Talk about a time a femlae was furious with u

Banned Account12

May 24, 2012


I had just come home off my first bid, did a little six month stretch and came home at the end of June in 2007. I was 19, about to be 20 in July. p*ssy rate was on 1000 so I was just runnin around fukkin all kinds of bytches before I had even found a job, car, anything. For like 2 months I was dead broke but gettin more p*ssy thrown at me than the average ballin nikka, so I could pick & chose which bytches I wanted to smash. I always been the type nikka where it's easy to get decent or above average p*ssy, but my numbers were just multiplied by doin that lil bit of time for some reason. Hoes was thirsty.

So I meet this lil bytch named LaSheekiya :snoop: at a Mickey D's where she worked one day, & jus bagged her on the humble. At the moment, I was thru fukkin wit hood rats, but shorty was like a rich girl hood rat. Ghetto as fukk, smoked, drank, still lived w her parents, but she had been to juvie a few times before she turned 18, and drove a Lex. At the time, her Ls was suspended, so she couldn't drive to see me, and I hadn't copped a car yet or reinstated my Ls so I couldn't drive to her. This is like 2 weeks after I'm home. I talked to her for like 2 days over the phone & MySpace and I already determined she was DTF. :blessed: So I'm all in. I thought the bytch kinda looked like Foxy Brown, plus she was from the islands (which shoulda been a dead giveaway that she was cray) but I got a weakness for them types, plus 9/10 the p*ssy be a missle so I went for it.

So we arrange for me to come over, blaze n kick it wit her one day when she had the crib to herself...I get a ride to the bytch house...this white bytch I was fukkin, wit a '06 Mustang had scooped me up & dropped me off, knowin I was goin to fukk another bytch. Anyways, I slide thru, we kick it for a lil bit...and I offer her to hit the L and she like "you cant smoke this shyt in here, go on the deck"...Mind you, this bytch stay in a big ass 3 level single family home, and her peoples all drive luxury cars, they just ghetto as fukk. So I obliged, and blazed out back. I come back in, and this bytch is sprayin air freshener in the crib, goin beserk like her crib smelled like trees (it didn't) so I calm her down, we get to politickin, and I get the head and smash. Grade A p*ssyhole.

My ride (the same one I called) ends up not bein able to pick me up until the next day, so I'm tight because I ain't wanna spend the night at shorty crib, and I live like 20 mins away. I called a few other heads and none of them could come out, so it's either wait for my ride tomorrow and stay the night, or walk home, which wasn't an option in the middle of July. Shorty had no problem lettin me stay the night, but I woulda had to be on some sneak shyt, since her peoples wouldn't allow her male company in her room. You know how a nikka is after a nut...I aint want to stay. So I end up fukkin staying, to my dismay...and quietly fukk her for the rest of her night while her moms & pops come home & is none the wiser.

The next day, my ride flakes again. So I'm tellin LaSheekiya like "yo, I gotta get the fukk up outta here & get home..." And she's like, "we can take my car...but you have to drive, my Ls is suspended." And I'm like fukk...iight, cool. I really ain't want to, cuz I was fresh out, wit no Ls, but I trusted my instincts. So the plan was for us to hop in her Lex, me to drop myself off at home, and she was gonna drive herself back home. We pull up on my block, and I see my mans standin out on the corner. You know how nikkas is when they see you wit a new bytch, he run up to the car like "Yo, she got friends?" So I hit him like "Yo son. Mattas fact, let me go shower & change and fukk it I'll see if she do, and we can both slide thru & smash em both or do whatever..." Shorty was wit it too so she waited for me in her car for half an hour, I get back in, scoop my man, and we head to the McDonalds where she works (near her crib) to holla at her homegirl & tell her to come fukk wit us when she get off. She agrees. It's the 2nd day I've been w the bytch, and her peoples ain't getting home for at least another good 8 hours, so it's plenty of time to scoop the bytch, bring her to LaSheekiya crib, and smash em both, maybe even try to tag team both them hoes. I'm all in.

I order a Big N Tasty combo, and get my mans some food to go too, and we hop back in the whip to wait at shorty crib for her friend to get off, (mind you, my man wasn't concerned w/LaSheekiya, pressing up on her, or even speaking to her, he wanted her what came next was completely unwarranted). We get like a mile away from her house, and shorty flips out of NOWHERE. Like one of them island broad rages and shyt (real nikkas know what I'm talmbout) :whew:


And I'm like :why: "Yo........what? U was just cool wit the shyt 5 mins ago, you said ya friend could come thru n all"

And she like :birdman: "I SAID NO! fukk THAT shyt! TAKE ME HOME AND GET OUT MY CAR!!!"

And I'm like :dwillhuh: "Yo, shorty you know I ain't got no rides is fakin & shyt, fukk it if u feel like that, let me jus drop me & my man off (we live on the same block) and you can carry ya ass home. I ain't supposed to be driving anyways, I just came home...don't put me in a fukked up position like that."

And shorty starts losing her shyt.

I immediately start gunning for my neighborhood, which is a good 20 mins away, b/c I know at some point, either the police gonna get involved or the bytch gonna try to pull some fukk shyt, so I'm just trying to get as close as possible to home. Not trying to walk 30 fukkin miles and shyt. Not in July. Not ever. fukk that. So I'm drivin, and this bytch starts randomly violently flailing and bucking against her seat, like a horse trying get a nikka up off him, swinging at air, cursing, and mixing patois w/profanity all at the same damn time, and my man in the backseat and I are just like :dwillhuh: :russ:

So we're like 8 mins from my house, and we're coming up on the Magistrate's office. (Which is where most cats in my county go hit before they're booked into the country jail) it's like bookings pretty much...cops is ALWAYS parked DEEP out front. And JUST as we're passing the Magistrate's office, (which is on a 2-lane, both-directions-traffic road) this bytch reaches over and turns the key OUT of ignition as I'm doin like 35 MPH...RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE POLICE...Cursing and screaming up a storm. Not only did I almost crash the car if it weren't for my reflexes...but I'm without a L's, 2 weeks removed from jail, and I got a crazy bytch who probablly gonna get thr book thrown at me if it goes down like that. I have never hit a female in my life, and don't plan what do I do? The only thing I could think of...

I calmly started the car, as all the cops looked on, (by the time she had turned the ignition, I was prolly about 50 feet away from the office, up the it wasn't DIRECTLY in front of them, but they could the my car had stopped). I cursed the bytch out, tellin her how much of a stupid fukking bytch she is and could've almost got us killed, and how if I woulda got knocked for her pullin this dumb shyt I'd have her fukking head on a stick....and she started that flailing shyt again, only this time....the bytch unintentionally hit me in the midst of all that bucking & flailing...but I don't respond well to physical contact at all, and still, as a man who doesn't hit females, I'm thinkin bout puttin hands on her...but I had SOME sense of humanity. So as I drove, I off reflex, remembered the bag of Mickey D's in the backseat, reached back and grabbed it...took ONE bite out of that Big N Tasty, and took the bun off the top. Fresh soy meat, smothered in ketchup, mustard, pickle slices, and them lil fake ass chopped onions...I put the bottom of the burger in the palm of my left hand, steering with my right...cocked back, and caught this bytch SQUARE in the face wit that Ba-Dah-Bap-Bah-Bahhhh I'm lovin it. Splattered all over her fukkin face, car seats, window & hair. The bytch burst into tears, and ALL that crazy shyt went out the window...lmao.

The bytch was crying in Jamaican with onions and mustard dripping off her face. Earlier when I had pulled up to shower, I didn't pull directly in front of my crib, so I remembered that she didn't know EXACTLY where I stayed...It's a WalMart less than a mile from my crib, so I pulled up to the parking lot there, cursed the bytch out, and hopped out wit shorty saying "bu.....but......but how am I gonna get home?!?!" And HAULED ass wit my mans back home.

I didn't even step out the crib for like 2 weeks after that, I was so afraid she'd be riding by, wit the cops in tow...trying to identify me or my crib...I just KNEW I was going back to jail, and that she would find ways to exaggerate and embellish that shyt. But I looked back on it over beers & blunts for the rest of that summer, and from time to time, my mans would bring it up while we high like " remember that crazy bytch?" And I'd be like "Yeah, fukk that bytch....she had some GOOOOOD p*ssy tho. But yo...nikka......u know you'd prolly be dead if it wasn't for my reflexes and how I keep these hoes in check...?"

bytch was FURIOUS


".I put the bottom of the burger in the palm of my left hand, steering with my right...cocked back, and caught this bytch SQUARE in the face wit that Ba-Dah-Bap-Bah-Bahhhh I'm lovin it."

shyt almost gave me a heart attack

Banned Account12

May 24, 2012
Happened about 6 years ago.

Father passed about 3 years prior.

November came (month he died) and I was mourning.

bytch felt like I wasn't paying her any attention and flipped out saying,
"...everyone loses a fukking parent...get over it."

Took the strength of all the heavens to not strangle dat bytch!

bytch called back crying. I cancelled dat bytch like Nino!

:snoop: damn bruh


Its Lavish, hoe
May 2, 2012
Tdot.. till the death of me
This aint one of the funny ones, in fact its kinda sad cause this was my first and only love :wow:. Havent ran through this story in years but i'll try and briefly put it down.

So 2 years ago I had this girlfriend that I've known for about 10 or so years from church because our moms were kinda friends. In highschool I aint had facebook until I graduated and all my nikkas told me to get one so we could stay in touch. So I get one and in this next girl from church's photo album I see her like :ohhh:.She was always cute when we were younger but at age 7,8 that shyt dont matter...she was an actual dime when we grew up. So I add the fb, we do the wall to wall and eventually I get the MSN and we chat back and forth. She was cute but it was one of those where you aint even tryna hit because you dont see her that way.Also because I was an innocent virgin at the time.

Fast forward a year later of some talking while I'm away to school and shyt...and another half year til my halfbrothers wedding. And I get her to come through with her mom who was invited to the wedding. Man she looked good that day, we danced, caught up and from that day I had it weak to the point where instead of texting shed be calling me at random times in the night while I'm with another bytch :leon:, making me a skype account so we could videochat...all that. She was in highschool 5 star recruit mode.

So we become a couple in November, right before Christmas, and her bday in Janaury :snoop:. Randomly were conversing about clothing or some shyt and highschool on skype and I mention how back in the day, nikkas used to wear them wack nameplate earings and how they were tacky. I also say how the only kinda earrings I'd wear are some nice gold, diamond earrings but they have to be real diamonds and gold or else I wont bother. So she gets my gift idea from that I later realize. She agreed with the nameplate earring comment and says how she always wanted a nameplate pendant/necklace. Now I am a novice to the jewellry game so I didnt realize how much them joints cost. Right there the lightbulb clicked in (not on some simp shyt cause I already had her, I just wanted to make her happy like every nikka does when they meet that first one). I talk to my nikka come to find out that the joint would cost $300 like :damn:. So at that point I was like lemme chill on that til a year or two down the road but I kinda clued her in on the fact I was consdiering getting it by accident. The way I am, I dont like to disappoint so now I felt obliged :noah:. Broke student life. Ya boy took his winter break during university to grind from 6AM to 3PM in the meat factory I worked at during summers to pay for that shyt and have pocket money for utilities during school.

Fast forward to Boxing day (Dec. 26). We exchange gifts. She loves hers obviously. And the joints she got me looked :ehh:. Randomly for some reason she asks me how much I think she paid. I say 300 as a joke and shes like "are you crazy?" So I say 200...and shes like yea around there. Again I dont know how much jewels run for. So tell me how I go home after our date...and try the earrings on. I put them back in the case and see a tag with marker on that joint. Come to find out the price was not $200 but $99.99 and they were zirconias judging by the description on the tag. Now she had already lied to me about her virginity back when we first started talking and I recently found out. Now she was lying about this and I was like :birdman:. Some shyt gotta go down. I was fighting with whether or not I should deal with the matter or just ignore it. One of my brothers got in my head and long story short I told her that she could take back the earrings, give them to her brother or something because A) They arent real diamonds and B) She lied and I take that shyt personally (like an assault on my intelligence). Although I didnt say my exact reasons. In fact I actually tried to get her to admit to it saying that she musta got hustled because the price says something else so she should take em back. I didnt even think that she lied at first, I thought she legit got hustled and they spiked the prices up for christmas or sumn. She didnt admit it though.

shyt got real after that :heh:
Should i continue?

I had to stop reading once I got to the bolded. :laff: ok im good now...back to reading


R.I.P. Kobe and Nip, that’s off the rip
May 14, 2012

So as I drove, I off reflex, remembered the bag of Mickey D's in the backseat, reached back and grabbed it...took ONE bite out of that Big N Tasty, and took the bun off the top. Fresh soy meat, smothered in ketchup, mustard, pickle slices, and them lil fake ass chopped onions...I put the bottom of the burger in the palm of my left hand, steering with my right...cocked back, and caught this bytch SQUARE in the face wit that Ba-Dah-Bap-Bah-Bahhhh I'm lovin it. Splattered all over her fukkin face, car seats, window & hair. The bytch burst into tears, and ALL that crazy shyt went out the window...lmao.

this might be the GOAT paragraph ever posted in the Coli:wow:


Its Lavish, hoe
May 2, 2012
Tdot.. till the death of me
OK I got a back when I was 18 I met this freshy from Jamaica (:pachaha: I dunno what it is with these jamaicans)

we were both 18.. I used to work at a grocery store as a cashier...and I saw her walk in with her moms...she didnt come to my line so I couldnt talk to her...ironically my boy was in the store shopping as I told him to give her my number for me so he did

2 months go by, no I completely forgot about this chick...randomly she calls.."remember me from.....etc etc" so we start dating from that point.

anyways so now we dating and gettin it in..I was a virgin before her so I was new to the game...I called up one of my cousins and told him about her and I was tellin him how wack these condoms are and how I cant feel sh!t...he tells me about "durex extra thin" :ehh: so im like cool. I cop them and we gettin it in one night...and it breaks. so I pull out a next breaks....pull out my last breaks. so now im fresh out and we in the middle of this session. so we like fuk it...ill just pull out...she agreed. so we continue....and I pull out a lil felt so good going raw :ahh: dumb move on my part but I was 18...this was 12 years ago...i thought everything was ok (bein the innexperienced man I was) so a few weeks later she miss her now im freakin out...I told her to get a pregnancy test...she says no

I dunno what happened at the point, i could feel the strength of my ancestors who endured 400 years of slavery build up inside of me my vision got sure my blood pressure went heart pretty much stopped and I grab this chick by the shoulders and I asked her WHAT THE FUK YOU MEAN NO!!!!! :wtf:

she's like "no, why does it scare you that you could be tied to me for life? why are you so affraid deshawn"

im like ":wtf: were 18 years old!!!, im still in highschool" (in toronto after grade 12 we have grade 13, so im still in highschool at the time) she was dead serious...and said she not getting a test

so I stormed out her house and called my older sister and told her what happened...she as like "nah...she getting a test :ufdup:" my sis calls her up and rations with her....(I dont even believe in abortion, but I was so scared at that point i was considering it)

so my chick agrees to get tested. so im at her house in her room literally pacing back and forth while we waiting for the results...the alotted time passes and im like ok, lets check the results she grabs the test and hides the results from me :smh: man I was this close to really knocking this chick out and tossing her lifeless body out her window

so walk over to her and I told her something along the lines of, "im not playing games with you...stop fuking with me and let me see the results" in a calm voice....she just stood there chewing her gum and giving me I had to literally wrestle her for the test resluts :smh: turns out she wasnt pregnant :whew: I got my backpack ..told her it was over and and walked out the house.

I took the bus from where she lived in markham...all the way to union station toronto peeps know that bus ride from markham to finch station is about 30 min...then another 20 min from finch station to union station. so as soon get on the phone is ringing...she called me back to back all the way from markham to finch station...everytime I didnt answer she'd call this went on for 30 minutes...soon as I got to finchstation I get into the subway (no reception).....

brehs the moment I got out the subway (20 min later) my phone rang again and I hade like 10 voicemails talkin bout "you think im stupid deshawn...your phone was on and now its off and going to voicemail...your so childish...I fukin hate you...etc etc"

she was literally screaming at the top of her lungs :yeshrug:

god shamgod

May 26, 2012
I blew off this chick who's parents were outta town for 5 days on a cruise to go celebrate the bulls 5th championship(they won the championship that night) and shorty blazed me she left a voice mail on my pager and house phone :pachaha:

She wanted to fukk and was furious.In hindsight what I did was dumb as fukk cuz she was bad

Scotch Hall

All Star
May 14, 2012
#TSC and surgical shoes
Yea so first off I didnt wanna accuse her cause I wasnt 100% sure she was lying. The tag said it was from Sears and I was like, "Hmmm, a big box dept. store like sears do some shyt like spike prices for Christmas because of demand ? Nah, but Ill give her the benefit of the doubt"

So i told her to get a refund so she dont get hustled. "Final sale." (Earrings --> Hygenic concerns i guess). Then I say eff it and tell her I was just playing figuring she knows that I know (if I dropped it here I woulda been :obama:). But then that next morning, ya boy went to the meat factory for another shift and it was eating a way at me. I'm loading conveyor belts with big ass porkbellies, taking the bus home smelling like maple smoked bacon and shyt and I'm thinking to myself that it simply isnt right for me to be slaving partially for her while she out there lying and shyt. Also, we were busy i guess so we hadnt talked for 2-3 days.

Day three I message her like :ld:. Shes like "I missed you, we havent spoke in so long :smile:." I drop the bomb saying how the earrings did in fact say $99 and how as a result I dont know if i can accept them. Something along those lines and how they shouldnt go to waste so she should give them to her brother. She was mad, man I felt the recoil from that ether I served her. I immediately felt like a dumbass because I really liked this chick. :yeshrug: It was new years eve too and she was getting ready to spend it with her mom/fam. Anyways she was ignoring me after so I called her to resolve it. All was good, she said she was gonna call me at 12:00AM. But she didnt so after it was like 1AM I was like Goodnight and she called immediately. Again, I said I was being a jerk...blah blah and everything was bless.

But then the next day we spoke and the vibe was weird (text messaging you can never tell). I was overthinking it because it wasnt one of the conversations we usually have...she was kinda short it seemed. So I get straight to the point telling her that i'm getting a weird vibe and how if it persits its gonna ruin my sleep. She thought I was telling her to get over it or something but in reality I was really just telling her Im gonna lose sleep if shes still mad at mea cause I feel bad :laugh:. Man I havent recollected this story but smmfh looking back at this dumb shyt.

So anyways she starts telling me how she cant believe how rude I am, how at first she thought I just didnt care but now she thinks I'm oblivious to how rude I am. She basically said (in poor grammar) that my level of intelligence in school matches my stupidity with people/poor emotional quotient. So at this point I was like :merchant:. I didnt expect that reaction to my innocent plead of forgiveness. Fast forward we were talking, I kinda calmed her down and then I said something about how I feel like she's being judgmental acting like I have no people skills and saying I'm a snob. I mean damn. That created a silence. She asked for a break the next day (it was a break up looking back). And then we were never the same.

In march I then felt like she was stringing me along...seeing club pics on FB and shyt, breadcrumb messages ansd then not answering my replies. Basically it felt like I was demoted on some fukk shyt. She never disresepected me like that when she was enthralled so I knew it was some shyt. I messaged her so that we could get to the bottom of it, for closure sake. And we ended up having such a heated argument. During the heat of the argument she was saying how I make her feel like a whore for lying about her virginity (relates to a best buy incident), a liar and like she isnt good enough. I said something like this:

"E _ _ _, if I really thought you werent good enough, a whore or whatever do you think I would have spent my christmas break, slaving in a meat factory, working 40 hour weeks so I could earn a little bit of money to buy your christmas gift."

That phrase right there was what turned me into the nikka I am today. :pacspit:

Me: "Thats the whole point. I had no obligation to to it, but I still did because I genuinely just wanted to make you happy. "

She wasnt hearing it. Yadda yadda..But yea, we were done after that. It was a damn shame man. She was the right girl. I couldve got it back last year but my egos too big so she can eat a dikk. Wwe were young though maybe she deserves another chance.

Heres the kicker though: Because of our distance and schedule conflicts we didnt get to smash even though we wanted to so badly. ::whew: There was a time where she wanted to get a hotel but i was on some, "No need to waste money and rush it like that, itll happen soon enough. :yeshrug:" You live and you learn.


reTIreMEnt: THE ALBUM (01/22) ALL DSPs
Oct 15, 2012
:russ: If it wasn't for you caping so damn hard for an e-victory I'd swear you was high right now..
I remembered your post because you wrote an anti-weed thesis, I asked if you smoked, you said occasionally (in a drawn out unnecessary way). End of story.
I aint debating smoking weed with you, just curious whether you smoked or not because (as I said earlier) most who take such a strong stance against it (writing up essays) usually dont partake in it.
I know substance abusers who are also on health trips now and they are against alcohol/weed period, so I asked. I didnt think you'd get all offended about that shyt :mjpls:

Like I said, you still a clown. Lmao "strong stance against it" ??? When did that happen. You got an addict mentality. That's the shyt I was talking about. Not being able to admit it's a drug and not knowing when/if you have a problem.

All this "you have a strong stance against it" puttin words in my mouth shyt is just corny. Like I said. You brought up a 5 month old post, and got offended because of it then tried to hit me on some "oh wait, you smoke too though?" :dwillhuh: shyt, when that wasn't even the case for my "thesis"...

You nikkas are funny man. Another reason why you shouldn't smoke ALL the time :deadrose:


The bay is in the area.
Jun 26, 2012
Filllmoe, CA n the Sigma of Phi Beta
That earring story, I thought there was going to be some big reveal like she spent more money on someone else, but it just quietly destroyed the relationship from the inside out, and you were working at a fukking meat factory, brutal. I don't know if you are right in thinking she was something you should regret, but when you are young...everything seems stupid in hindsight.

The only relationship Ive really had was when I was 19, Indian (feather) girl, a lot of alcohol, binge drinking, altercations, one of those real tumultuous and brief affairs, I remember her cracking me in the head with a Smirnoff Ice bottle, on some just appeared from a doorway and ambushed me, when I came home at like 3:00 AM.
:ninja2::bryan: i laughed real tears....

I put it in Gods hands, got on my knees in front of her and offered her an opportunity to slay me but she didnt want to kill me. So i stood up like :steviej: and she put the blade to her wrist. I took it from her, hugged her, kept packing and left.

So im driving home from the SAN DIEGO ZOO!!!

with my x and she noticed i have the Aaliyah cd in my cd player. She wants to hear one of the songs on the cd. I tell her no because i want to listen to some real hiphop but i tell her she can borrow the cd from me if she wants to hear the song all day long. This isnt good enough for her so for some reason some friction kicked off. She presses the cd button, i press the tape button, she presses the cd button i press the tape button. This goes back and forth maybe 4 times and then this demonic individual takes her finger nails and digs them into my hand, breaking my skin. While she was breaking the skin i looked at her like :hmm:

With one hand still on the wheel i rotated the wheel to 2 o clock and 10 o clock in a rapid back and forth motion. The sudden movement caused her to become afraid like people that are scared. You could hear a pin drop in the car before i turned my real hiphop on. When we got back to my house we're walking to my door and she bursts into tears saying shes sorry. I thought "This chick is insane"

Its so demonic, friends. :sitdown:


Banned Account12

May 24, 2012
The only relationship Ive really had was when I was 19, Indian (feather) girl, a lot of alcohol, binge drinking, altercations, one of those real tumultuous and brief affairs, I remember her cracking me in the head with a Smirnoff Ice bottle, on some just appeared from a doorway and ambushed me, when I came home at like 3:00 AM.


Free Sheist
May 1, 2012
When I go out of my way for somebody and they say something like this it makes me want to melt a child's ice cream breh :rucksammy: :demonic:
real shyt. it was a perfect example of how a girl can think with emotion > logic. And it taught me all i need to know about not just women but human nature. Never again. Even my last girlfriend would say how I am not romantic, how I dont try hard. And while I was trying, deep down I just didnt care to invest any real, real effort like I did with this one.

That shyt had me fukkin heated. In order to make the story shorter I cut out all the imagery. But nikkas was walking home from the library where I was studying for a finance exam all pissed and shyt. It was dark and raining like a muhhfukka outside lol. I was leaving so I could talk to her on the phone and she wouldnt even answer the calls like a coward. I got home and my roommate even said that was the only time he actually saw any bit of anger within me. :damn:

Mr. Somebody

Friend Of A Friend
May 10, 2012
Los Angeles


Yea im serious. I gave her an opportunity to destroy us to see how deep her demonic posssession was but she did not have it in her to execute me. She was bluffing to get me to stay. God was on my side that day. This woman was clearly under the control of a demon though. She ripped a piece of her bangs out in rage. I was like. :patrice: When it came down to what really mattered though, she folded.

Dominic Brehetto

Rest In Piss To Your Cousin
Jun 14, 2012
i was dating a girl from the czech republic, she was crazy as fukk,but the p*ssy was good.

two instances that i remember,her,me and a female friend of mine went to a movie,the chronicles of narnia. the girls are sitting on either side of me. all of sudden my girl storms out of the theatre. my friend is like yo wtf, so im like fukk it that bytch is crazy lets just enjoy the movie. my friends like arent you gonna check on her?i shrug it off cuz shes just a wild chick that flips out.

so we finish the movie,keep in mind that shyts over two hours long. we walk out into the lobby and my girl runs up behind me and unleashes a 12 hit combo on my head. keep in my mind this in front of hundreds of people. i grab her arms and restrain her then she starts screamin imma cheating piece of shyt. at this point i cant take it anymore so i grab my popcorn and dump it on her. she starts crying,then peanut gallery bytches start yelling at me saying im abusive im like the fukk?do you not see me bleeding out my mouth?

Dominic Brehetto

Rest In Piss To Your Cousin
Jun 14, 2012
thats when i notice staff on the phone, obviously calling cops. now at first i was gonna leave her(my other friend just dissapeared.) but i didnt want this crazy bytch duck taling to the cops. so i grab her throw her in the car. drove home and proceeded to that savage angry sex.

sad thing is we dated for three years and i got like 20 stories like this. including one in the middle of a threesome. she just a dime and i was 19,young and dumb.