Super Tuesday Primary: Biden wins 9 of 14 states; leads delegate count 637 to 559

Who Comes Out With The Most Pledged Delegates After Super Tuesday?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Blade said what up
May 1, 2012
#ByrdGang #TheColi
I swear folks a few days ago were positively rubbing their hands together at the possibility of Bloomberg taking votes off Biden, but now want to use it as an excuse for Sanders' performance?

Why didn't the campaign factor that in and work around it?
The way they blew this will honestly go down as one of the worst campaigns of all time. They had 4+ years and they went right back to the “attack the people we will need to eventually vote for us” strategy. And all to energize a base that would do anything he said regardless.


I'm Lamont's pops
Nov 20, 2016
Straight from Flatbush
Naw, don't feel like that, don't ever feel like that. As I have said in a prior post. Elections are about time and place as a nation. Everything that you've mentioned matters. Healthcare costs too much, mostly everyone agrees on that. Unions are not as strong as they used to be 20 years ago. Some of that is globalization and sheer numbers dwindling stateside. However, there is typically a pecking order to the priorities for every election. Most people voting blue just want to see Donald Trump as far away from 1600 Pennsylvania as possible. People like Rex Tillerson feels like 30 years ago. We are just exhausted and want him gone. That is what this election is about primarily. It's best to keep these politicians at arms length, don't get emotionally invested to where you are mentally drained and questioning everything going on around you when they falter because that would mean that you were blinded by some weird light and simply were not paying attention to the things that are usually obvious to see. Politics, like management is all about building relationships and Bernie isn't interested in them. That's why he has only passed three bills that he's written in his entire career in Congress. He's written four books since 2016 though.

What Bernie Really Got Done in His 29 Years in Congress

I'm a black man and just as general principle by living in America, you have to be risk-adverse to some extent and take the best odds, not the long shot. I'm pragmatic to a fault. Republicans stopped Obama from getting a Supreme Court judge but we are supposed to believe, earnestly that Bernie is going to ease all of his platform through Congress? The fact of the matter is that for as long as we are alive, the costs of a Republican president will weigh heavier on black people than most others. I know that black people will have the ear of Biden and will get some stuff done on behalf of black folks. Will it be perfect? No but what really is in politics? If Trump were to win a second term, he's going scorched earth on everyone but you want me and others like me to leave it in the hands of a person who basically passes bills to rename post offices in their home state as celebratory things in all the time he's spent in congress.

Like I said though, all of those things matter, just not as much right now. I'd be perfectly happy with Biden being a one term president and then handing it off to someone that move us to left more, incrementally and not faster than a Ferrari can go from 0-60 because that will never fly with the electorate.
Ether :wow:

Dameon Farrow

Jan 19, 2014
they're not arguing in good faith, it's really disappointing but I'm sure you know that already because you've been reading these threads the last few months
they behave like Trump supporters. No matter how far fetched. No matter how much denial is needed. It simply is not Bernie's fault and there is a conspiracy afoot.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Y’all prop up the polls that fit your agenda, then end up looking silly on Election Day.
You seem to have missed the point of my post. I was pointing out why there's such a large disparity between what voters actually want and what they get on election day. Do you dispute that?

They had already finished her by December. They should have linked up from the very beginning, then maybe she would have stood a chance, or at the very least became a very strong ally to bernie.
I would have appreciated that. You can see me pushing for it in the main threads. I can't tell you why it didn't happen but I'm sure that's between Warren and Bernie.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
So no one else concerned trump has been fighting for bernie to win for months now?

Why? You're suggesting that I let Donald Trump's judgment supersede my own, especially when our priorities aren't even along the same axes?

Remember, Clinton's team (as we know from internal mails and meeting notes) was fighting for Trump to win. How did that work out for them?

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
It’s insane

Again, the media made angry twitter users a story to avoid talking about policies.

It’s all intentional.

And unfortunately the average voter — including many in this forum — see politics as a game and a win/loss scenario instead of advocating for what they believe. It’s unreal.

It's something that really pisses me off about some of the comments in here. Posters who are intelligent enough to contribute to beneficial discussion instead focus their energies on attacks, disingenuous statements, and other bullshyt as if they were arguing in The Booth or The Coliseum.

I can hold my own in The Coliseum just fine, sometimes I like fukking around in there when I need to decompress from life. But that's not what this is about, and it bothers me that some people treat it like a joke or pin everything on personalities instead of real life outcomes.

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
Why? You're suggesting that I let Donald Trump's judgment supersede my own, especially when our priorities aren't even along the same axes?

Remember, Clinton's team (as we know from internal mails and meeting notes) was fighting for Trump to win. How did that work out for them?


I'll vote in November to prevent another 2016 incident, just that "normalcy" that people seek of the Obama era is long gone.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Legalizing marijuana is an all lives matter issue :mjlol:
Progressives always equate illegal activities to Black Americans.

Come on now - I can't believe you're fukking serious with this shyt. Black teens and White teens use marijuana at the same rates. But Black teens are 3.7 times more likely to be arrested for that shyt than White teens are. This is personal to me, I've had kids get arrested right on the fukking porch of our apartment building and get their lives fukked up. Same shyt happens as adults - when I was teaching GED in LA Central Jail there were all sorts of black and Latino brehs in there for marijuana (at least some as a parole violation), I don't remember a single white dude in there for possession.

Don't even try to pull any of that "only criminals use marijuana" bullshyt. Everyone smokes pot. CEOs smoke pot, lawyers smoke pot, professors smoke pot, white kids at elite colleges smoke pot. Its criminalization is an unnecessary tool used by the police to fukk with people they want to fukk with, MOST of the country opposes it, and we can do something about it.

"So I do believe that on day one we will change the federal controlled substance act, which if you can believe it, now equates heroin with marijuana. That's insane. We're going to take marijuana out of that and effectively legalize marijuana in every state in the country.

What we are also going to do is move to expunge the records of those people arrested for possession of marijuana. And I'll tell you what else we're going to do.

We're going to provide help to the African-American, Latino, Native American community to start businesses to sell legal marijuana rather than let a few corporations control the legalized marijuana market."
Sen. Bernie Sanders released a comprehensive plan late Thursday afternoon to legalize marijuana, begin a process to expunge old pot-related convictions and take steps to shape the emerging legal sales industry.

The proposal dropped, winkingly, at precisely 4:20 PM ET.

Sanders, a longtime proponent of marijuana legalization, would also ban tobacco companies from getting into the increasingly lucrative business, while creating a $20 billion grant program -- using tax revenue from marijuana sales -- to provide new capital to minority entrepreneurs.

Decades of harsh laws and sentencing requirements have "disproportionately targeted people of color and ruined the lives of millions of Americans," Sanders said in a statement. "When we're in the White House, we're going to end the greed and corruption of the big corporations and make sure that Americans hit hardest by the war on drugs will be the first to benefit from legalization."

Sanders unveiled the blueprint ahead of his appearance Saturday at the Second Step Presidential Justice Forum at Benedict College, an HBCU in South Carolina. The proposal takes a number of specific steps to address the disproportionately destructive impact federal drug policy has had on the African American community. The capital grant program will be would be administered through the Minority Business Development Agency.

Sanders Wouldn't Just Legalize Marijuana, He'd Help Minorities 'Start Businesses' to Sell It

As it says, Sanders has been pushing this shyt for a long time. So is it an "everyone" policy, or is it one of those specifically Black things that y'all say he's afraid to talk about? Can't have it both ways.

NkrumahWasRight Is Wrong

May 1, 2012
Uncertain grounds
Come on now - I can't believe you're fukking serious with this shyt. Black teens and White teens use marijuana at the same rates. But Black teens are 3.7 times more likely to be arrested for that shyt than White teens are. This is personal to me, I've had kids get arrested right on the fukking porch of our apartment building and get their lives fukked up. Same shyt happens as adults - when I was teaching GED in LA Central Jail there were all sorts of black and Latino brehs in there for marijuana (at least some as a parole violation), I don't remember a single white dude in there for possession.

Don't even try to pull any of that "only criminals use marijuana" bullshyt. Everyone smokes pot. CEOs smoke pot, lawyers smoke pot, professors smoke pot, white kids at elite colleges smoke pot. Its criminalization is an unnecessary tool used by the police to fukk with people they want to fukk with, MOST of the country opposes it, and we can do something about it.

Sanders Wouldn't Just Legalize Marijuana, He'd Help Minorities 'Start Businesses' to Sell It

As it says, Sanders has been pushing this shyt for a long time. So is it an "everyone" policy, or is it one of those specifically Black things that y'all say he's afraid to talk about? Can't have it both ways.

I fear that you are wasting your time with these people but i applaud you


We should all strive to be like Mr. Rogers.
Apr 30, 2012
I think if they did it from the beginning, they'd have a much better chance right now.

Liz could have used her establishment influence to bring the party closer to Bernie's message and could have earned him some friends within the party. That way if liz fell off, the party wouldn't have been so opposed to Bernie since he tried taking liz to the top with him. And if Bernie failed, he could have still had liz to fall back on.

Bernie supporters put liz on the defensive and she pushed back in a way that killed her buzz with progressives. Now Bernie needs help and liz isnt in a position to give it to him, and maybe she's too bitter to help him anyway which is wrong for her to do, but progressive voters made it that way.

Progressives ain't getting shyt done now, this is officially a shyt show.

y'all just making stuff up now to form a narrative :unimpressed:

Based Lord Zedd

Colts or Die
Apr 30, 2012
Houston TX
Y’all prop up the polls that fit your agenda, then end up looking silly on Election Day.

I think some polls are a bit useless now. The main problem with them is that by the time they get released, the sampling period is already like a week in the past and our news cycle moves too fast now.

That being said, I'm pretty sure you could run that exact same poll on election day and find overwhelming support for those policies.


Aug 17, 2012
New York City

Hearing the spin about Bernie and the Black vote has been hilarious. Biden beat Bernie with the Black Vote across all Super Tuesday States by 40 points, that's crazy. Look, Black people of All Ages combined went for Biden period. This idea that you can slice out the Youth vote and then separate it and act like the rest of the votes aren't relevant makes no sense. It's about the totality of the Black Vote not just one aspect of it. Also LOL @ "Low Information". Why do some Liberals upset at Bernie black numbers talk like this? Black Voters know more about this Country than any other group period. Black People know Bernie's plans would be almost impossible to get through without both the House and Senate. We saw first hand for 8 years how hard it was for Obama to get anything threw. The Youth Voters do not vote in larger numbers than My Parents generation and yes the Gen X and OG Millennials also vote in larger numbers. All Youth numbers dropped from 2016. The fact is older voters have been more politically engaged a lot longer. Also though Bernie did do well with the Latino vote overall, they do not vote Democratic on the same level as Black Americans. Latino went for Trump with a whopping 30%. They also went for Bush Jr over 40% high numbers as well. The Latino vote is still important but based on the last 4 election cycles, they're vote split much more than Black America.

The reason Biden won 11 States in less than a week and is running up the score in popular vote and delegates is because the Black Vote is the strongest and most consistent voting block. No other voting group can say they vote 80-90% like Black people do. Black Americans were the #1 voting group against Trump, not Latinos, Not Asians. I broke that down during the election as well. Bernie had 4 years to correct this issue, his numbers are still the same. He said it's about Joe being connected to Obama, sure that's a factor but he also has to see Blacks knowing the truth about America and "Change". We know America has NEVER given us Economic though Bernie's ideas are good we just don't think he's gonna waltz in and shift that paradime. Seeing people in the media trying to spin these numbers all yesterday is why he will probably continue to lose the black vote in other States as well. Bloomberg's got just as much of the black Vote as Bernie did and he got in the Campaign a few months ago.

As for Joe and his racist past, we've already put him on the Summer Jam Screen. Matter of fact Everyone running has been put on the Summer Jam Screen from Black America even Bernie. Honestly Black America is the reason many candidates already dropped out. They either couldn't get Black support or were put them on the Summer Jam Screen for racist issues in the past. The fact is Black America knows white voting patterns better than any other group in America. Black America is making a calculation that Biden has a better electoral map than Bernie has. Super Tuesday showed Biden could win States that are purple. If Biden Wins Florida and Penn in the General, it's over for Trump just like that. Hillary ignored the Rust Belt because she assumed just being a Democrat is enough, she was wrong. Joe won't make that mistake. He's looked at as Joe "Scranton" Biden, he will be all through the Rust Belt campaigning. Trump showed his hand and that's why he got impeached, he's terrified of Joe, everyone know this.