Kornball The Conqueror
Fn pawgin and paagin homos wan't him to be gay so bad
word to Rogue OneMovie doesn't get good until the third act
Fn pawgin and paagin homos wan't him to be gay so bad
hes gone dude. the lightsabre had no effect on luke at the end, his LS had a mighty effect. they even zoom in on his face to confirm it when hux walks ini don't think snoke is dead, he did the same hologram sh!t as luke
hes gone dude. the lightsabre had no effect on luke at the end, his LS had a mighty effect. they even zoom in on his face to confirm it when hux walks in
for the people complaining about rose fallin for finn in 18 hrs... anakin and padme was the same thing. people fall in love after going thru shyt together (OR SO THE MOVIES SAY lol)/ people keep shytting on him for askin where rey is at not remembering he basically has been knocked unconscious for a week from a lightsabre to the dome.. rey coulda been dead fr all he know
finn was a diff character in this movie .. and any respect earned was thrown away when he called phasma chrome dome
Uh, the public are the ones voting the user score.Rotten Tomatoes is seriously trying to fall out of favor with the public. And they will. This movie is not that bad.
Boba at least tracked han to Lando. Phasma did nothing in two movies, except get a gun put to her and lower the shields immediately in TFA. Then she dies in TLJ in a laughable mannermy homie was hyping up Phasma hard leading into this and i joked "she'll probably get Boba Fett'd" and i just watched the movie and exactly that happened...i laughed so loud...shyt is hilarious
I thinks it's interesting that you say this because you have to actually submit yourself to a lot of headcanon to make sense of things that happened in TLJ.I liked it a lot more the Force Awakens. I think people went in with their own head canon of how they feel the story is suppose to be and they got something completely different. In a way it's like the prequel trilogy (which I'm a big fan of)
The skyline sequel was better than this and that went straight to DVD.movie wasnt that bad
got damn I hate Star Wars fans![]()