Peter Popoff
Baba Yega in black uptowns
I hope it's a mix between campiness and grounded because in no universe would anyone not believe Clark and Kal El are not the same person so there has to be some sort of disbelief and comicbook fiction.They trying to recreate the Christopher Reeves formula. Problem is they don't have Christopher Reeves. and his formula only worked for like 1 movie. Most of the sequels he made were trash and hated. Might as well put Richard Pyror Jr in this too. People seem to forget we didn't like most of his movies
Man of Steel took the proper modern approach for a superman movie.
No one thought Michael Keatons Batman movies would be some of the best to date on paper. Maybe this will have some of that Tim Burtonesque/Gunnesque mystique with his own spin on it and a really dope soundtrack.