Swole talks about representation issues with AEW


Dec 15, 2013
Y'all noticed when the uproar got too heavy they had Jade and the Brazilian ring rat like sleeper agents ready to go with same script:

"Login and talk about how you can't wait for your match and how excited you are to be here. Make sure you tag Tony in it before you hit send. The last part is VERY important!!"

All I know is Jade can't cry about how black women get treated in the business anymore after tonight, when one just got shytted on for what could ultimately help your situation. And what could you possibly think Tony thinks about you when you're one of the greenest workers in the profession lol

We don't need to hear how fed up you are next time the mountain dew heathens jump all over you and bully you into deleting accounts again

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
:mjlol:Breh I barely see the kufi on Vince after that Bianca shyt, but I can't shyt on the fact that he allowed the Hurt Business to be a thing despite all good things going to a end:francis:.

Wrestling in general sucks if you are wanting some sort of diversity.

Hell my beloved DDT barely have anything black to hit the canvas with the exception of the logo:francis:

Stop this shyt is you showcasing you have wwe bias.

As there is no way you can cite the hurt business as being of quality. When none of you wwre compelled to write any rants about amy of the products. Plus the hurt business is completely inferior in scope to the bdc and mvp.
Plus any run lashley made in tna after that.
as well as the destroyer.

Not to mentuon neutering bibby lashley and his moveset since his return. Then booking an inferior lashley to brock on purpose as well.
Then playing divide and conquer using big e and lashley as well. When the narrative was better served for big e to go over roman. Plus lashley should have went over brock in build as well.

Yet here are the lot of you. Who supposed to have banned watching wwe. Yet try to list the pandering of the nikka mania preday show of wrestlemania. Like it was some triumph. When it was not even on the real day or card of mania which is sunday. Plus continued to never actually really crown a black champion in the wwe on wrestlemania sunday in a main event as well.
Which also spans back as far as.
hosing the rock in favor of the no talent hack son in law twenty Plus years as well.

Art Barr

Kidd Dibiase

Nov 23, 2013
Idk if its been said but this could put a target on unsigned black talent if they agree and express that on twitter

folks can show that to Tony or he could just see it and use it as a means to not sign them


Hollywood North
May 6, 2012
I think they are aware of this now and certainly trying with some of the recent signings but again when they started they focused so much on the indy scene which was pretty heavily white as wrestling usually is. I thought when AEW started and Cody made declerations about being diverse and the Ellis Island of pro wrestling it was a mistake. There was no evidence to suggest that they had. It also looks bad when WWE and the other feds like even ROH had strong representation of black wrestlers but keep in mind that came also after how long? Right now they gotta a lot of free agents available (Gresham, Strickland),but keep in mind they also have to want to sign to AEW and if they dont want to you're not gonna see the change. Also and probably the most notablabe of all, signing a guy like Jay Lethal and not building a program immediatley might draw criticism. I know they tend to start things slow but in light of representation I would have thought they woul do something. At least there seems to something with Jade Gargill for now but they got a ways to go.


Street Terrorist
May 1, 2012
Big Swole Explains How Lack Of Diversity And Structure Led To Her Leaving AEW | Fightful News

"My heart just stopped being in it as the reason why I left AEW. I felt like there were a lot of things, and I told them in my exit interview, there are a lot of things that need to change. I know fans of the company don't take criticism well sometimes, certain ones. Know this, this is somebody from the inside, the structure is a little off. It's fine to be loose, but I like to have a little bit more structure. I felt like the women shouldn't have gone through everything they went through just to get on TV or get time. You're signed to this big company, you should get time. All these men are getting time, but the women weren't getting anything or you're not putting people on TV because more people are coming in. Okay, there are more people coming in, but you don't have enough product for all of these people. Now you have all these people sitting around having two or three minute matches on Dark doesn't keep me happy. Shoveling more money doesn't keep a person happy. We've seen time and time again, especially in a place where there's not enough space. There's no writers in a sense. Not everyone is comfortable writing their own things. Closed mouths don't get fed. That's exactly what that environment is. If you are shy and don't know how to write or are not creative, it's not going to work unless they want it to work for you. That's one of their biggest issues," she said.

Along with the lack of structure, Swole saw a bigger issue in AEW and that was a lack of diversity.

"Outside of [lack of structure] their BIGGEST issue, which is diversity. I do not beat around the bush when it comes to diversity and my people. There is no representation, truly, and when there is, it does not come across in the black community as genuine. At all. I don't know why everybody is so afraid to accept it or say it, but it's not a good look. What happens is, you have this wonderful company that treats people like family, but there is nobody that looks like me that is represented at the top and in the room with them. They are not helping to necessarily influence decisions, but to explain why certain slang and certain word shouldn't be said. There is no one else who can explain our culture and experience except for us," she said.

How will they fix this, if they do?
That last paragraph..basically she saying Brandi Rhodes ain't shyt. What other way can I take it?


Jan 8, 2014
Dallas, TX
Y'all noticed when the uproar got too heavy they had Jade and the Brazilian ring rat like sleeper agents ready to go with same script:

"Login and talk about how you can't wait for your match and how excited you are to be here. Make sure you tag Tony in it before you hit send. The last part is VERY important!!"

All I know is Jade can't cry about how black women get treated in the business anymore after tonight, when one just got shytted on for what could ultimately help your situation. And what could you possibly think Tony thinks about you when you're one of the greenest workers in the profession lol

We don't need to hear how fed up you are next time the mountain dew heathens jump all over you and bully you into deleting accounts again
I've been one of Jade's biggest fans on forum, but she lost a lot of points with me after tonight. I think Swole was also one of the few to stand up for her when she would get called manly and get shytted on for her wrestling abilities.

Kidd Dibiase

Nov 23, 2013
WWE flopping with 205 Live will forever irk me. I honestly think it was better than RAW for a minute there, it just had no eyes on it. They had so much momentum and buzz coming off that Cruiserweight Classic and somehow still fumbled the bag.

to be fair, a show just built on cruiserweights was always gonna be niche.

the problem was putting it on right after SD, and it not being in full sail.

another case of WWE trying to swim up stream