How can you blame the voters when most don’t even realize mid terms exist? They don’t teach the shyt in school and it isn’t really advertised cause it’s not sexy like the presidential election. Media doesn’t cover the shyt or primaries every year, I can’t tell you how many times I’m speaking to people and they say “I didn’t know there was an election”. This shyt is all by design, I’m not both siding but dems also love that voters don’t know that elections happen every year. Keeps them in office in safe districts.
Where we’re at today is due to years and decades of the bad or not as bad outcome happening but RBG could’ve stepped down when it was possible, she was smelling her own shyt and as a result the population pays the price. These people in power and those with money don’t care about us and will make the selfish choice every time, everything they do and decide on doesn’t effect them the way it does us. We’re pawns in a game