I can tell you groupie stories all day. I don't know them hoes, I ain't did no business with them I don't owe them hoes
Mom vs The bottle girl
one of the dudes the magic had just drafted was in the club....with his mom and dad. Dude hadn't even played a NBA game and wasn't a superstar college prospect as far as I know but these chicks just knew. I don't know how but they knew he was an nba player but they did. He looked like a regular tall dude in the club with his parents. His moms threw so many blocks she should've been drafted to watch Peyton Mannings blindside. She curved every chick that made an attempt to get near him. I'm sitting in the back and the bottle girl comes back there upset cause the mom even curved her attempt too. She started making game plans and strategies to get this dude and the mom was stopping all of them. It was like watching Wyle Coyote attempt to get the road runner. She even asked me to give her number to him disguised as my number but i wanted no parts of it or his moms. It got to the point where his moms was asked for like five things at once and after the bottle girl brought them thinking she was getting the mom to warm up to her, the mom tells her that they won't need her for the rest of the night so she can go deal with the other tables in vip and they'll let her know when they need her. Mom-100 VIP girl- 0
Me and the rest of the staff spent the rest of the night laughing at her until her boyfriend comes to pick her up. Yup. You read that right, her boyfriend. She was in a committed relationship and thirsting that hard. She's still dating the dude too. In a unrelated story, I was telling my dude from the magic about meeting the draft pick and he was like yeah his mom doesn't let him talk to chicks and she manages all his money too
Revolving Whores aka big dudes need love too.
When the superbowl was in miami it was really my first time managing during an event of that magnitude so i didn't know what to expect. I was on point all night making sure everything was in place and everyone was doing what they should be doing.Place is a madhouse, its passed capacity and the club is full of celebrities, rappers. and athletes of all sports so it's like the superbowl of gold digging. I kept noticing that the security was changing spots which is normal when someone is going to the bathroom or throwing someone out but its happening way too often so i watch for a few minutes and they're still covering for each other. I roll up on one of them and he gave me a questionable answer so I'm still investigating.They're all giving me questionable answers so now I know something is up and now i'm kind of pissed. I finally find the head of security and tell him somebody is getting fired if i don't find out something illegal is going on. He's like hold on, I'll tell you whats up just give me your word you won't fire anyone. I wasn't going to fire anyone on the busiest week of the year anyway so I'm like cool. He tells me the groupies and gold diggers keep trying to get in VIP so the guys watching VIP are telling them if they fukk or suck them they'll let them in. 10 minutes if the suck, 20 minutes if they suck and fukk, All night if they swallow. If you run out of time and get put out then you have to do it for another security guard. These dudes are going into a room that just houses the clubs circuit breakers and digging these chicks out.They're also renting the room out to these celebrities entourages to do the same. All of them are in on it so all of them are covering for each other. The smart chicks if you can call them that are going for the all night package but some chicks were going cheap and getting kicked out and coming back for more. One of the dudes looks like biggie and fukked 8 chicks that night. Some chick blew like 4 of them before she decided to fukk one and swallow for the golden ticket. One chick got the golden ticket,walked in and up to a comedian and a rapper that were joking around and said something and the comedian was like security get her the fukk out of here. Then ended up fukking two more security guys even though she lost her golden ticket after being kicked out. I couldn't even be mad at these dudes they had it all mapped out and down to a science. I was like how come you guys can be this organized on normal weeks?