Nope. You are wrong. The veiled countries have less rapes then unveiled. The top ten most raped are pretty liberal with their women so its to be expected that more of them will be raped because the women flash so much flesh.
Absolutely false. In fact, in those countries, men have even more direct power over the women. In a country like Saudi Arabia, rape cases are rarely taken seriously, the victim is often blamed (and often punished for being raped by whippings, imprisonment, etc.) the cases are never taken down, etc. The amount of actual rapes vs the amount of rapes that end up being reported and then taken up as criminal cases is vastly different.
The countries with the highest rape stats are Western countries because those are the countries where rape is taken most seriously as a crime and where the statistics about rape are properly logged. Not only is that common sense, it's also proven fact. Look it up, friend.
No, there will be no respect without the work it takes to change the culture and to deal with rapists. But you'd rather put a bandaid over a gunshot wound by focusing on what women wear, which in the end, just helps the rapists continue to do what they do. Your position is essentially pro-rapist.