These are all excuses. It's not hard to avoid killing people. It's really not, and I don't know why you c00ns continue to handwave this shyt and enable this behavior. There are densely populated ghettos in oppressive, authoritative regimes like China and India that have virtually 0 violent crime. There are densely populated, poor enclaves all over African nations like Ghana, and Cameroon that are infinitely safer than any black American ghetto. Poverty is a factor, but there is a cultural issue that plays the largest role, which a lot of you choose to deny.
If you went on to read the article, the leading theory blames segregation for the disparity in crime between black/white middleclass neighborhoods. Black middleclass neighborhoods tend to be highly homogenous, segregated away from other diverse populations, and can often be surrounded by poor black neighborhoods. This leads to less access to good schools and certain socioeconomic benefits. I want to buy this theory, really I do. But essentially what they're telling you is that if too many nikkas get concentrated into one area bad things are going to happen. And what does that say about us as a people?

Again, murder is not hard. I don't care how poor you are or how shyt your schools are. There's never a justification for murder.
And while we're at it...Baltimore has one of the most heavily funded school districts in the United States, and yet their homicide rate is 8x above the national average and a
0.13 gpa would rank you near the top half of the class. "Bu bu good schools and funding."
Continue to do anything but hold yourselves accountable brehs.