To be fair, Jar Jar did give Palpatine emergency powers, thus creating The Empire, so he's actually accomplished more than Finn.![]()
He united the Naboo and the Gungang races and survived the battle of Naboo as well, even took out a bunch of droids and tanks.
Jar Jar > Finn.
He was proud of his race, on multiple times he brags about their army which is why Padme asks for his help. Also didn't let a white man who he just met give him his there's that.
Just read the Spoilers
Aight if the spoilers are true I'll say this
- Rian Johnson ruined Star Wars...and KK helped him do it
- IX is a convoluted mess that didn't need to be, but kind of had to be because of how awful VIII was
- I think if JJ was the director for VIII we would have gotten the true ESB 2nd movie in the trilogy type deal
- Yo these mofos really can't help themselves with the pushing of Rey as a mary sue. I mean I sorta get it, that Rey is mentally weak but physically strong in the way that Luke was but the way they get here is so...ehhhhh
- I'm ok with this if this is how it ends. JJ Abrams landed the ship.
To be fair, Jar Jar did give Palpatine emergency powers, thus creating The Empire, so he's actually accomplished more than Finn.![]()
Lucas was a hoe for that and was clearly done out of spite for people shytting on the character wholesale.
He won't admit that it's probably doo doo![]()