Just curious is there anyone that can legit say that Rey, Finn and Poe are great characters? For a protagonist Rey is fukking awful nothing to her.

And it’s not because she is female it’s because she is a badly written character.
Kylo Ren had so much potential because he was the grandson of Vader, nephew to ultimate Neo-Jedi Hero Luke, son to Princess/General war hero resistance fighter Leia and smuggler turned war general Han. He had so much to live up to and they didn't even explore that angle.
Finn, a programmed/conditioned Stormtropper that broke free during his first battle. Why? How? And if he broke off, why does he keep saying they're evil? That's all he knows, so for him to suddenly see it from another perspective was something to explore. Once again, so much wasted potential.
Rey, eh....I got nothing. Matter of fact, why is she even in the mix? Han was looking for a job to pay off the bounty on his head. He got sucked into it, and grew fond of them. Rey was just there.
Yup. They'r all trash. So far, one of the better characters has been Billie Lourd.