Fam I was like uhh 7+3 is 12 whereDoes Talib think theres 10 months in a year?
Rap skills aside, hes an ass.
Yeah I can rip this in 6 minutes literally but nah fukk thatKweli and the folks arguing with him are retarded.
Hell I look like buying music in 2023. I would have hit him with the "brb going to download your album for free" and been done with it.
I cant believe I used to stan this guy when Reflection Eternal dropped
His brother has clout/came up a bit after Talib was banned from twitter, look him upDAMN HE GOT HIS IG BACK? HOW??
FactsTalib spit his ASS OFF on that album no cap. He outrapped Mos throughout the whole thing. Dude sounded like he was rhyming for his life.
But on topic. Social Media has been the WORST THING that ever happened to this man. He comes off so corny and over bothered about bullshyt people say. He’s absolutely right that he doesn’t owe anybody any explanations for his business moves, so why even get into it? Fans of Blackstar are going to buy both the digital AND Vinyl regardless of the online bytching, its not necessary to get into a back and forth