Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Official Thread)

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
Snoke can mentally hook Kylo up to Rey (whom he has never even seen)from across the Galaxy. Dude even knows what they both thinking(Rey wants to redeem him, Kylo being bytchmade). He even sensed the rebels stealth transports getting blown up, when his underlings JUST found out about the rebels stealth downstairs.
But he can't tell Kylo about to stab him.:francis:
he did tell... kylo was thinking of stabbing his enemy.. snoke was sitting there naming his thoughts as he was having them

where he fukked up was not seeing that the "enemy" was snoke.. he translated his thoughts wrong

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
What was the point of the kid at the end?
in the star wars world, luke is supposed to be the last jedi... then it was ray.. who people were guessing had to be the daughter of a famous jedi/sith

well the first movie was just to okie doke everyone.. ray isn't anybody special nor comes from anyone special.. and force weilders aren't dying off.. they are still being born the same as before (ie the kid)

seems like the next one will be the rebuilt (time jump) or rebuilding (no jump) of the rebels and jedi order with ray as the head
Feb 24, 2017
I really don't like how basically 95% of the plot progression in this movie was mired down in just trying to fukk with audience expectations over and over again. The movie spends so much time trying to set you up with bait and switch questions like "Is Kylo really unforgivably evil now?? Is Rey gonna turn like he did too???? Is Hodo a First Order plant sabotaging the resistance??? Is Finn gonna get with Rey or this new asian chick???? Will Leia die for real now that Carrie Fischer has passed away IRL????" that none of the characters really feel like they go through logical or meaningful progression or development because their on screen time is devoted almost solely to just playing ping pong with what you're expecting is gonna happen considering it's a Star Wars movie.

And that wouldn't be a bad thing if the director/writers actually did bait and switch us and actually tried to mix things up in a new and interesting or at least satisfying way, but ultimately I think they failed to do that. People criticized TFA for being too derivative in tone and plot to the original trilogy/ANH but this movie in comparison devotes all of it's runtime and creative energy to just trying to inverse Empire Strikes back to make a point that "Old Star Wars is dead", while ultimately not even committing to that and just playing it safe and uninteresting/uninspired in the end. This ISN'T the Last of the Jedi, this ISN'T the last of the Sith/First Order, Kylo's still a bad guy, Rey's still the good jedi hero she was always marketed as, etc. etc. And the unexpected stuff it DOES do like killing Snoke and Luke feels unearned and unrewarding because both of those are so random and haphazard and feel like they were conceived just to get a quick, cheap shock out of the audience.

So all that effort in trying to play with audiences and fans expectations just feels meaningless; this was supposed to be a radical creative departure to ground the new trilogy on it's own 2 feet independent from the original, but it doesn't end up being that, it just tries to fool you into thinking it is for 2.5 hours. They didn't even have the balls to kill off the one old trilogy character who's actress actually died in real life for chrissakes :dead:

IDK y'all; it was a very pretty movie (but so was TFA), I thought it was well acted outside of whatever the fukk was goin on with Benicio's accent, the space battles were well choreographed and well animated (IDGAF if the warp kamikaze made no sense, shyt was :banderas:), lightsaber fights were pretty good, final confrontation between Kylo and Luke is great until the ass-pull Shyamalan twitst end, the whole casino part felt like some awful mashup between Casino Royale and 5th Element visually, Phasma jobbed to Finn AGAIN, and then that mumbling rugrat with the broom at the end :mjlol:. Felt like for every good/interesting thing in this there was a another 2 that were :dahell: in comparison.

Still better than anything in the prequel trilogy IMO but I thought TFA was alot better honestly; the characters in that felt like they had so much potential to develop in really interesting ways but this movie ultimately squandered all of that outside of Poe, and all the new characters introduced here were completely bland/uninteresting in comparison. I'm actually glad JJ is coming back to wrap this up in the final film, I think he had a much deeper love and interest in the franchise and characters than Rian Johnson ever did and I trust him more to send them off in a satisfying fashion, even if it ends up being a bit nostalgia pandering/derivative.
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Music & Arts
May 9, 2014
I think Disney will pull the plug on Rian Johnson doing his own trilogy, the backlash from the hardcore fans is going to get worse as the days go on.

This movie has made me lose all interest in star wars, the way it ended it felt like the last film in the trilogy not the second so there is no reason to anticipate a third film, It's just another franchise that isn't for me.:manny:


May 5, 2012
Am I the only one that's tired AF of the Jedi trying to redeem someone from the dark side and vice versa in every single movie?

You could murder a Jedi order, including childrens, and the Jedi would be like "I still sense good in him:manny:"

"So what if he just destroy 3 planet with the super death star, there's still good in him, I know it:yeshrug:



May 5, 2012
They need to just give Christopher Nolan a trilogy.

As much as I hated The Force Awakens and as much as I liked The Last Jedi better than TFA(not really saying much), I still would like my trilogy to have some sort contunity. Having a different director for each movie is dumb AF. What kind of decision-making is this?:ohhh:
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Leading The Regime
Dec 26, 2012
The Concrete Jungle
Some of y’all are bugging. I don’t like this movie at all but to say that Finn didn’t do anything/had no growth is flatly false. The dude went from wanting to do nothing but run and hide in TFA to taking on Phasma straight up and willing to make the sacrifice play at the end of TLJ. He even had Poe looking like damn he a wild boy.

My dude Finn is ready for some stripes. Respect.


Apr 30, 2012
America's Darkside--210
Knew movie would be trash after the opening scene trying to ratchet up the drama by having us believe bomb bay doors need to be opened directly but by remote. Like what? We been dropping bombs since the 1900s we can start our cars by app and change the temp in our house by voice today but the IR blaster for the intergalactic bomber is only good from 10 feet:martin:

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
Why would Darth Vader decide to visit the Lars?
so vader had to come personally and not send troops to do it huh

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
Some of y’all are bugging. I don’t like this movie at all but to say that Finn didn’t do anything/had no growth is flatly false. The dude went from wanting to do nothing but run and hide in TFA to taking on Phasma straight up and willing to make the sacrifice play at the end of TLJ. He even had Poe looking like damn he a wild boy.

My dude Finn is ready for some stripes. Respect.
damn TFA.. my nikka was dipping off the ship when the asian lady caught him.. by the end even poe was talking to him like :whoa:

They need to just give Christopher Nolan a trilogy.

As much as I hated The Force Awakens and as much as I liked The Last Jedi better than TFA(not really saying much), I still would like my trilogy to have some sort contunity. Having a different director for each movie is dumb AF. What kind of decision-making is this?:ohhh:
Star Wars based in realism :ohhh:


May 17, 2014
It's funny all the confusion about Rey's parents, when it never seemed like it was a point of contention? In TFA she knew who her parents were. We see the flashback. She was just thinking theyd come back.

Some of y’all are bugging. I don’t like this movie at all but to say that Finn didn’t do anything/had no growth is flatly false. The dude went from wanting to do nothing but run and hide in TFA to taking on Phasma straight up and willing to make the sacrifice play at the end of TLJ. He even had Poe looking like damn he a wild boy.

My dude Finn is ready for some stripes. Respect.
He fought kylo straight up in TFA. He fought and killed stormtroopers. Finn gets a bad rap in TFA. Here though? Hes useless.

And phasma is the WOAT

Black Magisterialness

Moderna Boi
May 23, 2012
Movie was kinda :trash:

Last movie was better. Can’t believe the critics gamed me up on this being touching or fitting. You can see Disney slipping back into that episode prequel goofy shyt. Too many animals, and the focus on that Lil cac at the end was the strawberry on the shyt pile.

Killed off Luke for no good reason at all, and shytted on all the non cannon that was thousands of times better.

I was hype about the light speed attack, I’m gonna just accept it as the fact that it wasn’t complete lightspeed yet so there is probably a timing condition about it that made it inadvertently work, prolly the best scene in the movie graphics wise.

But back to the shyt show... Finn showed basically no growth, Rey is being set up to be a nobody in regards to storyline, they did nothing to expand her origin. Snook was a complete waste of a villain having done nothing at all. I just feel like this movie progressed nothing in the story for as much happened.

Disney assfukking the whole Star Wars cannon, shoulda known a fukk up like this was coming after that battlefield scandle. Please somebody give this to another director or something, George Lucas woulda protected the franchise if he still had lead.

This going the dragon ball route, this shyt was “Star Wars GT”. They gonna have to reboot this shyt again. Garbage.


1. The focus of Rey's origin and the kid at the end is that The Force isn't some genetic lottery, inherited thing. The prequels dropped that medi-chlorian shyt and basically made it the "warrior gene" theory. What Rian said here is that force-sensitive people (potential Jedi/Sith) can come from anywhere. If Rey's parentage is true (Kylo prolly isn't telling the truth here), then the whole concept of "chosen ones" and "Skywalker destiny" and all that BS is just that, BS. Heroes can come from anywhere.

2. Luke's role in the grand scheme was done. He even said he had gone to that planet to die...and he did. Han died because Kylo needed him to die. Luke died because Rey needed him to die. Leia was supposed to die in the final episode to make way for Finn/Poe's leadership in the Resistance/Rebellion. The a cornerstone of Rian's message in TLJ is that nostalgia is pointless and it holds us back creatively. By offing Luke he basically says "The era of new Jedi is here...Luke's/Yoda's model was an old one that needed to die".

3. Snoke was never the villian, Ben always was. Remember we knew JUST AS MUCH about the Emperor in the originals as we did about Snoke in this one. The Emperor was just a hologram in Episode V and appeared in person and died in Episode VI and the only thing we knew was that he was Vader's master and he wanted Luke's young jedi bussy. Snoke was a hologram in Episode VII and all we knew was that he was Kylo Ren's see where I'm going with this.

4. Finn's development was lackluster, but it wasn't the shytstorm everyone is making it out to be. All Leia did in Episode V was kiss Han and change her hair literally NO ONE complains about that. Finn's arc which brought in DJ was not only an introduction to the character it was also there to illustrate the War Industrial Complex that was funding/supplying this conflict. It gave a look into the oft-ignored human cost/infrastructure that supports the SW universe. Even armies in Galaxies Far, Far Away gotta have Lockheed Martin on deck. Finn also went from Han level "I'm just trying to get away from this shyt" to "Resistance hero" and TLJ illustrated this with his willingness to do some of the most dangerous shyt in the entire film.

4. George Lucas didn't protect shyt. He had FULL creative control over the prequels and he dropped three consecutive piles of shyt leading towards perhaps 40 minutes of ACTUAL payoff in Revenge of the Sith. Him letting go of the series was the best thing that could have happened to it....or did you forget about Jar Jar Binks?


Nikkas snitch on the coli like they name is Kobe
Mar 3, 2017
Kobe snitched on Shaq
1. The focus of Rey's origin and the kid at the end is that The Force isn't some genetic lottery, inherited thing. The prequels dropped that medi-chlorian shyt and basically made it the "warrior gene" theory. What Rian said here is that force-sensitive people (potential Jedi/Sith) can come from anywhere. If Rey's parentage is true (Kylo prolly isn't telling the truth here), then the whole concept of "chosen ones" and "Skywalker destiny" and all that BS is just that, BS. Heroes can come from anywhere.

Where was this a point of contention? In the original series, the Force is stated to govern all things big and small. The Rebels openly tell eachother "May the force be with you", and Luke to his surprise finds out that a little green old man is the greatest Jedi of all time.

In the Prequels there are literally hundreds of Jedi.

Where is it stated only Skywalkers can be special? Yeah Anakin brought balance to the Force, that doesnt mean you shyt on the Skywalker legacy to prop up weak characters

2. Luke's role in the grand scheme was done. He even said he had gone to that planet to die...and he did. Han died because Kylo needed him to die. Luke died because Rey needed him to die. Leia was supposed to die in the final episode to make way for Finn/Poe's leadership in the Resistance/Rebellion. The a cornerstone of Rian's message in TLJ is that nostalgia is pointless and it holds us back creatively. By offing Luke he basically says "The era of new Jedi is here...Luke's/Yoda's model was an old one that needed to die".

You could have have Rey, Finn and Poe take over as the new heroes without butchering the legacies of far more popular and iconic characters.

Luke going off to die alone is completely against character as even Mark Hamill will tell you. The whole point was that Luke was headstrong and loyal to a fault to his friends. Something the Emperor used against him in Return of the Jedi.

Luke from his characterization would never abandon his friends which was the theme from Empire to Return. Luke goes out of his way to save his friends which pisses off Yoda and Obi Wan.

Also Han becoming a smuggler again completelt shyts on his arc as well.

What you are essentially telling us is if 30 years from now if they want to do another Star Wars we should have Rey become disillusioned with the Force and go off yo die alone. Finn is a coward again and Poe becomes a hot shot pilot who doesnt follow orders?

Also stop shytting on Nostalgia. These characters mean things to people. Its why Batman, Superman, Spiderman, ect are 60 fukking years old. Luke, Han and Leia deserved proper send offs without ruining their character arcs. You dont shyt on them to build your own it just makes your characters seem weak. Nobody in 30 years is going to give a shyt about Finn, Poe and Rey.