String Bell's Sheisty Thoughts

EBK String

Better Ring String
Nov 8, 2017
Seriously, the real answer is nepotism. period.

Don't let anybody tell you different. My father is the CFO of a large company, he got me an internship with said company while i was in college. Then got me job offers once i graduated. Now i'm a CFO for a much smaller company just 5 years later, and the owner happens to be a friend of my father. Nepotism is the path to success, everybody else has to be exceptional at what they do mentor or no mentor. My advise would be to follow the same career path as your most successful relative and use them to get a foothold in that industry. You might want to be an Engineer but if your father is a successful real estate agent, you'd be a dumbass to pursue anything but real estate as a career.

the must sucessful people in my family are drug dealers.


⠀X ⠀

Dec 19, 2017
do you have a mentor? if so how did you find them?
Thought your thread got deleted, but Insee it got merged...

Here's my response

Having a mentor and a great network is vital. The poster above mentions nepotism, but that doesn't apply to most of us and the right network is just as powerful. I honestly don't have anyone in my family who can put me on to something.

So as for networking, you should be out there meeting people, whether it's in a church, your local chamber of commerce, your alumni association or a volunteering opportunity. Almost all of the jobs and gigs I've gotten were because of the teachers at school or someone at my church.

I even got a gig from someone I met at a conference in Atlanta. She lived in Houston, but had a friend who was visiting NY who needed work done. It never would have happened if I stayed home and didn't make the trip to that conference and connected with multiple people.

Going back to the mentor part, you don't even have to know the person personally. There are plenty of great coaches on YouTube and if you're serious about it, you'll pay for their courses or tutorials and join their community.