Super Tuesday Primary: Biden wins 9 of 14 states; leads delegate count 637 to 559

Who Comes Out With The Most Pledged Delegates After Super Tuesday?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


May 2, 2012
y'all just making stuff up now to form a narrative :unimpressed:
What narrative breh.

I'm brainstorming ideas on how this could have ended differently. I've never claimed anything I said as facts.

You're frustrated, I know, I'm a Bernie supporter too breh. At the end of the day Bernie bros were the loudest in the room only to end up being the only demographic with a low turnout.


Aug 17, 2012
New York City
Why does every casual poster feel that election season is the time to come in here and write titangraphs sponsored by Bakari Sellers? As if all that shyt isn’t old in here. No offense @Rapmastermind but that nothing but juelzing. Bloomberg winning 15 percent of the vote negates everything you said. No candidate would depress the voter turnout in urban areas like him. What you’re really saying is that Bernie didn’t cut enough deals.

There needs to be a TLR election thread or something.

None takin Look I've been giving political opinions and analysis on here for years in HL, my post is backed up by the voters numbers not feelings. I notice some people listen to polls to much instead of looking at the data. According to some Polls, Bernie was "Ahead" of Biden in the black vote Nationally. If that was true he wouldn't of lost 10 states and the Black Vote by 40 points on Super Tuesday (Biden got 70% of the Black vote in some states). My point about Bloomberg was that he damn near matched Bernie Black voter number % across Super Tuesday and he's only been in the race for months. We all know Black people overall weren't gonna go for Bloomberg but What does that say if Bernie was 16%-17% in 16' and now he's 16-17% in 2020? How about looking in the mirror instead of blaming others? That's more about what Bernie hasn't done than what Bloomberg has. Also this is politics, consolidation happens, endorsement happen. I think people are more shocked because Biden did something unexpected. Nobody expected that many former Presidential candidates to join forces like that. I think people are still shocked by that. Yes Beto helped with Texas, Clyburn helped with SC and Amy helped with Minn. Also Pete brought his voters along. It's called building relationships, that's what a President has to do. So yes it was a like a tidal wave of good news that came for Biden but the Black Vote numbers are what they are.

This is silly.

So if Southern Dem black voters are these wise king makers then they gotta hold the L for Gore, Kerry and Hillary :heh:

Their false assumption that Biden is more electable probably played a part, but let’s be honest, most nikkas just know Joe as Obama’s homeboy and are still madly in love :dame: with Obama.

Black Voters are the King Makers of the Democratic Nomination and a Democrat in the last 50 years hasn't won the Presidency without the Black Vote going for overwhelming numbers. Also Gore won by the way, everyone knows this. Kerry got the nod because of a weak Presidential Field. Black Voters sent a Black Man to the White House without the White Vote going for him. They also almost got the 1st Woman in History to the White House (Won the Popular vote too) with White men and Women voting heavily against her. Carter, Bill Clinton and Barack don't sniff the oval office without those Black numbers being as high as they were. The Obama connection is huge, nobody disputing that but there are other reasons as I mentioned in my post why Black Voters choose Biden on Super Tuesday.


Apr 30, 2012
My number one priority is defeating Trump and getting back to normalcy. Some of Biden's past views bother me. I look at his vision for the future, the plans he has for healthcare and I agree with what he proposes. I don't see Sanders as someone able to win the presidency.
This is what an operative sounds like.


May 20, 2012
None takin Look I've been giving political opinions and analysis on here for years in HL, my post is backed up by the voters numbers not feelings. I notice some people listen to polls to much instead of looking at the data. According to some Polls, Bernie was "Ahead" of Biden in the black vote Nationally. If that was true he wouldn't of lost 10 states and the Black Vote by 40 points on Super Tuesday (Biden got 70% of the Black vote in some states). My point about Bloomberg was that he damn near matched Bernie Black voter number % across Super Tuesday and he's only been in the race for months. We all know Black people overall weren't gonna go for Bloomberg but What does that say if Bernie was 16%-17% in 16' and now he's 16-17% in 2020? How about looking in the mirror instead of blaming others? That's more about what Bernie hasn't done than what Bloomberg has. Also this is politics, consolidation happens, endorsement happen. I think people are more shocked because Biden did something unexpected. Nobody expected that many former Presidential candidates to join forces like that. I think people are still shocked by that. Yes Beto helped with Texas, Clyburn helped with SC and Amy helped with Minn. Also Pete brought his voters along. It's called building relationships, that's what a President has to do. So yes it was a like a tidal wave of good news that came for Biden but the Black Vote numbers are what they are.

Black Voters are the King Makers of the Democratic Nomination and a Democrat in the last 50 years hasn't won the Presidency without the Black Vote going for overwhelming numbers. Also Gore won by the way, everyone knows this. Kerry got the nod because of a weak Presidential Field. Black Voters sent a Black Man to the White House without the White Vote going for him. They also almost got the 1st Woman in History to the White House (Won the Popular vote too) with White men and Women voting heavily against her. Carter, Bill Clinton and Barack don't sniff the oval office without those Black numbers being as high as they were. The Obama connection is huge, nobody disputing that but there are other reasons as I mentioned in my post why Black Voters choose Biden on Super Tuesday.

If you are going to take credit for being King Maker(very exaggerated claim), then you have to take credit for picking some really bad candidates and having a terrible W-L record.

I'm not putting that kind of onus on black folks and yes, black folk, just like white middle class folk, can make some stupid election choices. Calling them out is not racist or c00ning.


Apr 30, 2012
If you are going to take credit for being King Maker(very exaggerated claim), then you have to take credit for picking some really bad candidates and having a terrible W-L record.

I'm not putting that kind of onus on black folks and yes, black folk, just like white middle class folk, can make some stupid election choices. Calling them out is not racist or c00ning.
Since 1992, we've been under 16 years of Democratic presidents and are currently at 12 years under a Republican. How is that W-L record terrible?