I’m not talking about Puerto Rico or Jamaica.Wtf are you talking about ? My dude America needs to reimburse black slaves descendants in america. What does Puerto Rico or Jamaican slavery have to-do with American slaves and the reparations? You can't come here 20 years ago and talk about "me too"
There’s plenty of “Latino” people in America who could trace their African ancestry to slavery in North America.
But that’s beside the point.
If we are restricting this only to direct descendents of slaves in the USA, then how the hell do we figure out who’s eligible? Everyone won’t be able to trace their ancestry. What about mixed people? Do they only get a 43% check? What about “black” people who might be mixed with some other African ancestry? How much should they get? What about African families that migrated after slavery but still have been negatively effected by a racist government?
This is why I said that argument doesn’t make sense to me. It’s a needless complication that would leave lots of deserving people out. It would truly be impossible to determine who should or shouldn’t be eligible.
And if the government does decide to give out cash for its past transgressions, why would you want to limit it to certain people? Seems like a “cut off your nose to spite your face” situation.
Reparations will never be “come get checks black people”(hell we can’t even agree on who’s “black” or not) IF repartitions ever become a thing it will be similar to how AOC described it cause that’s what makes sense and will be the most helpful to black people.