Support Psychedelics!

Liu Kang

May 3, 2012
could u expand on this abit? Someone I used to be friends with had a DXM addiction for a few months, back in hs.

Hes become a real sketchy dude, and claims its the DXM fukked him up.
As a person who experienced some DXM trips, I can tell that the sensation of your mind being tricked/twisted/pressed and that you're brain is going haywire is heavy. A DXM (and any psychoactive substance more or less) trip is defintely hard on your brain (like a sleepless night can be even if it's not on the same level). That's why it's required to abstain taking DXM during a number of weeks equivalent to the number of the plateau you reached after you tripped. That's also why a teenager should not trip on that because his brain is still developping as @silver said it. That's also why you HAVE TO know the substance.

I don't know how your boy tripped on DXM but the first thing you have to know is which plateau you want to reach. If the very idea of "plateau" is unknown to you and you have a DXM'd cough syrup bottle in your hand, you shouldn't even consider tripping.
There is a (simple) calculation to be made considering your weight and the type of medium you're using to ingest the DXM (syrup, pills, tablets etc..) it, and if you don't know that, you shouldn't trip.

If it could be useful for someone, for any trip (I'm more of a "spiritual tripper", I'm not really a recreational one, but this could also apply IMO), you have two variables that are extremely important : the set and the setting. They help diminishing the risk of bad trips.
- The "set", is your mind state : you should be relatively "happy", relaxed, and confident about the substance. If you're mentally instable, depressed, scared, reluctant or you have any kind of negative feeling, it's simple : don't trip.
- The "setting", is the place your trip : it should fit the type of psychoative substance you're about to use and the type of trip you're about to do. For example : if you want an introspective journey and you trippin on schrooms, choose a calm place, make sur you have the time to trip and to rest after, make a music playlist beforehand, prepare a bed or a sofa or some place in the forest where you can enjoy the trip etc. Everything that will make you trip well should be facilitated.

For example : if you're about to work in 4 hours, that you're cooking something when you take the substance and that the girl of your life left you with your best friend the day before... Well, that's a disastrous set & setting and tripping should be the last thing in your mind...

Well, theres multiple levels of idiocy.[...]
That made me laugh :laugh:
But really, I don't think that's idiocy, I think it's more ignorance (as in lack of knowledge not ignance)

Also psychedelics/dxm an some other drugs are known to cause really bad mental effects in some people (like schizophrenia or somethin), thats why we all say to start with a low dose to see if your compatable with it, and to take everything in moderation, if things get weird then quit.
It's more than that : people with schizophrenia and/or having mental problems SHOULD NOT take any psychoactive substances... It's for their own sake, really : their brain is more "fragile" than "ours" and tripping could really disrupt their (relative) mental balance.
I can't even imagine how a Schizophrenic person could endure a salvia trip for example. I did some a few times and I was absolutely mind blown with just an ounce of understanding of what I just hallucinated... :to:
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