I Really Mean It
Depends on where you live. I’m in Boston, in a state sitting among those with the highest unemployment in the nation. I know quite a few people who made above 50k that are still unemployed, a result of the strict shutdown policy instituted by Governor Baker and the amount of competition for jobs in this area. Demand is high and availability is slim.Its jobs out here breh I feel for them but
Unless you made I think 50k or so that extra 600 was a pay raise. Should have saved it. if you had a job making 50k I would imagine it required some degree of knowledge or skill that you could lateral into another job in said field or another.
Sure, those people can go work at Amazon or Whole Foods, but the wages of those two aren’t going to help them keep pace with the lifestyle - and spending - their former job assisted with. That’s the problem. How do these people pay their mortgage when the moratorium is over? How do they pay their car note? Their children’s healthcare? Summer camp? Home repairs?
Entire lifestyles have been uprooted by these shutdowns, which the $600 was meant to compensate for.
That retroactive payment better occur or the Democrats have a problem in 2022.