Street fighter made a comeback with SF4, Then Sony ruined the franchise by making it contains exclus


May 2, 2012
NY all day..Da Stead & BK..
Thats not how eSports work, breh. KOF is harder to play and thus not as accessible, plus it never made TV and had movies and cartoons based on it back in the 90s. SF didnt get its pull based on its gameplay. It was all marketing since the early 90s that got it to where it is now.

Ask any hardcore underground gamers, they'll tell you KOF >>>> SF by a long shot. I know this too cause I was heavy in the fighting game scene back in the early 2000s
Son SF2 revolutionized fighting games THATS why it was popular in the 90’s u buggin tf out. Lol. Ain’t about marketing u know how many clones tried to replicate SF and failed? If u talkin bout the later entry’s as far as after Alpha 3 and Third Strike? I’m wit u.

Black Magisterialness

Moderna Boi
May 23, 2012
Sony didn't nintendo seal of quality them nikkaz, if they did what Microsoft did with killer instinct we wouldn't be having this conversation. Make sure your response negates what I just said :popcorn:
Sony wanted an exclusive to combat killer instinct and kinda moneyhatted a sequel that wasn't authentically made. The results is detrimental to the franchise. The replies in this thread about the game are not glowing and this is after street fighter 4 put street fighter back on top of a lot of people's list... NOT ANYMORE. Sony sacrificed a legendary franchise to make the ps4 more appealing at launch. Socom 4 suffered a similar fate. Sony tries to combat the competition and fails miserably and then the studio closes down like motorstorm or twisted metal, I could go on but I know facts are frowned upon here sohh :hubie:

Bro what the actual fukk are you talking about? The days of the hardware company rubber stamping every game that comes out hasn't been the wave since the 90's. Not even Nintendo still does that. And to be fair, SF V sold 4 million copies. Its the 3rd best selling SF of all time.

So your talking points are based in conjecture, personal taste and subjectivity. All Sony cares about is DOES IT SELL. And it did.

SF V is not my favorite version, but neither is Alpha 3 or Super Turbo. That doesn't mean I think they are bad games. SF V isn't a bad game, its just not SFIV which emphasized specials. SFV's footsies/hit confirms, importance on normals and V-Triggers. Which made SFIV a more fun game to WATCH. But to say SFV isn't a SF game is simply foolish. The departure between IV and V is nowhere NEAR the difference between Alpha and III or even III to IV.

KI got the push because there were NO fighting games running off XB1 at tournaments, so people were buying everything on PS4. KI still hasn't moved what SF V did.