Suicide Squad (Official Thread)


Do what you love
Apr 30, 2012
finally watching this... having a hard time even getting past the premise. the fukk are any of these people gonna do outside Will from a distance and El Diablo?

"An evil warlock entity thing is destroying the city." "Better call that 110 lb. clown girl and her baseball bat!"

The choice of "villain" is the script's biggest flaw imo. Waller being the real big bad is interesting, but overshadowed by the ridiculous finale.


Aug 17, 2012
New York City
Watch out the Two Toms, Will is coming for ya'll. "Suicide Squad" pushes Will Smith Past Harrison Ford for #3 All Time Box Office Hits in a Leading Role. And before some of you mention Samuel L. Yes has the huge Box Office Historic Career numbers but those are not all "Leading Roles" and majority were supporting. So Yes Will went through a slide in the last 5 years after his historic run. But looks like this are back on track. Two Tom's he's coming:



#1. Tom Cruise - 18 (35 Years) (Got Mummy on Deck, Jack reacher 2 and probably another Mission Impossible somewhere)
#2. Tom Hanks - 17 (36 Years) (Got Sully on Deck as well as Toy Story 4)
#3. Will Smith - 14 (23 Years) (Bad Boys 3 on deck as well as a few others)
#4. Harrison Ford - 13 (50 Years) (Blade Runner 2 and Indy 5 are both on deck)

*Blockbusters are considered to be films that make a mininum of 100 Million Dollars in ticket sales domestically in the United States

*"Suicide Squad" becomes Will Smith's 8th 50+ Million Opening Weekend, 14th 100 Million Dollar Film, 11th film to gross 300 Million globally, Soon to be his 6th film to pass 500 Million Globally. Will Smith still holds the record for most consecutive 100 Million Dollar Blockbusters in a Leading Role with 8 in a row (02-08).

We are witnessing Box Office History.


All Star
Sep 21, 2014
New Yawk
Watch out the Two Toms, Will is coming for ya'll. "Suicide Squad" pushes Will Smith Past Harrison Ford for #3 All Time Box Office Hits in a Leading Role. And before some of you mention Samuel L. Yes has the huge Box Office Historic Career numbers but those are not all "Leading Roles" and majority were supporting. So Yes Will went through a slide in the last 5 years after his historic run. But looks like this are back on track. Two Tom's he's coming:



#1. Tom Cruise - 18 (35 Years) (Got Mummy on Deck, Jack reacher 2 and probably another Mission Impossible somewhere)
#2. Tom Hanks - 17 (36 Years) (Got Sully on Deck as well as Toy Story 4)
#3. Will Smith - 14 (23 Years) (Bad Boys 3 on deck as well as a few others)
#4. Harrison Ford - 13 (50 Years) (Blade Runner 2 and Indy 5 are both on deck)

*Blockbusters are considered to be films that make a mininum of 100 Million Dollars in ticket sales domestically in the United States

*"Suicide Squad" becomes Will Smith's 8th 50+ Million Opening Weekend, 14th 100 Million Dollar Film, 11th film to gross 300 Million globally, Soon to be his 6th film to pass 500 Million Globally. Will Smith still holds the record for most consecutive 100 Million Dollar Blockbusters in a Leading Role with 8 in a row (02-08).

We are witnessing Box Office History.


Oct 26, 2014
I'm sorry brehs but this movie was straight trash.

Will and Margot were the only good things.

  • shytty ass plot - What the fukk did any of the Suicide Squad do that couldn't be done with any other soldiers outside Diablo? Diablo was the only superhuman. fukking Deadshot main skill (accuracy) was useless since they were fighting close range 80% of the time :mjlol:. fukking Harley Quinn beats mutants with a baseball bat and handgun and I'm supposed to believe that top class military soldiers with rifles need her help :mjlol:. How hard is it? Fast and Furious 6 did this right :mjlol:
  • Cringeworthy-ass villains - Cara Delevinge was :beli:to watch. Not to mention they made her motives as vague as possible (she spoke about it once in a weird ass voice).
  • Try-hard soundtrack. :francis:
  • shytty cinematography. Slow motion gun throw at the end :snoop:. Seeing Deadshoot shoot target practice for a full minute like as if we don't already get the point that he's a good shot:snoop:
  • Zero chemistry between the characters, yet we're supposed to believe "they're family" towards the end of the movie. Motherfukker, Diablo and Deadshot were the only people who even spoke benevolently at that bar. Everybody else either didn't talk to anybody, or gave a jackass remark. GTFO with that unearned, sentimental family shyt :what:
  • Amanda Waller (Viola Davis character) basically started everything that went wrong:skip::what:. Why leave that Enchantress brother statue shyt in your bathroom?:scust:

Hell, the movie felt pointless by the time it ended. I legitimately asked myself "what was the point of this movie:sadcam:" when Joker rescued Harley Quinn. No message, no themes, nothing. No "criminals will always be criminals", "no criminals are good in the end" - none of that, because the movie forgets about it at the end :aicmon:.

And this is coming from a guy who enjoyed Man of Steel and Batman v superman so you can't even call me a film snob either:ufdup: :lolbron:
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Soymuscle Mike

Formerly known as Vincenzo Corleone
Jun 6, 2012
Sweetlake City
Watch out the Two Toms, Will is coming for ya'll. "Suicide Squad" pushes Will Smith Past Harrison Ford for #3 All Time Box Office Hits in a Leading Role. And before some of you mention Samuel L. Yes has the huge Box Office Historic Career numbers but those are not all "Leading Roles" and majority were supporting. So Yes Will went through a slide in the last 5 years after his historic run. But looks like this are back on track. Two Tom's he's coming:



#1. Tom Cruise - 18 (35 Years) (Got Mummy on Deck, Jack reacher 2 and probably another Mission Impossible somewhere)
#2. Tom Hanks - 17 (36 Years) (Got Sully on Deck as well as Toy Story 4)
#3. Will Smith - 14 (23 Years) (Bad Boys 3 on deck as well as a few others)
#4. Harrison Ford - 13 (50 Years) (Blade Runner 2 and Indy 5 are both on deck)

*Blockbusters are considered to be films that make a mininum of 100 Million Dollars in ticket sales domestically in the United States

*"Suicide Squad" becomes Will Smith's 8th 50+ Million Opening Weekend, 14th 100 Million Dollar Film, 11th film to gross 300 Million globally, Soon to be his 6th film to pass 500 Million Globally. Will Smith still holds the record for most consecutive 100 Million Dollar Blockbusters in a Leading Role with 8 in a row (02-08).

We are witnessing Box Office History.
That's my Fresh Prince :to:



May 12, 2012
remember when no one talked about box office unless something was a massive surprise or was breaking records? that was a good time. it's obviously gone insane since the superhero rivalry, but i think it really started being overanalyzed when that ra-ra murica patriotism overrated piece of crap American Sniper made a goddamn fortune.

that being said, don't cop pleas for this one. it's another disappointment in a summer full of em. "well, technically if you add up the BO from Fiji, it will break even with the marketing costs and blah blah blah." WB isn't throwing a party over this one.


May 12, 2012
btw, as someone with only a little knowledge of Harley from a couple cartoon episodes, i kinda hated that character. she wasn't funny, and the way she talks is flat annoying. also, i don't buy her as part of this group. the Joker stuff was the only part that seemed redeeming and they chopped it all out of the movie (thought he was fukkin awful also)

and before you snap, i say this openly admitting i don't know the source material, and assume she was spot on since everyone loved her.


May 12, 2012
fukk it, I'll keep going. all of my complaints have been said I'm sure. I wish i say this opening night so it didn't look like I was piggybacking, but:

anyone who enjoyed the soundtrack to this movie is a moron. flat out. that was so obviously tacked on by a jackass who knows nothing about making a good movie, it's not even funny. this whole thing was another studio hatchet job. Some of the songs didn't fit the tone in the slightest. "Without Me" while the team is gearing up?! "Come Baby Come" while Harley is beating aliens?!

WTF does Killer Croc do? hes just strong? His dialogue was about 30 words, and I cringed at all of them. Rick Flag gave us Kitana's backstory through dialogue. she never did shyt, except swing the blade a few times while Flag was like "she uses this magical sword that we're barely gonna show you..."

as much as I want to give Ayer credit b/c i know damn well the studio got their paws in this, how can i trust a man who thought it was a good idea to cast a fukkin eyebrow model as the man villian? (to be fair, that may have been shoved on him too)

The story was crap. How can you do a sky portal after 5 other movies have done that shyt already?

Was I supposed to care about Diablo's family? how lame are you as a movie viewer that you are affected by a couple lines about burning his family? he was as textbook a "sympathetic badguy" as possible. there was no depth there. he sulked. he told a quick story, and he "redeemed" himself by getting blown up by a tiny ass explosion in the grand scheme of things.

And did Will say anything besides "daughter" in this movie? You think his goal was well stated enough? I liked Will as Deadshot overall though, didn't think I would.

Boomerang. Whomerang? Dude was totally wasted. About as cliche an Aussie you can write.

And I'm just gonna say it at the risk of being called a sexist, a whatever, who fukkin cares... tough authoratative women in movies never do it for me. Waller was fine in small doses, but every movie/show that has the constantly on edge, toughgirl, scowling face broad overdoes it.

Just an objectively bad movie.

Dr. Narcisse

May 1, 2014
fukk it, I'll keep going. all of my complaints have been said I'm sure. I wish i say this opening night so it didn't look like I was piggybacking, but:

anyone who enjoyed the soundtrack to this movie is a moron. flat out. that was so obviously tacked on by a jackass who knows nothing about making a good movie, it's not even funny. this whole thing was another studio hatchet job. Some of the songs didn't fit the tone in the slightest. "Without Me" while the team is gearing up?! "Come Baby Come" while Harley is beating aliens?!

WTF does Killer Croc do? hes just strong? His dialogue was about 30 words, and I cringed at all of them. Rick Flag gave us Kitana's backstory through dialogue. she never did shyt, except swing the blade a few times while Flag was like "she uses this magical sword that we're barely gonna show you..."

as much as I want to give Ayer credit b/c i know damn well the studio got their paws in this, how can i trust a man who thought it was a good idea to cast a fukkin eyebrow model as the man villian? (to be fair, that may have been shoved on him too)

The story was crap. How can you do a sky portal after 5 other movies have done that shyt already?

Was I supposed to care about Diablo's family? how lame are you as a movie viewer that you are affected by a couple lines about burning his family? he was as textbook a "sympathetic badguy" as possible. there was no depth there. he sulked. he told a quick story, and he "redeemed" himself by getting blown up by a tiny ass explosion in the grand scheme of things.

And did Will say anything besides "daughter" in this movie? You think his goal was well stated enough? I liked Will as Deadshot overall though, didn't think I would.

Boomerang. Whomerang? Dude was totally wasted. About as cliche an Aussie you can write.

And I'm just gonna say it at the risk of being called a sexist, a whatever, who fukkin cares... tough authoratative women in movies never do it for me. Waller was fine in small doses, but every movie/show that has the constantly on edge, toughgirl, scowling face broad overdoes it.

Just an objectively bad movie.

The OG writer said Waller was perfect and Boomerang is exactly how he is in the comics. Except they tamed down the racism when they cut the film.

Killer Croc was basically similar to the animated series. Though they cut some of his violent scenes.

Diablo was basically the same in the comics as well. Except it wasn't his family, but random people. This felt more personal and gave a better reason for why he'd be reluctant to help/use his powers.

Deadshot's been in prison for 9 months. He never gives a shyt about anybody, but his child. So I didn't have a problem with that.

Saw this on another site. @Arishok
The Suicide Squad isn't put together to stop Enchantress. They're put together to go into Midway city and save "The most important person in the city- Amanda Waller." That's why Deadshot says, "I don't know if you know this but I'm a hitman. I don't save people."

Once they have Waller she tells Flagg, "You wouldn't have gotten here without them." To justify her putting the squad together for that mission.
They were done once Waller got in the helicopter. That's why she says, "I'll send another hilo for you!" Because the mission was accomplished. Never does she say to go after Enchantress.

In fact, the Skwad doesn't even know what they're up against until Boomerang tosses his drone boomerang into the building where Enchantress is doing her belly dancing.
The intrigue of the movie is that the "bad" guys actually CHOOSE to try and save the world. It was never their mission. They were free to go once Flagg smashed his headbomb PDA.

As for the villian- Enchantress was a result of Waller's own doing. Waller kept her caged like an animal and got played when she turned on her. As for the Enchantress' plan, it was to make a machine to destroy all of the military zones and cripple the world response so her and her brother could be worshiped as Gods once more. Think of it as a less destructive Ultron or Loki in Avengers. That's why we see military sites and ships being destroyed and not the White House or other civilian targets. She was never to be some incredible villain. Only a different kind to show the dichotomy between what's really bad.

So to anyone who says it was a "weak" villian, you prove that this movie did it's job. You even think the squad are heroes. This movie showed us that not all bad guys are created equal. We have the bad "Gods" that want to take over and rule the world (Enchantress and Incubus), the government baddies that want to use anything they can including metahumans as weapons for their own agenda (Waller), Bad guys that are born with a power they can't control and end up using it for crime (Diablo and Croc), Bad guys that are vigilante killers hellbent on revenge (Katana) Bad guys that do it for the money (Deadshot and Boomerang), and Some bad guys who are just unpredictable psychopaths (Joker and Harley).

So yeah, the plot wasn't as simple as some may have thought.

Whether that works or not for you :yeshrug:

My biggest complaints are more the technical aspects of it than the story. I agree about the song use....way too much recognizable music in the first 10 mins. :scust:

Should have just did a movie similar to Assault on Arkham imo. I still enjoyed it though. :manny:

I liked BvS director's cut. I think it really improves the movie. Not so sure Ayer's version is going to make it better for people who didn't like this movie. The wack villain and predictable ending are still going to be there.

What was that dossier all about that Waller gave Bruce? Enchantress not dead?
Waller had the files of Flash and Aquaman already.
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Vic Damone. Jr

Don't support the phonies, support the real
Jul 24, 2015
Memphis TN
Just left the theater not too long ago.

The backstories were great.

Harley getting wheeled outta the prison :russ:

Was skeptical about how Jared Leto would do as Joker and how the character would be as a whole but I was hella pleased :ehh:

Never found Cara Delevingne attractive till now :ehh::takedat: Only a little bit tho.

Katana is a bad bytch boi :whew::whoa:

Killer Croc was dope.... Nikka watching "BET" at the end :deadrose:

Salute to El Diablo for taking one for the squad :salute::rip:

Batman punching Harley :mjlol: instant negged gif.

Captain Boomerang turning on dude at the beginning during that heist :pachaha: :umad:

Hope that Margot and Jared get the green light for a Joker/Harley movie. :obama:


May 7, 2012
That is such a swagged out scene breh :wow:
People are entitled to their opinion but I think that nikka killed it. That scene lone told me they deserved their own movie. :wow:
My nikkas joker was snagging every scene he was in
My nicca Mistah J
On paper it looks like a Big drop but Historically it's not really when you look at comic book/superhero movie history. Another August record was broken this weekend. It's almost at 500 Million worldwide so it's made basically 3x's it's budget already (175x3=525)

Total Lifetime Grosses
Domestic: $222,874,728 47.9%
+ Foreign: $242,500,000 52.1%
= Worldwide: $465,374,728

So SS is approaching 4x's it budget before it's over, mind you it's doing this without China. That's like a 100 Million loss right there so I don't see how people are saying it's performing bad because it's not. "SS" just moved up the all-time DC movie list passing "Batman Begins". It's on pace to past "Batman 89" (Before inflation of course) and "Man of Steel". Depending on holds, "BatmanVSuperman" could be in trouble domestically as well.
The critics and the open letter are trying their hardest to bring down SS
Jun 4, 2014
The action was wack though Michael Bay-esque you couldn't see what was going on it was a clusterfukk In the first encounter with those things the enchantress indoctrinated. so whoever said the cinematography was weak was right.