You didn't see my argument about gun manufacturers over producing guns and blocking gun legislation?
Yes, we saw the argument you cobbled together after people showed you how ludicrous your initial post was. I'm in favor of more gun legislation but even if this nation stopped making guns altogether at this second, there's this:

Only small minded idiots focus on the outcome and not the complex structures that lead to an outcome.
You're like Pavlov dogs who think ringing a bell produces food.
People who have the luxury of contemplating the structures that lead to poor outcomes are largely the people that aren't dealing with those outcomes day to day. People who are living in war torn communities aren't concerned with white collar crimes, they're worried about bullets flying into their walls while they're asleep, I wouldn't exactly call those people small minded.
Pavlov's dogs thought ringing bells meant it was dinner time, just like kids at school when the lunch bell rings. You have a similar conditioned response, you view any critique of criminality in Black communities as an attack on Black people.