Stephen Curry has no heart


May 29, 2012
if it's just genetics then Jordan sons should be great

And if it was just work ethic then cats a lot of cats in the D-League or at the end of the bench that work their ass off but lack natural gifts would be great. This idea that you can be elite without BOTH natural gifts and hard work is silly.


I'm Lamont's pops
Nov 20, 2016
Straight from Flatbush
Something is off with him. People say he's coasting, but I think he is having psychological struggles with the dynamics of having KD there. Kerr benching him at the end of last night's game could really start chemistry issues if they don't hash that out immediately.

How so when Curry was the main one lobbing Durant to come to the bay?

As for the chemistry issues stop it.. It def wasn't a good look for Kerr to bench him in that critical play am I'm sure the Bay Area sports talk scene is ripping Kerr a new a$$hole for that shyt.

That's a 2 time MVP, Kerr out smarted and out coached himself. He gambled and lost so next time he won't have Curry on the bench in a crucial play against the Cavs.. If he does he will be fired..

Curry will be fine he been around pro ball his entire life...


May 1, 2012

The Cavs take 33 threes a game, Love accounts for 6 of those, so where are the other 27 three pointers coming from.
The other players on the team:mindblown: The point remains. The only two players who are essential to that team are Lebron and Kyrie. Love isn't essential and neither are any of the other role players. While the 3 is part of Lebron and Kyrie's game it isn't essential to either of their games. They both could be just as effective without the 3.

When the shyt gets thick they give the ball to LeBron and Kyrie and they can iso because there's always other shooters on the floor with them, they live and die with the corner three which is a staple of modern basketball teams. Only 1 of their frontcourt players can't shoot threes (Thompson) while Frye and Love take more together than your precious 90s squads. Imagine Kyrie and LeBron trying to iso with Anthony Mason, Charles Oakley on the court with John Starks. The Cavs jack up threes because it gives their iso stars space, without those shooters they'd look like the Bulls who have two iso-stars and suck.
You don't even make sense. If it's impossible to ISO with non 3 point shooters on the court then how were the 90s teams doing it? Oh that's right, they changed the rules and the way that the game is called to allow teams to zone up on dominant individual players. No shyt it would be harder for 90s styled teams under these rules because those teams were built to play under different rules. You never take the fact that this is a different game into account when you make these now vs 90s comparisons.

Even with the changes in the rules and style of play your point is still invalid. Yesterday the Cavs started Deandre Liggins at the 2. Their guard rotation outside of Kyrie consisted of Liggins, Jefferson, and shumpert none of which are known to scare teams from the outside. They went a combined 3-21 and the Cavs still won. They damn sure could've won with Mason, Oakley, Starks type players last night. The fact of the matter is that gs got beat despite making more 3s and shooting 10% higher from the floor. The Cavs only shot 38% for the whole game.

Your claim that you need all of this outside shooting on the floor to compete against today's teams is just not backed up by reality. The Spurs basically have a midrange team. They're 25-6 starting Aldridge and Gasol taking the 3rd least amount of 3s of all NBA teams. You say Chicago "sucks" but they're 4th in the east and I think that they will be the second best team in the east by the end of the season. That's with a 35 year old Dwade and an unproven "star" in Butler. You swap Lebron and Kyrie for Wade and Butler and the Bulls would be the better team.

The Cavs were making 8 threes a game in that series with the Warriors, the Warriors made 13, now put a team on the court vs the Warriors that makes 2 per game like 90s teams did and see how that works out. You trying to draw comparisons between the Cavs being a league leader in threes to some teams that had 1 shooter on their entire team and made 2-3 per game, hilarious shyt.
Are you really this simple bruh? You can't just go and look up stats from the average 90s team and compare them with a team from this era pretending as if it's some preview of how the teams would match up. Again, it's a completely different game now. I don't care how many 3s the Cavs took/made in the finals last year the point was that they made a lot less than gs and still won which refutes your claim that teams from other eras can't compete with teams from this era simply because they didn't shoot/make enough 3s. We see teams excelling now who don't take a lot of 3s relative to other teams. I'll repeat, the Spurs are 25-6 having taken the 3rd least amount of 3s in the league. Concede the point, you're wrong.


Apr 30, 2012
Now who else wanna fukk with Hollywood Court?
The other players on the team:mindblown: The point remains. The only two players who are essential to that team are Lebron and Kyrie. Love isn't essential and neither are any of the other role players. While the 3 is part of Lebron and Kyrie's game it isn't essential to either of their games. They both could be just as effective without the 3.

You don't even make sense. If it's impossible to ISO with non 3 point shooters on the court then how were the 90s teams doing it? Oh that's right, they changed the rules and the way that the game is called to allow teams to zone up on dominant individual players. No shyt it would be harder for 90s styled teams under these rules because those teams were built to play under different rules. You never take the fact that this is a different game into account when you make these now vs 90s comparisons.

Even with the changes in the rules and style of play your point is still invalid. Yesterday the Cavs started Deandre Liggins at the 2. Their guard rotation outside of Kyrie consisted of Liggins, Jefferson, and shumpert none of which are known to scare teams from the outside. They went a combined 3-21 and the Cavs still won. They damn sure could've won with Mason, Oakley, Starks type players last night. The fact of the matter is that gs got beat despite making more 3s and shooting 10% higher from the floor. The Cavs only shot 38% for the whole game.

Your claim that you need all of this outside shooting on the floor to compete against today's teams is just not backed up by reality. The Spurs basically have a midrange team. They're 25-6 starting Aldridge and Gasol taking the 3rd least amount of 3s of all NBA teams. You say Chicago "sucks" but they're 4th in the east and I think that they will be the second best team in the east by the end of the season. That's with a 35 year old Dwade and an unproven "star" in Butler. You swap Lebron and Kyrie for Wade and Butler and the Bulls would be the better team.

Are you really this simple bruh? You can't just go and look up stats from the average 90s team and compare them with a team from this era pretending as if it's some preview of how the teams would match up. Again, it's a completely different game now. I don't care how many 3s the Cavs took/made in the finals last year the point was that they made a lot less than gs and still won which refutes your claim that teams from other eras can't compete with teams from this era simply because they didn't shoot/make enough 3s. We see teams excelling now who don't take a lot of 3s relative to other teams. I'll repeat, the Spurs are 25-6 having taken the 3rd least amount of 3s in the league. Concede the point, you're wrong.

You're buggin if you think I'm going to read this :mjlol:

I've made entire fukking threads about the 90s, go make a thread if you want to discuss that shyt with me :yeshrug: Until then, stick with the "But why you do you guys like Malta" routine of trying to appeal to the masses :russ:


May 1, 2012
You're buggin if you think I'm going to read this :mjlol:
You should've just shut the fukk up and not read then. Ole feminine ass son of a bytch. One you pull that "I ain't reading" shyt I just take that as a tap out and I'm just going to insult you.


Apr 30, 2012
Now who else wanna fukk with Hollywood Court?
Uou should've just shut the fukk and not read then. Ole
Feminine ass son of a bytch.

Nah, I want you to honestly feel like you wasted time typing that bullshyt out, cause you did. :russ:

I got threads on this topic and I'll make more in the future, wait your turn fakkit and have some patience if you want to speak to me so bad.


May 1, 2012
if it's just genetics then Jordan sons should be great
Were they blessed with Mike's athleticism? Curry was blessed with his dad's natural ability to shoot which is the signature part of his game. Curry has been always been the best player on his team(minus this year).


May 1, 2012
Nah, I want you to honestly feel like you wasted time typing that bullshyt out, cause you did. :russ:

I got threads on this topic and I'll make more in the future, wait your turn fakkit and have some patience if you want to speak to me so bad.
Waste of time? You don't even get it. I post to expose you. I break your bullshyt down for others to see. Cats clown your partner but gave you some kind of pass as if you know what you're talking about when you don't. I don't need you to admit to being wrong. I already know you're on some feminine shyt. Again, whenever you're cornered you start trolling. The "I'm not gon read yo post so there you just wasted your time.." shyt is just you trolling trying to deflect from me schooling you in this discussion.


May 19, 2012
To some but we all have witness the "cake walk" talk before..
I knew it wouldn't be easy because the whole team mentality would shift with another elite scorer..
We saw it with the Celtics...
We saw it with the Heat...
We saw it in Houston when Charles fat ass went there..
We saw it with the Lakers( fukk that flabby and sick excuse for the Glove and Malone)
History always repeats itself..
You would have to be delusional or a band wagon fan of sports in generally not see this..
The problem is Curry can't hide no more..
It's time to show and prove..
nikka out here being exposed like a ho on Bissonet and 59 or like a ho back on Main in the 90s'(Houston brehs know what I'm talking about)..
No more excuses...
Either this nikka get a sensu bean or go to a hyperbolic chamber..
fukk the towels on the head..
fukk the commercials..
fukk the trash ass IQ basketball behind the back passes..
fukk deferring..
fukk Kerr..
If you want respect, accept the challenge or run your ass to Charlotte and become a family man...


Somebody PLEASE put Curry's face on Guile and Kyrie's on Chun Li, the Coli will forever be grateful