Support Psychedelics!


All Star
May 29, 2013
They basically take you out of reality and make you "think" and "perceive" things that aren't real. People who can't "deal" with their reality turn to psychedelics, just faster and stronger than alcohol.

It has nothing to do with not being able to deal with reality, its about exploring the power and abilities of your mind and subconscious, exploring the netherland of the human imagination, gaining insight into life and the universe, nothing to do with just escaping reality. People use all types of drugs to "deal" with reality, psychedelics are probably the only class of drugs people dont use for that purpose. And alcohol is much easier to gain from than psychedelics, in terms of escaping reality. Psychedelics take a lot of work to obtain and use correctly, people only use psychedelics for exploration, spiritual, and recreational purposes, they're not just some dirty chemicals people use to get super high.

Oh, and for your other post, Psychedelic therapy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Your post just reinforced my point that society is extremely biased against psychedelics and drugs in general. Everyone thinks that drugs are just childish, petty ways to get away from everything and be unproductive, lazy, unmotivated addicts. You clearly dont have a good understanding of what psychedelics do anyway.

john goodman

All Star
May 1, 2012
as someone who has taken lots of psychedelic drugs i 100% agree. I know people (including myself) who have had some stunning revelation about their life while they are on these types of drugs.

some people actually have positive revelations such as "my life isnt going anywhere i need to go back to school" or "i have a drinking problem i need to stop drinking so much" and sometimes they actually follow through with these things because they know deep down they need to do these things anyways. on the other hand there are people like john goodman who buys a plane ticket to florida while he is tripping cause he "needs to see the sun" or someone else i knew who thought it would be a good idea to sell all their stuff and move to the desert or someone else who became convinced they needed to start following dubstep/jam bands/EDM act's around the country and just do nothing but trip all the time and roll around in the mud.

bottom line, some people have the mental strength to get benefits out of these drugs and others dont.

That trip to florida was great

Dont belittle my psychedelic adventure s


Hong Kong Phooey
May 2, 2012
.. Everyone thinks that drugs are just childish, petty ways to get away from everything and be unproductive, lazy, unmotivated addicts. You clearly dont have a good understanding of what psychedelics do anyway.

I guess, unless your business to interact with users on the other end of the law.
The ones who make the news usually hurt themselves or others while on PCP or acid. The rest just damage themselves. Tripping, just like other hallucinogenic drugs that affect the brain, kill brain cells.
If you keep on doing it over an extended period of time, even if you come out better each time, you'll end up giving yourself a sort of lobotomy.

john goodman

All Star
May 1, 2012
I guess, unless your business to interact with users on the other end of the law.
The ones who make the news usually hurt themselves or others while on PCP or acid. The rest just damage themselves. Tripping, just like other hallucinogenic drugs that affect the brain, kill brain cells.
If you keep on doing it over an extended period of time, even if you come out better each time, you'll end up giving yourself a sort of lobotomy.

No ones trying to talk about drugs with a cop

fukk outta here b


All Star
May 29, 2013
bottom line, some people have the mental strength to get benefits out of these drugs and others dont.

This is what people need to understand, these drugs can do and can be used for many things, it all depends on how you want to use them. If you go to a music festival or a party and trip, your gonna have a good time, trip out, maybe "roll around in the mud" if your into that, etc. If you go into the experience seeking exploration and insight, you will do just that, and thats how they are used for therapy. IDK if you guys know about DMT, but people have had their lives changed for the better using that, I dont want to spend all day explaining how it works but DMT is classically used for spiritual purposes.

I just want to get a few ideas across to get them out of the way:

First off, what exactly is wrong with tripping for fun? What makes it intrinsically bad? The way media paints psychedelic trips is entirely wrong, you dont just see weird shyt like unicorns flying around and rainbow bridges leading out the window telling you to climb on or whatever, and the only people who experience weird things like this are lightweights who took too much for their experience level. Same thing with alcohol, if you drink more than you can handle, you get shytfaced, act a fool, and knock out or somethin. I really dont want to explain what psychedelic trips are like, but in my opinion theyre good, wholesome fun.

Second, psychedelics dont make people stupid, it just so happens that a lot of psychedelic users are immature kids who do dumb things that make the drugs look bad. Its kinda like giving a dumbass a gun, he might use it foolishly and end up making all guns look bad, when in reality its all about how you use them. And personally, i dont think its fair at all to specifically demonize drugs as the wrong way to have fun, as long as your being safe and not going overboard with them, i dont see anything wrong with "escaping reality" for a bit. People need to stop being so self righteous, looking down on others for having fun with drugs because "im content with my life, i dont have to do drugs to find meaning in life".


All Star
May 29, 2013
I guess, unless your business to interact with users on the other end of the law.
The ones who make the news usually hurt themselves or others while on PCP or acid. The rest just damage themselves. Tripping, just like other hallucinogenic drugs that affect the brain, kill brain cells.
If you keep on doing it over an extended period of time, even if you come out better each time, you'll end up giving yourself a sort of lobotomy.
The easiest way to make yourself look like a fool in an argument is to act like you know what your talking about without doing research

Psychedelic drug users have also been tested for organic brain damage. William McGlothlin and his colleagues (McGlothlin et al., 1969) compared 16 subjects who had taken LSD 20 times or more (the range was 20 to 1,100, the median was 75 times) with 16 controls; they examined the subjects clinically and also administered the Halstead-Reitan test battery. There were no clinical organic symptoms, and no scores on the neuropsychological tests that suggested brain damage; but on a test measuring capacity for nonverbal abstraction the LSD users scored lower. As in the case of Tucker's Rorschach results, the amount of LSD was not related to the score. Nevertheless, the authors conclude that continual heavy use may cause minor organic brain pathology: six of the LSD subjects, including the three heaviest users, were regarded as "moderately suspicious" in this respect. In another study, Morgan Wright and Terrence P. Hogan (1972) found no difference between subjects who had used LSD an average of 29 times and controls (matched for age, sex, education, and IO) on a variety of neuropsychological tests, including the ones used by McGlothlin. At most, these studies confirm the existence of an eccentric acidhead personality; they do not clearly imply mental illness or brain damage.

A Note on Adverse Effects

BTW, psychedelics can definitely cause adverse effects. Flashbacks arent true, pretty much no regular acid user has reported a flashback, but what is real is HPPD and dissociation. HPPD makes you constantly see minor visual and auditory hallucinations, rarely severe enough to cause worry or impair someone, but sometimes people get it really badly and cant function normally. Dissociation is when frequent psychedelic users sometimes feel completely disconnected from reality, you still are here on earth your not hallucinating at all, you just feel disconnected, and after a while it really starts to suck. These things affect a small amount of psychedelic users (me included, although mine actually came from weed), and they are really really bad things, but theyre not associated with brain damage and they usually go away over time.

Forgot to add: PCP isnt a psychedelic, and its essentially non-existant today. And most of the media crazes over people high off bath salts eating others or other weird things like that, fail to also explain how those people may have already had mental disorders, no one knows what the person actually took (there was never any tests done that showed the bath salts dude even took bath salts, it was just an excuse to get them illegal), and usually when these things legitimately happen due to the drugs, its because that person was already really gone and probably had spiraled to complete drug fiend level, and thus probably took irrational amounts of drugs, amounts that no sane drug user would take.


Hong Kong Phooey
May 2, 2012
The easiest way to make yourself look like a fool in an argument is to act like you know what your talking about without doing research
I've yet to hear about a person who has positively been affected by psychedelics and did good things with his life, positively affect friends and relatives and those in his community. Most, if not all, are total f'ed up losers who are just an emotional drain on family and friends. And, they don't have a positive input on those in their family and society until they are off drugs.

The rest are committed or homeless.

john goodman

All Star
May 1, 2012
I've yet to hear about a person who has positively been affected by psychedelics and did good things with his life, positively affect friends and relatives and those in his community. Most, if not all, are total f'ed up losers who are just an emotional drain on family and friends. And, they don't have a positive input on those in their family and society until they are off drugs.

The rest are committed or homeless.

Me and steve jobs both prove you wrong


The White King TuT
May 21, 2012
I've yet to hear about a person who has positively been affected by psychedelics and did good things with his life, positively affect friends and relatives and those in his community. Most, if not all, are total f'ed up losers who are just an emotional drain on family and friends. And, they don't have a positive input on those in their family and society until they are off drugs.

The rest are committed or homeless.

youve probably interacted with a dozen or so people in the past week who trip on a semi regular basis and you had no idea whatsoever.


Mar 20, 2013
Mental illnesses are from the Ego and fear of surviving the concrete jungle. Think Apocalypto. Psychedelics offer a deeper introspective into the mind and the collective life, or nature. We are arrogant to think that anything from the modern era trumps nature. Nature is a science we can only, often poorly imitate.

Lots of us are so accustomed to the concrete jungle. I don't know about autism, but stuff like anxiety, depression, etc, I think is caused by the confusion of modern life.

brick james

John piffington
May 4, 2012
I've yet to hear about a person who has positively been affected by psychedelics and did good things with his life, positively affect friends and relatives and those in his community. Most, if not all, are total f'ed up losers who are just an emotional drain on family and friends. And, they don't have a positive input on those in their family and society until they are off drugs.

The rest are committed or homeless.

:stopitslime: Are you joking? A nikka threw a no hitter on acid, steve jobs credits acid with positive changes in his life, and acid originated at harvard in an academic setting, for precisely those reasons you claim don't exist.