Names on the card? Who?
Just on that last PPV? How about the one before when he did 3 x as much? and the previous one to that which was 2x as much? What about the big disparity in gate receipts?
Pac/Arum are shook, simple as that
Nah breh

we're going off both their last fights, which were both on ppv in Vegas.. CURRENTLY they're close in drawing power. And when you consider Maidana should be a much bigger draw than Bradley it makes you think

65/35 is unacceptable right now
Floyd has touched 2 millions buys twice
Pacquaio 0 times
Floyd has all the gate records, been champion longer, is undefeated and is not fighting in china
Pacquaio need to grab whatever Floyd throws at him and stfu
That offer is MORE than fair
Even when arum robbing him he'll still get a nice amount of money
Nobody cares about floyd being undefeated or who has been champion longer. Or his ppv numbers 8 years ago when he wasn't even A side. how many times did Floyd have to get his straps back again after toss them in the bushes multiple times?? We can go down this route if you want.
RIGHT NOW.. fighting in Vegas on ppv they're around the same with Floyd being slightly higher looking at the numbers.. Like I told dumbass above you, 35% is unacceptable at this point in Pac career. . We want that backend, Floydie wont budge.. even after being offered $50 to $100 million