Season 2 is one of my favorites... shows the bigger picture than just the hood. Shows it was going on at every level, not just the projects.
The Sobotka story was phenomenal. A can’t get right son and cousin/nephew that got too deep in. How drugs tore up that family...the docks was a funny place...and they still gave you the hood aspect of it too...just moreso in the background...
season 4 tho

Thats TV at its finest. Elite level programming. The acting, storytelling, all of it...hell I remember, in college, the first time I saw that Randy in the police station after the fire...the last words to end the episode...”you gonna protect me? Huh? Officer Carver.”

I was literally in tears. I loved Randy, he was one of my favorite characters in the whole show...
TV just doesn’t have that now...thus, why I don’t watch