Stop lyin' nicca.
Many people vote but don't know what happens after they vote .
Ask many of the people if they know what their senator did while in office. What their senator said about key issues? They have to look it up 9/10 times.
Lots of people don't know what goes on in their local or state government until the news reports the aftermath.
Go outside of this forum into the TLR or the sport forum and ask these questions. Your thread will go double wood because the general public doesn't care.
Whose fault is it that people are voting and dont know what happens after they vote? Whose fault is it that people dont care how politicians and the legislation they introduce affect their lives of the people they represent? I know alot of people don't care and if they dont care, they arent going to vote anyway. What is the point of challenging someone who chooses to vote on why they vote? When any educated person knows the benefits of voting your interests...