They announced an entirely TRILOGY of movies without having ANY idea what it’s about! If that’s not an alarming sign I don’t know what is!
They do not care about making good movies! It’s amazing how the loyal fans cannot see through this!
They are just going to rush whatever bullshyt they can to make deadline, add some things that can be turned into toys and plush dolls... and slap a Star Wars sticker on it!
Well we always kinda knew a new trilogy was coming no matter what.
The amazing part is that KK announced RJ was going to direct the new trilogy before the audience even had a chance to react to TLJ.
Which also means she loved the direction RJ was taking Star Wars so much with TLJ that she felt confident enough to give him his on triliogy.
KK has to go. She's been eating off the nostalgia and hype wave from the fans due to the resurgence of Star wars but now we are at a point where bad decision making has consequences and it's really starting to show.
If she's not gone before the release of Solo I'm sure she will be shortly after.