Swole talks about representation issues with AEW


Jun 3, 2012
you couldn't even read that right because you couldn't wait to jump in with some bullshyt whataboutery.

I said she's sick of seeing wrestling twitter in her mentions and if she wants black twitter to find and engage with her on a regular basis then she'll need to leave that company.
Leaving that company won’t stop shytty fans from harassing her. Sasha banks and Naomi can at test to that but sure whatever you say breh.


Jun 3, 2012
Idk about the Sky situation but the TBS title and tournament was basically set up for Jade to win it, even before the whole TK/Swole situation so how was that not done organically? They could’ve easily gave it to Rosa, Deeb, or Ruby.
Scorpio was cutting promos on tv about that tv title months and months before Big Swole became Sojourner Truth for people who hate AEW.


May 5, 2012
Uptown, Downtown, Switzerland
Leaving that company won’t stop shytty fans from harassing her. Sasha banks and Naomi can at test to that but sure whatever you say breh.

So quick to basically say “b-b-but it would happen in WWE…”

I never said she wouldn’t get harassed in another company, I never even said anything about harassment. I just said she must be sick of seeing a certain type avi in her mentions and if she wants to be embraced by “black twitter” she’ll need to leave that company or do something along with it

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
This situation is all cap.

As tony originally in aew.
tony signed every type of black rep of any kind.
even if we do not agree with their preference.
To the point the first women's champion was a black rican transgendered man.
Plus an androgynous pagan was signed and is still there. Whereas joey janela has not been retained.
Along with scorpio being the first male tag champion.
Plus in singles the first five star tv match i ranted.

So tony rep'd without discrimination from aew's inception.
Plus swole'$ largest profile female feud was swole vs baker.

When baker endured injury.

Swole was just not an adept enough worker. Yet plucked from obscurity...swole was even used.
Without any of the accolades of an indie hero who saved wrasslin.

Mike tyson was used.
Jade cargill was used.
Brandi had a fun drink show.
Red velvet was built up.
The hood chick with the funny shriek was used.
The fiyoine black chick was used.
Princess aminata was used.
Powerhouse hobbs was used.
Top flight was used.
Pineapple pete was used.
The sarge was used.
Lee in cody's stable opposite arn's kid.
Ricky starks was an early nwa cross promotional guy with incredible theme music. To later given a strap too.

All this swole shyt is cap.
As she never got over.
Which was not tony's fault.

Tony even kept swole feud with baker going.
When he could have cancelled it.
Yet swole originally had the full production in vignette to hardcore match.
She was the most featured none high quality worker.
who was not an indie hero who saved wrasslin as well.

Swole is all cap.
Khan is in trouble for responding emotionally in a pro environment.
From being wrongly attacked.

He is wrong for that.

Yet tony khan originally did right by every type of black person he could recruit to aew from the indies.

Even to the detriment of a new product. As the women division was originally main evented by a black other man.

That i hated to review and boycotted support of.
To even a black man playing an androgynous pagan as well.
Which i also boycotted.
Plus raised the idea that it hurt aew as a gateway for kids.

So all this swole representation is all cap.
Only issue swole could voice about khan and black people in aew.

Was the fact aew had androgynous pagans on camera for a wrasslin show viewed by children.
Which is a whole nother rant separate from swole's expressive misguided cap.

All because she just never made much more of a draw for herself.
This witch hunt being picked up erroneously by wwe fans.
Mad about no watch gang and the return of hogun on wwe tv is bogus and disengenuine.

Art Barr


Jun 3, 2012
So quick to basically say “b-b-but it would happen in WWE…”

I never said she wouldn’t get harassed in another company, I never even said anything about harassment. I just said she must be sick of seeing a certain type avi in her mentions and if she wants to be embraced by “black twitter” she’ll need to leave that company or do something along with it
“Leaving that company” isn’t gonna change shyt tho, that’s the point you keep sidestepping to talk about “what aboutism” or whatever but aight you got it! I’ll leave you to cape for Sojourner Swole in peace.

The post you responded to didn’t say anything about wwe lol, I simply mentioned two black women wrestlers that are “embraced black twitter” who are still targeted by a$$holes online constantly.
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Sep 15, 2015
This situation is all cap.

As tony originally in aew.
tony signed every type of black rep of any kind.
even if we do not agree with their preference.
To the point the first women's champion was a black rican transgendered man.
Plus an androgynous pagan was signed and is still there. Whereas joey janela has not been retained.
Along with scorpio being the first male tag champion.
Plus in singles the first five star tv match i ranted.

So tony rep'd without discrimination from aew's inception.
Plus swole'$ largest profile female feud was swole vs baker.

When baker endured injury.

Swole was just not an adept enough worker. Yet plucked from obscurity...swole was even used.
Without any of the accolades of an indie hero who saved wrasslin.

Mike tyson was used.
Jade cargill was used.
Brandi had a fun drink show.
Red velvet was built up.
The hood chick with the funny shriek was used.
The fiyoine black chick was used.
Princess aminata was used.
Powerhouse hobbs was used.
Top flight was used.
Pineapple pete was used.
The sarge was used.
Lee in cody's stable opposite arn's kid.
Ricky starks was an early nwa cross promotional guy with incredible theme music. To later given a strap too.

All this swole shyt is cap.
As she never got over.
Which was not tony's fault.

Tony even kept swole feud with baker going.
When he could have cancelled it.
Yet swole originally had the full production in vignette to hardcore match.
She was the most featured none high quality worker.
who was not an indie hero who saved wrasslin as well.

Swole is all cap.
Khan is in trouble for responding emotionally in a pro environment.
From being wrongly attacked.

He is wrong for that.

Yet tony khan originally did right by every type of black person he could recruit to aew from the indies.

Even to the detriment of a new product. As the women division was originally main evented by a black other man.

That i hated to review and boycotted support of.
To even a black man playing an androgynous pagan as well.
Which i also boycotted.
Plus raised the idea that it hurt aew as a gateway for kids.

So all this swole representation is all cap.
Only issue swole could voice about khan and black people in aew.

Was the fact aew had androgynous pagans on camera for a wrasslin show viewed by children.
Which is a whole nother rant separate from swole's expressive misguided cap.

All because she just never made much more of a draw for herself.
This witch hunt being picked up erroneously by wwe fans.
Mad about no watch gang and the return of hogun on wwe tv is bogus and disengenuine.

Art Barr
Embarrassing post. Imagine throwing her under the bus to :cape:for Tony Khan, especially after he sent a bunch of racist beards to attack her and her kid.

And you had the nerve to say some shyt like this in the Big E thread:

"DESE ol goof ass nikkaz got no solidarity to black people."




May 5, 2012
Uptown, Downtown, Switzerland
“Leaving that company” isn’t gonna change shyt tho, that’s the point you keep sidestepping to talk about “what aboutism” or whatever but aight you got it! I’ll leave you to cape for Sojourner Swole in peace. lol

we're not all like yous, you won't see be cape for a wrestler, I don't care for 80% of them and I never knew who he she was till this thread.
doesn't mean she should've been subjected to what she did because an insecure trust fund kid snorting adderall off the back of an iphone, seen a headline and jumped out the window like a dikkhead.

we were even talking about Swole and you had to get a dig in about her.
the people that love "that company" can't help themselves with the funnystyle shyt. it's funny.


Jun 4, 2013
So quick to basically say “b-b-but it would happen in WWE…”

I never said she wouldn’t get harassed in another company, I never even said anything about harassment. I just said she must be sick of seeing a certain type avi in her mentions and if she wants to be embraced by “black twitter” she’ll need to leave that company or do something along with it

All she gotta do is keep doing what she’s doing and reality tv will call her, and possibly WB booking a main character from their network in a film. You give black Twitter far too much credit

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
Swole fiyoine.
ced a lucky guy but not sure how i would be about my wife doing an only fan.
she also has an interesting story as to how she became this character.
don't think an only fans fits with her character being a kid friendly type of face character tho.

art barr


not sure wtf you be looking at on tv when swole come.
no cap tho..
except yo whole post a tweak tho.
especially the bolded.

art barr

ol girl is fiyoine as fukk.
she married tho.
so, all the ooglin is for naught and makes no sense for her to do.
given she is married.
I want their in the business based marriage to succeed and kinda don't see the point.
of her marketing herself in an eye candy based manner.
I guess i care about black love at this point.
or some shyt on a more do the right thing level being a single father this long now.

art barr

Not sure if the pr for swole being on onlyfans here was part of a media pr blitz package.
Yet if it was.
They failed to even inform us of big swole being on shot of Brandi.

Swole is charismatically funny as fukk too.

Damn why she look like the number one love of my life.

Damn it mayne..

Ced Yousa lucky nikka,... :salute:

Dope story on how she met ced too.
Which features a positive black love story on shot of brandy.
That we get a black love origin story.

Art Barr

she got enough charisma.
you gonna lol at her buss'n it open.
when you see it on shot of brandy tho.

art barr

If you’re dropping AEW because of Tony’s tweet, then you gotta drop WWE too :yeshrug: . Especially if you kept watching after this clip happened.

Show me where Swole implied TK was racist.

In timeline aew lost kong.
Then just got jay lethal.

So it is more about no black top tier drawing talent from the indie heroes who saved wrasslin available. Who were available in aew to take a place on the card.
With swole.
She was what i perceived as a viewer.
to be their foray into giving a window open. For developing black aew originals.
Plus as athe opening gateway act who were kinda green but still given a platform to ramp. Which swole did but would regress. By not elevating their character or grassroots gimmick to thr next level. Ala her own husband in roh. Which for a time was a top flight 180 heel character with valet turn. Plus a mainstray in roh tv. Even amoung ach and jay lethal by perception. To be inbhigher pecking order.

On the male side their just does not exist a large pool of black grapplers who grassroots got over. To warrant the type of push the indie heroes would generally illicit.
Yet in that on the female side of aew. Black women have been given rocketship to complete elevation character style pushes. After swole. That make it hard to see her full critique. When there is a shortage of black inring high workrate and character based performers that are male.
Which js normal becUse wrasslin atypically has almost nonexistant to extremely rare black grappler talent.
After the indie heroes who saved wrasslin were perceived.
As wrasslin has a complete disconnect and lack of convincability in the black community as a pre-req.

So i understand swole's critique. Yet in timeline aew has booked a long term work. That replaces kong on slow build.
according to the experience level of the talent in jade cargill.
Where cargill has to be protected via workrate.

Just like swole had to have attention paid to ramp her as well versus baker ramping as well.

It is disengenuine in swole's rant to mention her husband
When her husband alternatively is only booked along with amyone else black. As they play oander based games. For bringing back tha goblin hogan. Which is so disengenuine. That theybreflect in thr booking outcomes of the wwe blatantly as bullshyt.

Plus the disengenuine idea no rant in print of this has been poated by the socalled ban hammer violating of the wwe hogun boycott in thr first place.
As swole has selective memory as to why her husband even appeared on tv in the first place. While also never comparing the quality of work her husband supplied at roh. incomaparison to his third long term burial in progress character from his debut to the hurt business. Not to mention thr long term burial of every black grappler systematically. To save face from unbanning tha orange gobln hulk hogun terry bollea wrongly.
While not understanding the fake race based pandering booking.
Also pales incomparison to the wwe copycat undermine bokking of the bdc in the wwe as thr hurt business. Which makes a mockery of the past greatest swerve in wraslli bhistory. Where mvp came to actually own thr company by cerebral savvy and booking.

So i just cram to understand her critique or anyone past brandi rhodes....
Cringe moments.
Yet those moments have been made to put over her cousin and jade cargill.

Maybe her husband's horrific promo earlier was offkey and offbrand.

Yet past that and several endorsements of babylon androgynous pagan style workers.
Aew has rebuilt from its original loss of direction to awesome kong early. While swole was also the origibal replacement devoid of draw or workrare pedigree or sound characger execution as well.

So i understand the critique. Yet the personnell was lost in legacy and pedigree in awesome kong. Plus originally and even in brandi rhodes's credit. The cringe promo was to put over her cousin scorpio sky. Whom was the inaugural tag champion.
Plus even i ranted the scorpio sky elevation program match with darby allin.

So by actual timeline. Swole may have a bit of credence backstage. As we do not know that aspect of the company.
as smarts or marks looking in from afar.
Yet if we trace the timeline and availability.
of actual top flight indie heroes who saved wrasslin.
Swole's critique. Can be cross examined and filed.
Yet as a smart watching the product.
Factually her critique can be easily debunked.
Given the variables and ramp based built works in aew for black talent.
We have seen publically put infront of us as smart, casualfan or mark.
It is just not really true.
Especially when the black talent named jay lethal.
Is on the same level of the best wrasslers in the original aew elite omega Danielson and styles.
Whom was immediately snatched and given an all eyes on me title match.
Plus on the female side. The longburn build of jade cargill to red velvet is also Taking place. Despite swole not trying to stay put and build to a program to dethrone britt baker. Whome she swole bested in hardcore matches and promos originally.

Art Barr
Embarrassing post. Imagine throwing her under the bus to :cape:for Tony Khan, especially after he sent a bunch of racist beards to attack her and her kid.

And you had the nerve to say some shyt like this in the Big E thread:

"DESE ol goof ass nikkaz got no solidarity to black people."



More half truths false equivalency from a cornette rockette cuckold.

You wwe fake ass stans are completely fake kevin smith style black fake African medallion revolutionaries.
@Crowd Surf Off A Cliff


I urge you to follow the suggestion of your username.
As you do not have an credence.

Plus you skimmed any and all history of wrasslin. To fake be a arm chair revoltuonary. When you have not ever fought for civil rights or human rights like moi. So when you reqdy to really know all the variables of any situation. You better ha e your life mastered befoee you quote me with your wwe arm chair revoltuonary stsnning and imbeded huff monster troll joke that fail yiu ho ass cornette rockette cuckold.

Art Barr

*fun rant relevent links


again,..for all you fake arm chair cornette rockette cuckolds in this forum.

where were you tho.

you are the most disengenuine brand of black wrassler posters in the history of bytchassness.
as you have created a fake witch hunt. so you could fake like you are black.
yet when really asked to support black issues. you are nowhere to be found.

you motherfukkers are the lowest of the low of c00ns.

you fake false equivalency c00n enablers and supporters better stfu.

Art Barr
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Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
@Crowd Surf Off A Cliff

this is for you.

you fake armchair revolutionary.

Tomorrow, The Scandal Breaks: WWE Will Sever All Ties with Hulk Hogan
Tomorrow, The Scandal Breaks: WWE Will Sever All Ties with Hulk Hogan


art barr
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Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
to you cornette rockette cuckolds.

i still have not seen one match rant on nikkamania....
when they made a preshow and put it on television and fake marketed it as wrestlemania.
yet it was not on sunday.
they gave you the same fukk'n mania preshow...they always did.
where they removed the usos, to their wives...to sasha.
they just made a show about it.
to fake save face and you goofies went for it.

still never ranted on the match.

nor spoke on the precedent of what that slap in the face was.
after for dollars wwe brought back hogan.

where is the biana vs sasha match.




where is your match rants you fukk'n c00n.

this goes to any of you c00ns and cornette rockette cuckolds on here.
trying to make fake false equivalence.

while still being fake as a vinyl african medallion.

you fake ass arm chair revolutionaries.

please up when you fought and actually went to the legal system like you fighting for civil rights.

y'all fake as fukk and if i see any of you in dese coli sckreets.

yoyu know it is a table on site.

now quote me if you can survive if i let you.

we can play the ignorant gif game, short hand long hand and you gon lose cause you can not dispute a fact.

now have at it..eh.

art barr
Apr 2, 2017
Tony is the owner of a company. He responded emotionally to a worker's feelings about representation. A living, breathing diversity manager at any company will tell you that you should never do anything to devalue someone else's workplace perception about diversity, even if YOU believe it to be false. Swole gave an interview about good and bad in AEW, like SO MANY others from AEW do when they first arrive, speaking on the good and bad of wherever they worked previously. Whether or not you think her points are cap is NOT the point. She could be the worst wrestler in the world, and it has no bearing on what she said. TK should have debated the points, not the person or their worthiness based solely on wrestling ability. He should have stated his record with talent like you did below. He kind of did, but then he got emotional throwing a shot, and that's where he lost. And his emotional-ness about it opened up the Twitter idiots to debase Swole even more, to where no one talks on her points, and it's all about her as a person, mother, or wrestler. THAT is foul, and what I am against. Also, after Swole speaking up, the show is pushing more and more male black wrestlers. This is not a coincidence. As a leader, you have to lead correctly, and TK didn't do that in that moment and deserves criticism for it. No cap.

This situation is all cap.

As tony originally in aew.
tony signed every type of black rep of any kind.
even if we do not agree with their preference.
To the point the first women's champion was a black rican transgendered man.
Plus an androgynous pagan was signed and is still there. Whereas joey janela has not been retained.
Along with scorpio being the first male tag champion.
Plus in singles the first five star tv match i ranted.

So tony rep'd without discrimination from aew's inception.
Plus swole'$ largest profile female feud was swole vs baker.

When baker endured injury.

Swole was just not an adept enough worker. Yet plucked from obscurity...swole was even used.
Without any of the accolades of an indie hero who saved wrasslin.

Mike tyson was used.
Jade cargill was used.
Brandi had a fun drink show.
Red velvet was built up.
The hood chick with the funny shriek was used.
The fiyoine black chick was used.
Princess aminata was used.
Powerhouse hobbs was used.
Top flight was used.
Pineapple pete was used.
The sarge was used.
Lee in cody's stable opposite arn's kid.
Ricky starks was an early nwa cross promotional guy with incredible theme music. To later given a strap too.

All this swole shyt is cap.
As she never got over.
Which was not tony's fault.

Tony even kept swole feud with baker going.
When he could have cancelled it.
Yet swole originally had the full production in vignette to hardcore match.
She was the most featured none high quality worker.
who was not an indie hero who saved wrasslin as well.

Swole is all cap.
Khan is in trouble for responding emotionally in a pro environment.
From being wrongly attacked.

He is wrong for that.

Yet tony khan originally did right by every type of black person he could recruit to aew from the indies.

Even to the detriment of a new product. As the women division was originally main evented by a black other man.

That i hated to review and boycotted support of.
To even a black man playing an androgynous pagan as well.
Which i also boycotted.
Plus raised the idea that it hurt aew as a gateway for kids.

So all this swole representation is all cap.
Only issue swole could voice about khan and black people in aew.

Was the fact aew had androgynous pagans on camera for a wrasslin show viewed by children.
Which is a whole nother rant separate from swole's expressive misguided cap.

All because she just never made much more of a draw for herself.
This witch hunt being picked up erroneously by wwe fans.
Mad about no watch gang and the return of hogun on wwe tv is bogus and disengenuine.

Art Barr

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
Tony is the owner of a company. He responded emotionally to a worker's feelings about representation. A living, breathing diversity manager at any company will tell you that you should never do anything to devalue someone else's workplace perception about diversity, even if YOU believe it to be false. Swole gave an interview about good and bad in AEW, like SO MANY others from AEW do when they first arrive, speaking on the good and bad of wherever they worked previously. Whether or not you think her points are cap is NOT the point. She could be the worst wrestler in the world, and it has no bearing on what she said. TK should have debated the points, not the person or their worthiness based solely on wrestling ability. He should have stated his record with talent like you did below. He kind of did, but then he got emotional throwing a shot, and that's where he lost. And his emotional-ness about it opened up the Twitter idiots to debase Swole even more, to where no one talks on her points, and it's all about her as a person, mother, or wrestler. THAT is foul, and what I am against. Also, after Swole speaking up, the show is pushing more and more male black wrestlers. This is not a coincidence. As a leader, you have to lead correctly, and TK didn't do that in that moment and deserves criticism for it. No cap.

thank you for reading my comments and expounding on the fact.
that i also stated that khan took a wrong approach. as well

prolific posting...

thank you.

finally someone on this forum who genuinely responded and reviewed the real relevent commentary.
not some arm chair cornette rockette cuckold c00n.

thank you,...

finally someone who reads in full and answered with intelligence.
relevant to what FACTUALLY OCCURRED.

the rest of you cornette rockette cuck c00ns
@Max. to his little c00n coalition.
could learn something.
by from viewing this from behind the @Hitman's Shades

art barr

*additional rant adulation

@Hitman's Shades

again thank you...for being one of the first signs of intelligence here.
since those bytches at rocafella ruined my community trolling in 2001.
twenty ones years ago.

thank you

art barr
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