeD tO bE dOiNg" These are all phony, snake in the grass grifters.


Sep 15, 2019
Bro...this could all be avoided if we put down our cell phones, start taking black grassroots politics seriously again, and go back to true scholars, academia, and real activism to guide us.

People who have actually put themselves and their words out to the public because they're serious about it accomplishing things, and have to actually be accountable for the things they express. People who are actually working within reality and who care about truth, work and progress more than likes, clicks, views and attention.

Tariq, Yvette Carnell...these are all a bunch of internet carnival barkers who have chosen "black people" as their lane into their entertainment careers. Neither Yvette or Tariq are serious people, nor are they truly trying to accomplish anything. Which is why they have so much room to completely pervert pro-black thought and language into something for ingernet. Neither of them are true scholars or activists. You aint never seen Tariq Nasheed or Yvette participate in any visible protest or movements in the past. In fact they will spend more time smearing and denigrating it. And no white person in their right mind looks at Tariq Nasheed smacking his lips about "tethers" and "Africans" and sees anything close to a threat to their power.

They are just low budget "content creators" looking for an easy audience and a quick hustle. And lord know a set of black folks acting like a gang clique over their nationality couldn't be a better hustle.

Yvette Carnell would collaborate with Fresh n Fit sooner than you or I or anyone interested in real action. These are not serious people. Let's get back to admiring people.who do more than talk cheap on the internet about "wHaT wE nEeD tO bE dOiNg" These are all phony, snake in the grass grifters.

Well said I’m not necessarily disagreeing with you. But I do believe Yvette would make a great asset to a team. I just don’t think she should be the head of it.

Truthfully I believe in moving in silence and even on this board I have reached out to certain individuals for getting something started.

But I can’t deny anything you said. Between laziness, distractions, social media, people don’t have a sense of urgency.


Jul 25, 2018
I fukk with Tariq only tether bytch nikkas stay on his dikk, and I'm not trying to hear none this Trump boogeyman shyt. We should hold our vote to whoever follows through on tangibles. Corporate Democrats not going to do shyt as usual. Soon as FBA's ask for something for us everyone wants to bytch and whine.

"I'm not trying to hear none of this Trump boogeyman shyt"

Perfect example of how the FBA shyt turns into a c00n pipeline to being a Republican sympathizer.

Does this dude even see the irony that he can be so resentful of "corporate Democrats" and "tethers" as a threat to his prosperity, but will look on at a party standing behind a full blown white-Christian nationalist sweep of the federal government by a full blown white nationalist icon of a President who already attempted a coup, and downplay it like no big deal. And in fact still with the c00n fantasy that there is some pathway to reparations from a white conservative party that don't even want to fund social security.

The Tariq followers are just the dumbest most easily susceptible niccas among us. They believe and follow whatever they're told by whoever makes them feel nice like hoes and then project their approach to politics on everyone else. Just plain cowards very much looking for vague "boogeymen" that allows them to escape fighting actual white supremacy while still having some phony enemy that let's them feel like radicals. In this case other black people and Democrats.

Just sad, lost nigguhs man. It's pathetic. Please tell me you're a 15 year old playing "my first pro-black movement" on the internet.