Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Official Thread)


Nikkas snitch on the coli like they name is Kobe
Mar 3, 2017
Kobe snitched on Shaq
Nah, half the movie was Rian trying to clean up JJ's mess. JJ went in and made a complete remake. Rian's job was to give the audiences something that would be interesting and a new take on the Star Wars saga. If Rian had played it 100% safe like JJ did y'all would be KILLING him even more.

He made choices and took risks and I think the franchise is better for it.
:stopitslime:Thats like saying you dont know the answers on the test but because you wrote some bullshyt in that we should give you props for not leaving it blank.

Crayola Coyote

Jul 20, 2015
The way Coli Militants described it, I thought Finn was going to be a huge let down. Militants going overboard as usual. I think the last movie established that Finn was going to be the “Han Solo” of the series. I mean Harrison Ford all but, passed the baton to Finn in the first film. Finn is not a Jedi. That’s not his role. Get over it. Maybe he’s Force Sensitive but, he can have a major role in the film without being a Jedi. He showed a lot more growth in this film. Finn’s entire M.O. is to run and get the fukk outta dodge. He’s not with the dying for the Resistance shyt. Yet, he decided to go on a suicide mission into a foreign planet to get the Codebreaker, then another suicide mission to break into the First Order’s ship to disable the Light Speed tracker and then in his biggest moment, he went completely against his earlier cowardice by being willing to kill himself to save the others/destroy one of Kylo’s ships. For a nikka that was saying fukk all y’all two hours earlier :skip: being willing to sacrifice himself is real character growth. He killed Phasma. Don’t care if it wasn’t a straight win. That’s hater talk. He is a valued member of the Resistance in terms of discussing strategy and leading the rest. His arc is about learning to be brave and he’s doing that. I expect more wins for him in the next movie. What more do y’all nikkas want :heh:

We want this nikka to be the main character, force aienthve and kick kylo ads and smash Rey. That what we want :picard:

Luke Cage

Coffee Lover
Jul 18, 2012
Everybody in the theater clapped when Luke survived the shots and again when Luke wasn't even there after Kylo stabbed him but, according to the Coli it was all garbage :heh:
A lot of scenes were great. Out of context this would be a great Star Wars sketch action show. SNL in space. Problem is it's a movie. Part 8 of a saga. Should tie into a narrative. Seem like he just wrapped up a bunch of loose ends in order to make episode 9 a reboot. I not interested in a reboot. I didn't want a remake(TFA) either tho. I expected a sequel trilogy. Still waiting for an actual sequel. If they want to do something different just name it something else. Space battle: episode 2

Eddy Gordo

Nov 18, 2016
:yeshrug: Dude proved Snoke didn't have him under his control and is now the Supreme Leader of the First Order. Whether Kylo is still a bytch or not, that's a W
He just holding that until Rey take that from him too. How you the main antagonist of a trilogy yet you get bytched up Everytime you encounter the protagonist.


Apr 30, 2012
Bullshyt, go through the Rogue One thread. The same shyt was said in that thread that's said in any thread where there's a woman in a war room or battlefield. Hux was always a dumbass. Poe sonned Hux twice in this movie and then he got sonned by Kylo, but you're crying about the one time a woman did it. Really?

No. You go find me mentioning any complaints about anything female related in Rogue One. Don't come at me specifically then point at shyt everyone else says.

Don't pretend like I have some weird axe to grind. Like I said, they made the men fukking buffoons for no reason. Rogue One shows they can have strong characters on either side of the gender line, but diminishing all of the guys as fodder is just bad writing and it made the movie terrible. I would say the same fukking thing if roles were reversed.

Poe didn't take down the star ship. It was done by the girl who all of a sudden had force control and hit the bomb button. He got demoted for it. He then attempted a mutiny and got shot by Leia for it when it was an ultimately useless plan because Leia had a secret plan the entire time and had Holdo not share it for LITERALLY NO REASON. He was only useful in taking out those gunships in the beginning and that's it. Compare that to the force awakens where he had the forethought to stash BB8 with plans, be able to escape with Finn, and took down the planet destroyer.

Finn woke up in a suit that was made to look like he was peeing on himself. He was trying to sneak out and got intimidated by a mechanic who's barely done anything in life then immediately beat down by said mechanic. A cat that was previously trained as a storm trooper somehow was taken out by a short crying girl with a stun gun. His choice to sacrifice himself was shut down by the same mechanic because now she "loved" him. It had literally been less than a day according to their timelines about how much fuel was left. The only time he decided to fight back in any way was facilitated by Haldo crashing into the ship. He did nothing on his own at all. Literally zero. Compare that to the force awakens where he escaped with Poe, shot down tie fighters, and FOUGHT HEAD UP WITH KYLO. Are you for real gonna pretend like it's ok for him to fight the main villain straight up in the past movie, but in this one he's taken out by a mechanic? Nah. That's bullshyt.

Kylo only killed his master because of Rey. That's literally the only reason. He was able to kill his own father with no explanation other than his master said he needed to, but somehow turns on him because of a stranger.

Other shyt that was just dumb:
- Holdo not telling anyone about this secret plan until right out of the blue.
- We have literally seen droids in this universe control ships, and BB8 in this movie was hacking tanks, but you want me to believe a star ship needs a person to manually control it? Nah. The director wanted to make her a martyr for hero points.
- Leia's all of a sudden super mastery of the force to the point that she can survive in space and blow doors open.
- The tracking ships in light speed, but they somehow aren't able to track transports.....and how Poe who again is one of the leaders wouldn't be aware of that fact.
- The entire "Hey we're running out of gas!" plotline


Jun 4, 2012
Not buying the junkers Story. But maybe? Maz says a line in tfa makes me think maybe the Junkers is true. But :manny: I do not know. Episode IX fixing to be wild


May 17, 2012
Bay Area
Everybody in the theater clapped when Luke survived the shots and again when Luke wasn't even there after Kylo stabbed him but, according to the Coli it was all garbage :heh:

They did that in my theater as well. Is that a new thing?

Movie was good, though it could've been great with a couple of tweaks.


SOHH 2001
May 8, 2012
Back in MIA
They did that in my theater as well. Is that a new thing?

Movie was good, though it could've been great with a couple of tweaks.

That's what happens when you have a room full up hyped fans. The OG Scream, Get Out, Force Awakens and pretty much every super hero movie I've seen on release day elicit the same audience reaction.


Aug 18, 2014
Reading some reactions in here I can see some nikkas don’t know shyt about Star Wars and just jumped on the hype train when they noticed TFA was trending three years ago. For people to mention and even dismiss the fact of how Rey is able to do certain things with the force is ridiculous. You have people talking about “oh what’s the big deal Rey and that little kid have the same background as Anakin”. The answer to that is no they fukking don’t, nothing wrong with Rey being a force sensitive it’s how strong she is without training that is an issue. How is she exerting more raw power than Kylo Ren who is trained and from the lineage of Anakin Skywalker.

Why is Kylo lineage important? Because Anakin Skywalker is the child of the force, it means his dad is the very power source the Jedi and Sith rely on. George Lucas the creator and essentially supreme being of the Star Wars universe has stated that Anakin Skywalker has the greatest potential ever bar none. And should he have reached his prime uninjured no one in that universe past or present was fukking with him. Even Anakin with his raw potential and ability could not use the force in the way Rey and that kid have displayed. He had the gift of foresight which translated as quick reflexes hence why he was a human that could pod race and his intuition was second to none which is how he built C-3P0. This is the greatest and most powerful Jedi and these were the extent of his abilities prior to receiving training. Rey has lived on an isolated planet all her life and never displayed force powers and then boom just randomly whips out Jedi mind trick and force pull and is able to engage and become victorious in light sabre combat? And this is ok with people?

Finally on the topic of why people are upset about the treatment of Luke. I am a fan of the EU and loved where it took the characters (RIP Mara Jade you was to good for these shytty new films) but would have forgiven them if these new films were in line with Who these characters were and the universe. Luke Skywalker trying to assassinate Kylo Ren doesn’t make any sense in context of who the character is. Despite all the evil deeds Vader did he never gave up on him and brought him back from the darkness back into the light. That shyt is heroic and courageous, the hero’s plight of never giving up even when it seems like a lost cause. Yet you want me to believe the moment he senses darkened in Kylo Ren he wanted to snuff him? And him simply giving up and running away was cowardly plain and simple. I could go on and on about the flaws of these new movies and how they have shyt on everything Star Wars. If I continue it would turn into a thesis because there is so much to critic as opposed to praise.


Jun 4, 2012
JUst got out of it. Not really sure even how to rate it. There was a LOT going on in that movie.

I laughed, I had the :beli: face, I had the :skip: face, and I had the :banderas: face

I have no idea how y’all are digesting this so quickly.
Expecting to like it more the second time.