@twan83 Talk to me Lil Daddy. Is shyt shyt really like that?
I think I watched to about when buddy fell in love with the cosplayer that in real life was paralyzed or something.
never went back
lil daddy?

As far as sao I’m a huge fan of it so I say go for it
I haven’t seen the new arc alicization that is 50 eps long at all but I read it and it was good as shyt
The underworld war is alicization arc they just renamed the last 25 episodes that for some reason
So it’s 25 alicization
Underworld war part 1 12 episodes
Underworld war part 2 think 12 episodes which is this season
before that u still got fairy arc after aincrad arc which is when he leaves sao
Then u got season 2 which is ggo/ brief arc of Excalibur’s arc/ then mothery Rosario as final arc for season 2
after that u got sao ordinal scale movie
then the whole alicization thing I said earlier
whether u like it or not is matter of opinion