This was on page 2 and the movie is out in 9 days 
Anyway, here's Daisy Ridley saying she faces the same struggles as John Boyega
Star Wars - Daisy Ridley faces backlash over 'privilege' comments

Anyway, here's Daisy Ridley saying she faces the same struggles as John Boyega

Star Wars - Daisy Ridley faces backlash over 'privilege' comments
When talking about her private eduction, Daisy replied by suggesting that she is no more privileged than her Star Wars co-star John Boyega, which has been met with heavy criticism on social media.
Ridley was asked if her background – including private boarding school and relatives who are established in the industry – has helped her to navigate the world of celebrity easier than her peers.
The star replied: "The privilege I have – how? No, genuinely, how?"
When reporter Nosheen Iqbal explained she meant in terms of class and wealth and wasn't criticising her, Ridley went on to suggest that her experiences weren't too dissimilar to those of her co-star John Boyega.
Boyega, who plays Finn in the franchise, was raised in south London by British-Nigerian immigrant parents and applied for a hardship fund to join Theatre Peckham.