Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Official Thread)

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
Am I the only one that's tired AF of the Jedi trying to redeem someone from the dark side and vice versa in every single movie?

You could murder a Jedi order, including childrens, and the Jedi would be like "I still sense good in him:manny:"

"So what if he just destroy 3 planet with the super death star, there's still good in him, I know it:yeshrug:


nikka killed't han solo in front of you, and.....

nikkaz sound as sawft as caine getting sonned't by odawg....

art barr

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012

Jason Guerrasio: Like making any "Star Wars" movie, the director can't win. People complained that "The Force Awakens" was too much like the original trilogy. With your movie, the knock is it's nothing like the original trilogy. What are your thoughts when you hear that take?

Rian Johnson: Having been a "Star Wars" fan my whole life, and having spent most of my life on the other side of the curb and in that fandom, it softens the blow a little bit.

I'm aware through my own experience that, first of all, the fans are so passionate, they care so deeply — sometimes they care very violently at me on Twitter. But it's because they care about these things, and it hurts when you're expecting something specific and you don't get it from something that you love. It always hurts, so I don't take it personally if a fan reacts negatively and lashes out on me on Twitter. That's fine. It's my job to be there for that. Like you said, every fan has a list of stuff they want a "Star Wars" movie to be and they don't want a "Star Wars" movie to be. You're going to find very few fans out there whose lists line up.

And I also know the same way the original movies were personal for Lucas. Lucas never made a "Star Wars" movie by sitting down and thinking, "What do the fans want to see?" And I knew if I wrote wondering what the fans would want, as tempting as that is, it wouldn't work, because people would still be shouting at me, "F--- you, you ruined 'Star Wars,'" and I would make a bad movie. And ultimately, that's the one thing nobody wants.

And let me just add that 80-90% of the reaction I've gotten from Twitter has been really lovely. There's been a lot of joy and love from fans. When I talk about the negative stuff, that's not the full picture of the fans at all.

this motherfukker so fukk'n stoopid.

rian johnson,..stfu.

you just basically ruined american rational consumerism.
like real talk,..if star wars is not good.
why the fukk would i ever buy anything else that is some high ticket luxury item.
like if you fukk up star wars..why would i wanna go to the movies anymore, why.
kids really never have to have toys or any entertainment worth a cot damn.
kids child hood ruined for generations to come.
like we already deal with shyt version of superman and batman, but now star wars too.

nikka fukk this clown.

what sense does it make to go to the movies and the very thing that made everything is handled on some bullshyt.
that just means everything done after that is some bullshyt and i ain't buying it.

saves me motherfukk'n money...
plus you got the internet too.
i never have to buy another fukk'n thing ever.

art barr

Black Magisterialness

Moderna Boi
May 23, 2012
Where was this a point of contention? In the original series, the Force is stated to govern all things big and small. The Rebels openly tell eachother "May the force be with you", and Luke to his surprise finds out that a little green old man is the greatest Jedi of all time.

In the Prequels there are literally hundreds of Jedi.

Where is it stated only Skywalkers can be special? Yeah Anakin brought balance to the Force, that doesnt mean you shyt on the Skywalker legacy to prop up weak characters

You could have have Rey, Finn and Poe take over as the new heroes without butchering the legacies of far more popular and iconic characters.

Luke going off to die alone is completely against character as even Mark Hamill will tell you. The whole point was that Luke was headstrong and loyal to a fault to his friends. Something the Emperor used against him in Return of the Jedi.

Luke from his characterization would never abandon his friends which was the theme from Empire to Return. Luke goes out of his way to save his friends which pisses off Yoda and Obi Wan.

Also Han becoming a smuggler again completelt shyts on his arc as well.

What you are essentially telling us is if 30 years from now if they want to do another Star Wars we should have Rey become disillusioned with the Force and go off yo die alone. Finn is a coward again and Poe becomes a hot shot pilot who doesnt follow orders?

Also stop shytting on Nostalgia. These characters mean things to people. Its why Batman, Superman, Spiderman, ect are 60 fukking years old. Luke, Han and Leia deserved proper send offs without ruining their character arcs. You dont shyt on them to build your own it just makes your characters seem weak. Nobody in 30 years is going to give a shyt about Finn, Poe and Rey.

The prequels are canon, breh. Literally, medi-chlorians were supposed to be a scientific explanation as to why some people have powers with the force and some don't. And saying "
May the Force Be With You" is no different than saying "Godspeed" or "Good Luck". You can say it and have no real belief in the Force at all.

Breh, for the better part of the series the vast majority of Jedi action is done by a Skywalker. Even Luke talks about knowing of his own hubris, and reviving the Jedi simply because he "was Luke Skywalker". He goes on further to quip "to say when a Jedi dies, the Light dies is Vanity". Dude off the rip is talking about the Jedi and their obsession with their own narrative. A closed off cloister of people who withheld their teachings from all but a few. And HUNDREDS of Jedi is a bunch? In a WHOLE GALAXY of hundreds of BILLIONS?...remember Order 66 killed of most of them in a matter of days/weeks. There MUCH more than hundreds of force-sensitive people.

And did you watch the movie or just skim through it? Luke closed himself off from the Force because HUBRIS brought him to a point where he thought it would be a good course of action to kill his own nephew. He was shook of himself, shook of where his own arrogance took him. Instead of caring for Ben like he should have, he stood over him ready to kill even if only for a moment. This one event causes Han to split and Leia to totally focus in on the Resistance. Smaller shyt has broken up actual families.

Lastly, nostalgia is good up to a point. This film is a prime example, again this is STATED in the film. Luke talks about legends and how heroes that become legends basically end up sucking their own dikks. To Rian that's what Star Wars became. A legendary IP that spent too much time being in love with its own lore and not taking any chances, this is especially true of TFA.

So what they did was remind people that the old MUST die for the new to thrive. Just as Qui-Gon died and Obi-Wan rose. You were a sucker for thinking that ANY of the big three were to survive the new trilogy. Just like people were foolish to think Mace Windu was going to survive the Prequels.

Also, remember Finn, Poe and Rey were NEVER going to mean to you what Luke, Han and Leia did....but to the kids coming up now. To the little kid force pulling the broom at the end of the film, they WILL.


Nikkas snitch on the coli like they name is Kobe
Mar 3, 2017
Kobe snitched on Shaq
The prequels are canon, breh. Literally, medi-chlorians were supposed to be a scientific explanation as to why some people have powers with the force and some don't. And saying "
May the Force Be With You" is no different than saying "Godspeed" or "Good Luck". You can say it and have no real belief in the Force at all.
Clearly in the OT the Force is portrayed as a religion.

Also if you are ok with Retconing look as a bitter jaded old jedi who is fine with letting his friends and billions die you can be fine with walking around the midichlorian angle. Frankly midichlorians doesnt bother me, just a plot device to measure force capabilities.

In real life out of 7 billion people there are only a handful of Tom Bradys, Lebron James, and Christiano Ronaldos.

If you take away the fact that bring able to use and manipulate the force is easy and that anyone can do it you cheapin the medium

There MUCH more than hundreds of force-sensitive people.

Yes and it was the Jedis job to train them to use their abilities for good to defend the galaxy.

And did you watch the movie or just skim through it? Luke closed himself off from the Force because HUBRIS brought him to a point where he thought it would be a good course of action to kill his own nephew. He was shook of himself, shook of where his own arrogance took him. Instead of caring for Ben like he should have, he stood over him ready to kill even if only for a moment. This one event causes Han to split and Leia to totally focus in on the Resistance. Smaller shyt has broken up actual families.
Sorry, you wont convince me that Luke and Han would abandon their friends and family and billions of people counting them due to one set back which doesnt even come close to the shyt they witnessed and had to go through in the OT

Leia watched billions of her own people die and was brutally tortured.

Luke watched saw his aunt and uncle who might as well have been his parents considering they raised him burnt to a crisp, saw his master die, watchrd his best friend get blown up, almost eaten by a snow monster, got his hand cut off, learned his father was a genocidal maniac and was nearly killed numerous times.

Han was free and clear of his bounty, yet came back to help the reistance only to be brutally tortured and incased in carbonite.

None of these characters showed any inkling of abandoning their friends when thigs didnt go their way.

Oh and the Jedi defended peace in the galaxy for 10,000 years. Thats a pretty good run.

A jedi destroyed the deathstar and defeated thr empire.

Thats a pretty good achievement.

Maybe the Jedi arent a bad thing?

Also, remember Finn, Poe and Rey were NEVER going to mean to you what Luke, Han and Leia did....but to the kids coming up now. To the little kid force pulling the broom at the end of the film, they WILL.



ayo! - BEZ
May 2, 2012
No Father To MY Style.. A Son Unique
1. The focus of Rey's origin and the kid at the end is that The Force isn't some genetic lottery, inherited thing. The prequels dropped that medi-chlorian shyt and basically made it the "warrior gene" theory. What Rian said here is that force-sensitive people (potential Jedi/Sith) can come from anywhere. If Rey's parentage is true (Kylo prolly isn't telling the truth here), then the whole concept of "chosen ones" and "Skywalker destiny" and all that BS is just that, BS. Heroes can come from anywhere.

2. Luke's role in the grand scheme was done. He even said he had gone to that planet to die...and he did. Han died because Kylo needed him to die. Luke died because Rey needed him to die. Leia was supposed to die in the final episode to make way for Finn/Poe's leadership in the Resistance/Rebellion. The a cornerstone of Rian's message in TLJ is that nostalgia is pointless and it holds us back creatively. By offing Luke he basically says "The era of new Jedi is here...Luke's/Yoda's model was an old one that needed to die".

3. Snoke was never the villian, Ben always was. Remember we knew JUST AS MUCH about the Emperor in the originals as we did about Snoke in this one. The Emperor was just a hologram in Episode V and appeared in person and died in Episode VI and the only thing we knew was that he was Vader's master and he wanted Luke's young jedi bussy. Snoke was a hologram in Episode VII and all we knew was that he was Kylo Ren's see where I'm going with this.

4. Finn's development was lackluster, but it wasn't the shytstorm everyone is making it out to be. All Leia did in Episode V was kiss Han and change her hair literally NO ONE complains about that. Finn's arc which brought in DJ was not only an introduction to the character it was also there to illustrate the War Industrial Complex that was funding/supplying this conflict. It gave a look into the oft-ignored human cost/infrastructure that supports the SW universe. Even armies in Galaxies Far, Far Away gotta have Lockheed Martin on deck. Finn also went from Han level "I'm just trying to get away from this shyt" to "Resistance hero" and TLJ illustrated this with his willingness to do some of the most dangerous shyt in the entire film.

4. George Lucas didn't protect shyt. He had FULL creative control over the prequels and he dropped three consecutive piles of shyt leading towards perhaps 40 minutes of ACTUAL payoff in Revenge of the Sith. Him letting go of the series was the best thing that could have happened to it....or did you forget about Jar Jar Binks?

I watched parts 1,2,3,4 in a row over past 2 days and while i halfway agree with you, the story of star wars has always centered on skywalker(s) and THAT was the story. the new ones completely change the story without completing the old one. thats the problem people are having

you say what you say about snoke but the story always was that ANAKIN woudl BALANCE the force... by killing the emperor who was all powerful, with no jedis really left in the world, he did that. but with the new movies, here comes another being all powerful... from outta nowhere. you say the emperor wasnt fleshed out and tahts true but the emperor dont even apear until the 3rd movie really. vader is the true bad guy of star wars and he was fleshed out very well and plus we got al;l the emperors back story in the prequel (from the story standpoint). so not only does it retcon vader balancing the force, it drops the skywalker story for pretty much shock purposes. theres no reason luke couldnt have been kenobi to her rey... they just wanted to quickly drop it and by doing so did not properly end the story they started,.

they even dropped plot points from their own first movie... so its lazy. period. dude was too arrogant to think he could craft a better story then the one they havent even finished over 7! films. they can do these movies forever... they had 3 films to wrap up the rest of the story.. tahts why people wanted it to be plaguies... the sjywalker bloodline IS impiortant because A) jedi dont have children. B) THE FORCE IS SOMETHING ANYONE CAN TAP INTO.. some more than others. obi wan knew this and knew luke would be strong thats why he taught him. rey should have come from nowhere.. ANAKIN came from nowhere.. not mad at that. but anakin was a god!... .. but they got rey and kylo doing shyt anakin couldnt even do. lazy. the only ploy point i like which was kinda dropped anyway is the BALANCE of teh force they were talking about in TFA. the jedi were wrong... their reluctance to give in to their feelings which is human nature, lead to their students going to the darkside. light and dark can be used to be all powerful which is why snoke wanted rey... but even that was dropped and it just meant as kylo became powerful.. so would another come from light... but rey was reaching to the darkside even luke said it... THIS shyt WAS LAZY WRITING PERIOD

it was a pure shock event. i feel bad for mark hammil. dude looks DEVASTATED. like he wanted to cry. they ruined it for him... he would have loved to stay on i bet and theres no reason why he couldnt have. they did it for pure creative control and were arrogant.
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All Star
May 17, 2013
The prequels are canon, breh. Literally, medi-chlorians were supposed to be a scientific explanation as to why some people have powers with the force and some don't. And saying "
May the Force Be With You" is no different than saying "Godspeed" or "Good Luck". You can say it and have no real belief in the Force at all.

Breh, for the better part of the series the vast majority of Jedi action is done by a Skywalker. Even Luke talks about knowing of his own hubris, and reviving the Jedi simply because he "was Luke Skywalker". He goes on further to quip "to say when a Jedi dies, the Light dies is Vanity". Dude off the rip is talking about the Jedi and their obsession with their own narrative. A closed off cloister of people who withheld their teachings from all but a few. And HUNDREDS of Jedi is a bunch? In a WHOLE GALAXY of hundreds of BILLIONS?...remember Order 66 killed of most of them in a matter of days/weeks. There MUCH more than hundreds of force-sensitive people.

And did you watch the movie or just skim through it? Luke closed himself off from the Force because HUBRIS brought him to a point where he thought it would be a good course of action to kill his own nephew. He was shook of himself, shook of where his own arrogance took him. Instead of caring for Ben like he should have, he stood over him ready to kill even if only for a moment. This one event causes Han to split and Leia to totally focus in on the Resistance. Smaller shyt has broken up actual families.

Lastly, nostalgia is good up to a point. This film is a prime example, again this is STATED in the film. Luke talks about legends and how heroes that become legends basically end up sucking their own dikks. To Rian that's what Star Wars became. A legendary IP that spent too much time being in love with its own lore and not taking any chances, this is especially true of TFA.

So what they did was remind people that the old MUST die for the new to thrive. Just as Qui-Gon died and Obi-Wan rose. You were a sucker for thinking that ANY of the big three were to survive the new trilogy. Just like people were foolish to think Mace Windu was going to survive the Prequels.

Also, remember Finn, Poe and Rey were NEVER going to mean to you what Luke, Han and Leia did....but to the kids coming up now. To the little kid force pulling the broom at the end of the film, they WILL.
All that's well and good but the movie was executed poorly.

Its not the fact that Luke died but how he died.

It's not the fact that Snoke's dead but why he's dead.

It's not the fact that Rey is nobody but why it mattered.

All they had to do was give us something coherent.

The point he makes here actually makes a lot of sense. 18:58

"HAVE YOU SEEN STAR WARS??" :deadmanny:

Alpha Male

Spare me your daps
Feb 2, 2014
“May the Force be with you” is not the GFFA equivalent of “good luck”.

More like “May God be with you” or ”May God bless you”

There was always a religious/spiritual context.
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Nov 15, 2017
Am I the only one that's tired AF of the Jedi trying to redeem someone from the dark side and vice versa in every single movie?

You could murder a Jedi order, including childrens, and the Jedi would be like "I still sense good in him:manny:"

"So what if he just destroy 3 planet with the super death star, there's still good in him, I know it:yeshrug:

FACTZ :russ:

the next guy

May 2, 2012
Rotten Tomatoes is seriously trying to fall out of favor with the public. And they will. This movie is not that bad.

Don Mack

All Star
May 28, 2012
I see why Mark Hamill was pissed about the plot of this movie. The only real highlight to me was Yoda and Luke. Not a bad movie but still very disappointing given characters act of of character from established canon and not much of anything seem to be resolved in the movie. The audience reviews on RT are more accurate than the pro critic reviews. Also seems like this movie was written by white feminists.