Swole talks about representation issues with AEW


Heavily Armed
Sep 14, 2013
The 718
Man listening to the whole podcast and goddamn TK is on such overly emotional fukkshyt. Swole was saying good things about TK up and down the podcast about how generous he was, taking talent out to dinner, being a nice guy, and how incredible that he's managed to make everything work, and he does this shyt.

Pull Up the Roots

I have a good time when I go out of my mind..
Sep 15, 2015
@KevJ - Why don't you fukk off back to whatever shyt-hole it is you crawled out from under.


but you'll all still be making threads about how you're offended next time something racist happens to blacks.

complaining about racism (WHILE BEING A RACIST) and then asking yourself why the world is so fukked

It's funny to me to see most of you outraged when you are all just as racist as sterling

Most of y'all do nothing but hate on whites on this board

But then want to change your tune and act all offended? Which is it? Does racism offend you or are you no better?

Remove all the rep you want, it's true, I don't give a fukk about internet rep

The majority of the people on this board are very vocal about their hate for whites

he's right... stop making excuses, work harder...

Can't believe people are mad over this;

I said a lot of dumb shyt when I was young without realizing the meaning or significance.

God damn, I fukking hate twitter and social media.

This shyt is so stupid. There could be a video of mike brown attacking the cop and people would still boycott. Setting back the black race at least ten years here.

Why is it so hard for people to admit that mike brown was not a choir boy and brought this upon himself? Bullying a clerk at a store, attacking a cop?

This board is straight garbage now

Most blacks on this site have no shame in admitting they hate whites yet complain about racism when they are racist themselves

This world going to hell

Hey you cocksuckers

How's your hero Jameis the thief thug racist loser doing?

He's a rapist thief loser thug

fukk him

This board is living proof that blacks can be racist

Not playing victim, just pointing out the hypocrisy of a board full of people that hate whites crying racism

But if a place hired only white people and bragged about it, they'd be racist


Both were wrongly suspended by the NFL

Zeke is no choir boy, Brady is tho


Everybody a racist according to the coli

yes, complain about racism and then make racial slur yourself

the coli y’all


May 7, 2012
West where the Sunsets
Man listening to the whole podcast and goddamn TK is on such overly emotional fukkshyt. Swole was saying good things about TK up and down the podcast about how generous he was, taking talent out to dinner, being a nice guy, and how incredible that he's managed to make everything work, and he does this shyt.
It was childish and unprofessional. Dude needs to step away from the Twitter fingers. :scust:


All Star
Oct 19, 2017
Honestly Swole should not have even included Non black POC in her statements she should have outright said that there isn't enough black representation in AEW. She was trying to be nice and be inclusive but them mf's can't even be bothered to have her back. Typical non black POC behavior
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Apr 2, 2017
The more I think on this, the more TK is being an idiot. Wrestling history says most all promoters had wrestlers of high rank (main event/upper midcard) to appeal to ethnic demographics in their territory.

Vince J. McMahon = Bobo for black folks, Bruno for the Italians, Pedro Morales for the Puerto Ricans, hell he called Hulk Hogan "Hogan" to appeal to the Irish.

Ole Anderson's prejudiced ass = Thunderbolt Patterson, Tony Atlas, etc. booked blacks to draw to a black audience

Vince K. McMahon = Tony Atlas and Rocky Johnson, JYD, Tito Santana as I-C Champion, tried to make Ahmed Johnson, put the belt on Eddy and Rey to draw Hispanics, put the belt on Great Khali and Jinder Mahal to draw Indian fans (and yeah he had Saba Simba, Kamala, Mexicools, so he is nowhere near perfect, but he understood representation to reach an audience for monetary reasons.)

Bill Watts - JYD, Butch Reed, Ron Simmons in WCW

Numerous southwest promoters had tons of Mexican stars to draw. (Guerreros, Gino Hernandez, Manny Fernandez, etc.)

Ernie Ladd was a big star wherever he went.

Who does TK have that is an upper midcard/main event level guy who is black? No one. Eddie is there as an NY Puerto Rican. Who else? Lucha Bros have just got there. Santana and Ortiz have not gotten the belts and get overlooked a lot. Scorpio Sky is not at that level, neither are Hobbs or Starks, although they can be one day. AEW has struggled to grow past 1 million viewers ever since NXT left Wednesday nights, and maybe, just maybe part of that reason is because they don't appeal to any demographic but 18-49 and their top male wrestlers have little diversity. How many angles from Kenny and the Bucks are filled with frat boy humor? Does that appeal to black folk? Does anything on the show culturally appeal to us? WWE has New Day, Street Profits, Bianca, MVP, Lashley... all different but all seem authentically black and I can identify with them as main event wrestlers. Impact has Moose, Rich Swann, etc. ROH had Lethal, Gresham, etc. Again, who does AEW have? Swole has a point, but you know "RACISM!!!!"