History? He didn’t even get an origin story
If you really think they was going to treat T’Challa like Steve Rogers, you’re delusional. Wakanda is bigger than T’Challa in the MCU. And Shuri was the best choice under the circumstances and based on the previous content they put out.
And adding a child T’Challa will give them a chance to create a legit origin/coming of age story if they choose to go that route.
T'Challa is the leader of a country. Rogers is just some random cac they gave the serum to. So with a non-racist Marvel he'd get the same or better treatment as Rogers. Particularly since he's supposed to be the Black answer to Bruce Wayne, Reed Richards, and Captain America in terms of fighting ability, intelligence, and wealth.
And that's the problem.
Because T'Challa isn't as prominent because he hasn't been pushed as much as the cac superheroes. But he doesn't get pushed as much because he's not as prominent as the rest.

So it's a catch-22 situation set up by cacs and apparently aided by guys like Coogler who should understand the power they hold with representing Black male superheroes. And not mess it up by pretending that Black Panther is someone that doesn't matter for Black men.
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