The leaks are true
Have Leia doing badass shyt all over the first movie, 2nd Movie, and 3rd Movie but complain brehs...
shyt, she's arguably the strongest Skywalker!!!
like I said earlier i this thread, the only reason im even seeing this is because I saw the others so I just need to finish it. If I didnt waste my time with the first out of the trilogy I wouldn't have put any energy into this mess.
They done turned star wars into star gate....bahaha
You know he was like when he found out that the mouse made Lando have a sexual fetish for droids
We're not doing any Stargate disrespect today or ever
Billy Dee Williams recently told Esquire magazine that he uses both male and female pronouns to refer to himself. “I say ‘himself’ and ‘herself,’ because I also see myself as feminine as well as masculine,” said Williams, who is known for playing Lando Calrissian in the “Star Wars” universe. “I think of myself as a relatively colorful character who doesn’t take himself or herself too seriously