I posted this about religiosity and depression a few days ago, but the mod closed the thread.
Great post...
That's an interesting study, and it makes sense in a way...
Especially, the fact that Catholics are less depressed than the other religious groups, because Catholics are not required to know or follow the Bible, as long as they tell all their little dirty secrets to their pervert priests, then all is good..This takes away some of the repressions on personal freedom that certain religions impose....
Problems with the study is that they didn't include Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, and Sikhs, these are some of the biggest religions in the world...Maybe they did...I am just going by what you posted...
Therefore, it's kind of weak to say "religion is a pre-disposition to major depression"...They should say Christianity and Spirituality, may contribute to some depression...
I also have a problem with the way they measured depression...The study was done in Western Countries, I think part of their measurement of depression should include a clinical diagnosis, and also antidepressant prescriptions...
Also, how do you take away the effect of secular Western debauchery that is promoted in the media and throughout Western society...?
For example, if you are a Hip Hopper and you are placed in a Heavy Metal environment, logically you will feel more "depressed" than a Heavy Metal dude, because you feel like you are in the "wrong world"...So, is it the Hip Hop making you depressed, or the fact that you are in an environment you feel like you don't belong in...?
I don't see how anybody who really believes in the Bible can be happy in this world, the blatant promotion of homosexuality, transsexuals, values that contradict what the Bible teaches and etc...
If you say you are Christian, and you are happy in this world, then I question your faith, belief and actions as a Christian...