Begging? Are u serious? No one is "begging" for Sunset Overdrive.
And if we compare exclsuvies Microsoft will ALWAYS be dead last. Nintendo will always be GOAT when it comes to exclsuvies titles and Sony's exclsuives shyt on Microsoft. Microsoft was always the leader in online gaming. Not their exclusives.
NEITHER Ps4 or Xbox one has any system sellers right now to be "begging" to come over to the other. Xbox One biggest game this year is a HD collection. Stop it!
And of course it's a "rumor" They didn't officialy announce it yet. Why the hell would they annonce it's coming to PC during the time their promoting this game for the holiday season?
Dead Rising 3 was "leaked" and xbox one users kept calling it a hoax. "GTA 5 pc was "leaked" Console gamers all called it a hoax.
It's coming to PC dude.
Look bruh, you don't post in this section often. So let me correct you since you way off on most of what yous aid.
1.) Nintendo remakes the same 5games for each console they make. Only children and weirdos look at nintendo like its relevant.
Some adults dress up in cosplay

But lets stop acting like New Super Mario World matters to anyone.
2.) Sony's exclusives shyt on Microsofts

Sony gamers for some odd reason are living in the PS2 era and have ignored that the PS3 era is where all there exclusives died. Only Naughtydog survived. Literally every other studio went under. Please stop lying to yourself
Titanfall, Ori, Halo 5, Fable Legends, Crackdown 3, Phantom Dust, Gears of War, Sunset Overdrive, Quantum Break, K.Sports, Killer instinct Seasons 1,2 (goes up to 4 seasons) Max, Inside, Cuphead
Vs Knack, Killzone, Infamous, Resogun, TheOrder, Bloodborne, UC4 (I think you can snap out of it now)
3.) If its a rumor, and they not promoting. Then why would it appear on Amazon or wherever it appeared? They wouldn't tell Amazon there plans this early when it ain't about to drop. Or are you claiming it was exclusive but they decided to drop that weeks after it been out

You not using logic, your using "I hope its true" cuz you starving. Stop talking about Xbox games bruh
4.) DR3 leaked and we called it a hoax? DR3 is a year old game, we don't give a shyt if its now on PC or PS4. YOU DO

Finally and most hilarious out of what you wrote, straight up lying about people calling the PC version of GTA5 a hoax

From day 1 it was known there was next gen versions. The code was in the PS3/xbox version. Thats how it was first came to light. You know what else we knew about?
How the next gen versions would support 32ppl instead of 16 like the last gen versions. In this forum and most gaming forums we knew all this before the game launched last year. So this hoax shyt you talking about applies to your sources.
Sunset Overdrive is not heading to PC, is not the type of game that a company would think "PC"
A PS4 version would be more likely and beneficial, but that ain't happening either.
Now, have fun "begging" for xbox games. You posted 2 links to the same story (desperate)
And the first link says the story is false. You ignoring that shows everyone how pressed you are