should I spend money on this???
This movie was good. It really is a loose adaptation of the book, because there's so many changes that it is completely different...and for the better. The book was pretty "meeehhhh", other than the pop culture references.
And the Oasis actually looked beautiful. I highly recommend.
Had so much fun with this movie
You have to be a miserable weirdo to hate on this movie
Honestly my first thought after watching that movie was "I bet that book is fukking trash"@ not do the book justice. The book was fukking terrible. 50 shades level of writing.
Agreed with everyone so far that the race scene in IMAX wasAnd that second challenge when they went in The Shining
This was fun and I was entertained throughout so I'd give it a 7.5/10 - Scores probably a little biased since I'm an 80's kid though
I didn't like that forced fake love story they had with Artemis and Parzival. And the government/cops really letting IOI go around dragging people off to concentration camps and letting a private company use their drones out in the public like that
Seriously, breh. The IOI is going around just doing all kinds of insidious shyt and the only time police are shown is at the VERY end?
And after all that the mad dude is really gonna just not shoot kid in the head because....uh the kid is emotional? He understands all of a sudden? Just such a fukkjng 80s movie ending.
And you're telling me in future bummy Columbus, he's the only dude with a gun in that whole crowd? Has Spielberg never been to Ohio? You're telling me they know this dude ordered a whole stack blown up and their friends and family members murdered and they're not tearing him apart like the hyenas did Scar in Lion King? That is fukking stupid.
And the live story was so sudden and random. All of a sudden, after barely even talking to each other in that world, they just love each other. And ALLLLLL of the 5 just so happen to live in or around Columbus, Ohio?
And everyone is just running in the street disrupting traffic flailing around playing their VR shyt like that wouldn't cause millions of deaths around the world? Like, dude did a shyt job establishing the world and the rule for the VR there. Just...a rushed story. Ton of dumb shyt. I mean visually it was impressive and it was a fun movie, but holy shyt I don't see how anyone can call it "amazing" with the plethora of dumb shyt it had going on