Steve Bannon has a PSA for you dumbass don’t vote “both sides” ass Custers


Uptown Thoroughbred
Jun 10, 2018
White people are going to white people. And Hilary had faults that I listed earlier in this thread.

To use that to suggest the Russians didn't have any impact is not rational at all. They played a part in shaping the opinions of American voters through continous misinformation, spin, fake black social media accounts, etc.

:skip: Oh! You mean like this...?

Russian-led troll network based in west Africa uncovered​

A newly discovered Russian-led network of professional trolls was being outsourced to Ghanaian and Nigerian operatives, according to Facebook and Twitter, who removed the network’s accounts on Thursday.


“They frequently posted about US news and attempted to grow their audience by focusing on topics like black history, black excellence and fashion, celebrity gossip, news and events related to famous Americans like historical figures and celebrities, and LGBTQ issues. They also shared content about oppression and injustice, including police brutality.”

:mjlol: Sounds like the coli ....


Kyle C. Barker

Migos VERZUZ Mahalia Jackson
Feb 5, 2015
This information isn’t useful :heh:

This is confirmation bias and it’s simply not even true. Hilary Clinton lost for a myriad of reasons but mostly importantly she one of the worst presidential candidates ever and people from her own campaign will tell you she lost because she was to arrogant and didn’t even bother to campaign in crucial states. It had nothing to do with black people.

But, y’all love to claim to be “pro-black” yet love regurgitating white supremacist talking points that degrade black people. This is why the democrats don’t take y’all seriously :mjlol:

Again, I don't understand how you can type any of this with a straight face since he's being very open about his tactics.

It's a verified fact that Steve Bannon hired Cambridge analytics to sow black voter apathy online


Jan 28, 2013
:russell: scare tactics not gonna work if the dems dont give us anything... :manny: go ask them asians, go ask them Jews, go ask them illegals everybody else gets something except us...

Says the poster living in NYC, the epicenter of the world, a Democratic stronghold....put your money where you mouth is and move to Iowa, Nebraska or some other deep red shythole :russell:

Harry B

May 20, 2012
You mean the same Asians that want to repeal affirmative action because they perceive black people as the reason they can’t get into college?

I wish y’all would stop this Supreme Court nonsense. It’s literally the democrats/incompetence fault the republicans have a majority in the Supreme Court, not voter turnout.

You also don’t seem to have a basic understanding of how “a right” works. Making a conscience decision to vote or not is exercising your right. Not everyone believes in “choosing the lesser of two evils” nonsense. Therefore, someone can withhold their vote and disapprove of a presidents performance.
Yes those same Asians. I dont produce the statistics. And let’s not forget that Asians been riding good on that’s minority ticket for decades. That a fraction of them — those that want to go to Ivey league schools and fail — are mad is for coli threads.

The reason Republicans have the SC is due to them winning the election, I don’t know what the fukk your are talking about. If they got more votes in the right states they would win and we wouldn’t have radical racists and sexists in the sc for the coming decades. Now the reasons for them not getting more votes is a completely different discussion. :dahell:

And my understanding of rights is fantastic. My opinion on the “rights” people should have has nothing to do with that. Eg if I say that people who complain about getting sunburnt should shut the fukk up when it’s raining and snowing, that doesn’t mean that I believe that there is or should be a law stating that:dahell:

2 Up 2 Down

May 4, 2012
It's always odd to me how black people who didn't vote/voted GOP or 3rd party are to blame for everything wrong with politics, but when the same people ask Dem politicians for a black agenda its shut down because it is too narrow in scope.

"We can't do reparations white people will laugh at us, its not realistic"
"We can't ask for billions for exclusive black business/HBCU funding it would never be approved"
"We can't get ___ done without including LGBT and People of Color"

These politicians show up to Asian, East Indian, Hispanic spaces that are growing faster than ours and take notes. They don't negotiate because they are just happy an old white man showed up. Every other group gets their way when they want 2nd Amendment rights solidified, eliminating Affirmative Action, getting RoevWade out the paint, including these clowns that throw money into a firepit for Ukraine. We let everyone in and they close the door behind us.

Biden takes an L with 10-20k Student Loan forgiveness which would have disproportionately benefited black people, then turns around and forgives student loans for Gen-X and Boomers which disproportionately benefits older white people:what:

They only decriminalize marijuana in black cities/states after they've Beta Tested in majority white cities on the west coast. I don't want to hear about the Supreme Court because this has been going on long before the 4 years of Trump.

What's the black agenda?
I don't remember seeing a definitive list. Reparations is the only thing I remember seeing brought up


Nov 1, 2015

thats nationally, steve bannon talked about black people not voting in certain cities/counties giving trump the electoral college votes he needed to win.

black people not voting in the numbers they should be in certain places is absolutely allowing republicans to win elections.

they've always known that the black vote tips the balance in the final vote count so they wage a disinformation campaign, gerrymander and disenfranchise black voters to weaken our political bloc.

Regarding presidential elections, voter turnout for the U.S. population has stayed relatively stable since 1980 (with the exception of a slightly higher turnout in 1992 and a dip in 1996 and 2000). While whites traditionally have the highest voter turnout relative to other racial groups, Blacks have higher voter turnout than Hispanics and Asians. In fact, Black voter turnout was within 1 percentage point of whites in 2008 (65.2% compared to 66.1%) and was actually higher than whites in 2012 (66.6% compared to 64.1%). In 2016, voter turnout for Blacks dipped to 59.6%. While that number was lower than whites (65.3%), it was still higher than Asians (49.3%) and Hispanics (47.6%).
Last edited:

that guy

Jan 25, 2014
thats nationally, steve bannon talked about black people not voting in certain cities/counties giving trump the electoral college votes he needed to win.

black people not voting in the numbers they should be in certain places is absolutely allowing republicans to win elections.

they've always known that the black vote tips the balance in the final vote count so they wage a disinformation campaign, gerrymander and disenfranchise black voters to weaken our political bloc.
Claiming that black people are the reasons trump won in 2016 IS the disinformation campaign. Black voter turnout was about the same as the previous election.


Nov 1, 2015
Claiming that black people are the reasons trump won in 2016 IS the disinformation campaign. Black voter turnout was about the same as the previous election.

I didn't claim that, I showed you evidence that way fewer black people voted in 2016 than in 2008 and that dip happened in battleground states.

Longtime Republican consultant: if black people voted Republican, voter ID laws wouldn't happen​

He explained that the new wave of voting restrictions is about disenfranchising black voters, not stopping voter fraud.

the GOP isn't stupid, if black voters weren't disenfranchised, the republicans would be losing elections all over this country.

that guy

Jan 25, 2014
I didn't claim that, I showed you evidence that way fewer black people voted in 2016 than in 2008 and that dip happened in battleground states.

the GOP isn't stupid, if black voters weren't disenfranchised, the republicans would be losing elections all over this country.
I didn’t say you claimed that. The article you posted doesn’t show how low black voter turnout caused trump to win in 2016, all it says is a regurgitation of was trumps shady research firm reported. How many electoral college votes did Hilary lose solely because of black people?
Aug 16, 2017
It's always odd to me how black people who didn't vote/voted GOP or 3rd party are to blame for everything wrong with politics, but when the same people ask Dem politicians for a black agenda its shut down because it is too narrow in scope.

"We can't do reparations white people will laugh at us, its not realistic"
"We can't ask for billions for exclusive black business/HBCU funding it would never be approved"
"We can't get ___ done without including LGBT and People of Color"

These politicians show up to Asian, East Indian, Hispanic spaces that are growing faster than ours and take notes. They don't negotiate because they are just happy an old white man showed up. Every other group gets their way when they want 2nd Amendment rights solidified, eliminating Affirmative Action, getting RoevWade out the paint, including these clowns that throw money into a firepit for Ukraine. We let everyone in and they close the door behind us.

Biden takes an L with 10-20k Student Loan forgiveness which would have disproportionately benefited black people, then turns around and forgives student loans for Gen-X and Boomers which disproportionately benefits older white people:what:

They only decriminalize marijuana in black cities/states after they've Beta Tested in majority white cities on the west coast. I don't want to hear about the Supreme Court because this has been going on long before the 4 years of Trump.
I think you are mistaking groups for individuals. They applied for loans, and minority grants. They established businesses and donate to politicians. Meanwhile, we turn our noses at minority grants, because they aren’t exclusively for us. Well guess who’s taking them? We have nothing to offer but votes. We can’t offer shares, or donations, and we publicly bash white people while holding our hand out to them. What’s their incentive to do anything? Those groups quietly established themselves. We want to be loud and emotional, and label everything black. I went to a local diner the other day, and realized Latinos took it over. It’s in a pretty established white neighborhood. They weren’t playing Spanish music, they didn’t have Mexican flags, they just quietly took it over, and are taking in the money. They took over a pizza place too. They don’t keep themselves isolated. They will move into neighborhoods, and maintain the resources, and take other people’s money.

You can’t just say BLACK BUSINESSES AND BANKS. You have to have black individuals establish things, and those powerful black individuals look out for, and help other black people by hiring us, fixing up the community, buying property, and renting it to WHOMEVER IS WILLING TO PAY. And…GETTING MARRIED TO OTHER BLACK PEOPLE, and having two income households.

As far as Asians and affirmative action, that case was funded by a WHITE man, who used them as a front, and they accepted. They used him just like he used them. You’re supposed to compete, and fight for your own. I have no idea why in 2023 black folks still expect everyone else to give up financial opportunities out of respect for us. If there is property available in a black area, they are going to buy it. We didn’t buy it. But we can buy sneakers, and go on vacation. We can get gym memberships, but not pay for life insurance, or put money away for our kids’ college fund. We can make twerk videos, but not make sure our kids are doing their homework.

To the non black world, it appears we don’t want to put the work in. We have a reputation for not showing up on time. Look at our entertainment. Almost every female artist is singing about sex, and shaking her ass. Even Beyoncé is singing about sex. Look at the violence. Look at these teens vandalizing stores. Look how we handle conflicts, yelling, and fighting. We can’t even work together, and have civil conversations.

But as soon as one of us points these things out, it’s “c00n, self hating, anti black”.