You read that in a tweet.![]()
Hearing the spin about Bernie and the Black vote has been hilarious. Biden beat Bernie with the Black Vote across all Super Tuesday States by 40 points, that's crazy. Look, Black people of All Ages combined went for Biden period. This idea that you can slice out the Youth vote and then separate it and act like the rest of the votes aren't relevant makes no sense. It's about the totality of the Black Vote not just one aspect of it. Also LOL @ "Low Information". Why do some Liberals upset at Bernie black numbers talk like this? Black Voters know more about this Country than any other group period. Black People know Bernie's plans would be almost impossible to get through without both the House and Senate. We saw first hand for 8 years how hard it was for Obama to get anything threw. The Youth Voters do not vote in larger numbers than My Parents generation and yes the Gen X and OG Millennials also vote in larger numbers. All Youth numbers dropped from 2016. The fact is older voters have been more politically engaged a lot longer. Also though Bernie did do well with the Latino vote overall, they do not vote Democratic on the same level as Black Americans. Latino went for Trump with a whopping 30%. They also went for Bush Jr over 40% high numbers as well. The Latino vote is still important but based on the last 4 election cycles, they're vote split much more than Black America.
The reason Biden won 11 States in less than a week and is running up the score in popular vote and delegates is because the Black Vote is the strongest and most consistent voting block. No other voting group can say they vote 80-90% like Black people do. Black Americans were the #1 voting group against Trump, not Latinos, Not Asians. I broke that down during the election as well. Bernie had 4 years to correct this issue, his numbers are still the same. He said it's about Joe being connected to Obama, sure that's a factor but he also has to see Blacks knowing the truth about America and "Change". We know America has NEVER given us Economic though Bernie's ideas are good we just don't think he's gonna waltz in and shift that paradime. Seeing people in the media trying to spin these numbers all yesterday is why he will probably continue to lose the black vote in other States as well. Bloomberg's got just as much of the black Vote as Bernie did and he got in the Campaign a few months ago.
As for Joe and his racist past, we've already put him on the Summer Jam Screen. Matter of fact Everyone running has been put on the Summer Jam Screen from Black America even Bernie. Honestly Black America is the reason many candidates already dropped out. They either couldn't get Black support or were put them on the Summer Jam Screen for racist issues in the past. The fact is Black America knows white voting patterns better than any other group in America. Black America is making a calculation that Biden has a better electoral map than Bernie has. Super Tuesday showed Biden could win States that are purple. If Biden Wins Florida and Penn in the General, it's over for Trump just like that. Hillary ignored the Rust Belt because she assumed just being a Democrat is enough, she was wrong. Joe won't make that mistake. He's looked at as Joe "Scranton" Biden, he will be all through the Rust Belt campaigning. Trump showed his hand and that's why he got impeached, he's terrified of Joe, everyone know this.
At the end of the day, if moderates don’t drop or if Warren drops on Monday, Bernie wins Super Tuesday.
Mod voters are gonna feel played when its 2016 all over again in November