it seems like more women are liking this movie then men are
This movie shys completely away from conflict and handles it on some backhanded weak shyt how a weak ass punk female would handle it.
This whole movie is a mother's group large cinema exercise in trying to move away and around conflict. Like female humans are supposed to be scared to deal with issues. When in nature. Any female fights and will fight male or female when they get treated. I don't care what itor whom it is. Any female found in nature will fight, and to the death. Yet, here we have this silly feminist gay movement trying to pretty much get rid of real conflict resolution. In order to neuter all society into ignoring their society destructive shyt in this same lack of confrontation manner. So they can fake take over and do so by simple neutering. While they in fact built a status system that also does not include the very females that are flanking their side for their agenda. Thus eliminating heterosexuals and neutering and effective ways social and through socialization to physical. to rid us these types of people who damage the natural order of life as a human and as an actual organism. All in favor of a neutered sterile androgynous life. As feminism end result is androgyny. Which is why feminism is a scourge and politics everything out of the existence in human creation and male female dialectic as well. These are facts. This entire movie tries to get away from conflict resolution on all fronts and deal with purposeful subterfuge deception and a lack of humanity. Let alone an actual organism found anywhere, especially on earth. To the point I just wonder why and how these people are here. When they violate the actual survival of human sentient life. This entire movie does nuffin but deflect away from conflict resolution and gives way to deflection and deception to no resolution. It is a simple betrayal to star wars in just simple conflict resolution premise. That extends to any and every situation in this movie and neuters and emasculates any and everything content wise in the film. Everyone presented in this film is a slave to it. That it totally upends the sense of urgency life needs to reflect to create change. Just for beginners in the movie, it hesitates to execute in any and every possible way. While illustrating perfectly under duress the inability to listen, correlate, act with cognitive register to the situation at hand, inability to handle anxiety completely, inability to communicate.
While star wars are the beginning moral entertainment building blocks of all times as a draw and simple digestible gateway conflict. That the entire film industry is completely built upon and the overall historic success of HOLLYWOOD, all the time. It is the goat franchise over everything and the only franchise to pull America out of the doldrums of depression and lack of general morals. That were spawned from the loss of Evers, jfk, king and Malcolm x. It is the only soothing and healing property in actual us history to terraform a new HOPEFUL GENERATION. Hence it being called a new hope.
Art Barr
To this day, I never met a bully who liked star wars. Let that sink in and correlate it to what this property is for America. Which was its mental complextion changing and moral dynamic, from America being marred in complete hopelessness and cynicism. Which leads to uncaring and eventually a lack of high quality care that will give way to androgyny.
Take the time to find an outlet and voice your displeasure.
The problem with America is the lack of star wars in the mid to late eighties in its original luster.
This particular and original piece of americana.
Is actually america's saving grace period. For it to be emasculated and neutered. Completely ushers out capitalism to economics to being a moral sound person.
I urge you, like that distress signal to try to do whatever you can.
to voice your displeasure and make them fix this or at least admit fault. If you do
not have kids, I urge you to do this. As real talk,...without star wars. You are also going to have a real tough time raising children, boys and girls. As real talk princess Leia is the female of our Gen and is what the Americana based ideal is of what women are. Which is the royal queen, decisive, calm and calculating under pressure to reach resolve and former princess to a farm boy named luke.
This whole shyt is a betrayal of what and who America had become.
You guys are living a manipulated dangerous morally deficient lie by not having Star wars in its glory. Just the fact these gens never witnessed real mania for anything is a cause for alarm. As that ability to create a blockbuster and mania to just sheer common general interest is lost. As well as the unifying media that star wars is for everyone. As star wars existed before our Gen was cognitive of corrosive socially ill properties like race.
It instilled in us the ability to do. To fight, and understand why and how to fight well. It instilled in us simple things like loyalty, companionship, valor, brilliance, upper level mastery of motor skills, upper level mastery and insight to mentally being prepared for conflict. Star wars is the gateway to what America is by draw, impact, social message.
Them trying to assimilate, neuter and emasculate it is a betrayal and it needs to fully exposed.
Not to mention it is a gateway, propaganda film in the defeat of fascism as well. Which should not ever be hurt given the fact. The social ills of the world are perpetrated by this group as a science.
With this movie, it totally takes to letting a new villain in government arise. Which star wars, as a film in basic premise is about. In basic premise, star wars is about the confrontation and attack defeat and resolution of conflict created by fascist. Which is also why this film needs to be called out. As it totally does not defeat fascism. It is a gateway film for women.
to join the fascist in a proposed but deflected by subterfuge inbred incest slash angle that should be exposed as well. Where capitalism and fascism meet. In a number of vignettes, in this movie. That since this movie creates no conflict resolution.
allows the idea we can not be without or rid ourselves of it as well.
Star wars is all about confronting fascism and the actual obsession it takes to defeat it as well.
To tamper with that is a complete betrayal of sound civil tranquil human society.
This film is a betrayal.
Art Barr