tripping off DXM will make you retarded, lets get that fact straight.
LMAO yea, thats where i fukked up, last year that was my shyt for like 2 months an im pretty sure it messed up my brain a bit. shyt was glorious while it lasted

(BTW its not a psychedelic)
There is a rule with DXM which should be respected : every plateau hit should equal the same amount of weeks (at least) WITHOUT taking it (or better, withouth taking anything psychoactive related). If you hit the plateau 3 (there are 4 + 1), you should wait AT LEAST 3 weeks before redosing... It is known.
Plateau 1 : Incredible music feeling, mild high, dancing mood
Plateau 2 : + Drunk feeling, heavy bodyload (possible nauseas, diarrheas etc.)
Plateau 3 : + Heavy CEV, OEV, auditive hallucination, possible dissociation, clear thoughts, bliss, troubled vision, non-coordinated movements.
Plateau 4 : + Near coma state, high dissociation, DXM-hole.
Plateau sigma : Anaesthesia, psychosis, coma, possible death
I never tried (or even thought reaching) higher than the 3rd, because it is pointless IMO
Yes it's not a psychedelic substance, it's a dissociative one (like PCP, Ketamine, MXE and others), but as the OP were stating that the introspective qualities and benefits of psychedelics were underestimated, I thought I could share the good things that the substance can give.
When I dosed off DXM, I was prepared and my mindstate was clear :
- I fasted the whole day because I wanted my trip to be in the evening / night
- I always meditated (30 minutes at least) before and made stretching exercices in order to relax my body.
- I never did it just to get high, but to achieve a goal I had in mind and to reach a state of clear consciousness. Plus, drinking white grapefruit juice few hours before the trip greatly help to have a peaceful and clear one.
- I didn't trip regularly (like every month for example it would be pointless) because the less you do, the better and the more powerful the trip is (same as many things).
Like everything,
moderation and knowledge are the key.
With this in mind, for those interested, a little documentation to read entirely before even thinking about tripping :
The Dextroverse - A DXM Community
And if you think you're ready,
read the fukking FAQ thrice because you should KNOW the substance by heart (Erowid's one is better displayed :
Erowid DXM Vault : DXM FAQ, by William White.
EDIT : I also want to add that I don't do DXM anymore. Not because my brain is messed up (it's not, at all) but because I'm trying different ways.