Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Official Thread)

the cool

May 1, 2012
I was so excited to see this movie, I had high hopes. I’m sad to say that this will be my last Star Wars movie in the theatres. Disney may have plans to make these movies well into the next decade but for me the franchise is dead now.

I truly believe they’ve sacrificed compelling characters and character development to appeal to what they think is most marketable - people who think Kylo Ren is cute or somehow represents the physical embodiment of who a main lead should be (broody misunderstood white male). He’s a whiny baby, and his anger, and story arc makes no sense. Teenage Anakin is more plausible than this guy. And the way they twisted both Luke and Rey’s character development to make Kylo sympathetic was so transparent and cheap.

And I really dislike what they did to Finn. It was classic bait from the beginning. They had no intention of giving this guy any real shine.

Aside from that, Daisy Ridley really is a great actress and should go far. I enjoyed her scenes. Also, it was nice to see Carrie Fischer in her last performance with so much material. She really did make the movie come alive for me. But those were the only highlights really, IMO.

Overall, the movie was too long and uneven, and there were things built up that did not deliver. It just wasn’t fun. And I say that as a long time fan who saw her first Star Wars film in 1978. Maybe that’s the problem, maybe I know and remember what these movies used to be and I can’t let go of the amazing characters, character development, and clear cut story lines that made sense.

I guess you can’t teach a old dog new tricks. If folks disagree and enjoy this movie, I say good for them. But this old dog did not enjoy it, and I will be watching Episodes 3-5, and perhaps Rogue One to get my Star War fix from here on out.

It was fun while it lasted. May the force be with the new fans and new generation.

4 out of 10 for me :francis:
my nikka how old are you?


Little-Known Lurker
May 1, 2012
I'm finished with the series. Finn actually is very skilled and very gifted warrior, according to Before the Awakening book, which I thought was canon. All that is thrown out the window in this movie, and like someone mentioned earlier, he's just a jobber. He's brave and gives good intel on the First Order, but that's it. Oh, forget about him being force-sensitvie, too. This movie showed no chance of that happening. The Phasma fight was also underwhelming.

Where the heck are the Knights of Ren? I'm very interested to know more about this group of force-sensitve, former luke students who are bad-asses, but they appear nowhere in the movie.

I hated how they got rid of Snoke. We don't learn anything about his background, how he came into power, and what the heck is out there in the unknown regions, which I assume he is from. They could have done much more with his character.

As a black man, I cannot support this franchise anymore because of the way they have screwed up Finn's character.
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Soymuscle Mike

Formerly known as Vincenzo Corleone
Jun 6, 2012
Sweetlake City
Another thing I felt was a shot at JJ:

Except for the opening crawl Rian bushes that RESISTANCE shyt and just refers to Leia and her gang as REBELS.

They even refer to themselves as Rebels, and "Rebel scum" is used loke 5times in the movie


You will be trolled
May 13, 2015
just saw this, it was about as average as a blockbuster can be. i felt the casting was all spot on. snoke has been a complete letdown and once you see the film, you will see why. there was drag in some parts with finn and rose, though those parts were necessary. kylo was still weak and just cannot carry the film as the villain imo. i also really expected more from luke actionwise than what i ended up seeing though i know why they did what they did. all in all, this film was merely adequate when these mufukkas had got me hyped up for some true spectacular gangsta shyt. do not see myself watching the next one of these.


You will be trolled
May 13, 2015
also, disney plagiarized their own music and put a part of the Beauty and the Beast soundtrack in there when they were on Luke's island lol.


Jun 4, 2012
I'm an OG fan and don't hate it at all.

it was better to have this movie which threw a ton of curveballs

than what I've had in my head for what this 'should' look like and ultimately be predictable.

the franchise is Obi Wan said, "LET GO YOUR FEELINGS"
This is my favorite take on the film. These doubters are Luke, the texts are the new trilogy. They're ready to let go of star Wars but for the wrong reasons and they have the wrong feelings. I am Luke at the end :wow:

Let's hope JJ brings us home now. I loved this and Awakens.


May 17, 2014

First off, there real MVP is John Williams. :kawhiblessed:

Initial feelings are that i really liked it as whole but Im glad JJ is coming back. Visually this was flat, and oddly dark. It might have been in combo with the 3d but I wasnt feeling this. The tonal confusion between cross cutting from serious luke/rey/kylo stuff to slapstick, to faux Monaco and hearing this poorly acted character i dont like mope about rich people was :camby:

Finn and that girl can just die already. Please. They were such a waste of time. The entire subplot made me roll my eyes. It really felt like a video game mission "find this guy then go here." And she could have killed both of them at the end lmfao

Finn is a walking L for real.

Kylo, Rey, and Luke were awesome. And I LOVED luke not actually being there. Hamill was terrific.

I really dont know what else to say about it. They did their swerve and got snoke out the picture, and set the finale up for only one way to go. They clearly wanted to make a statement in response to TFA, about nostalgia and structure (I mean Rey's parents were CLEARLY NOT DRUNKARDS SELLING HER IN TFA), but in doing so reduced the story down to fhe most obvious outcomes for episode 9.

I could do with the clapping when characters show up, but thats just me. Serves me right for opening night at 2 in the morning. Still cool so many people were there.

They clearly chose the wrong Skywalker to kill off:pachaha:
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Apr 30, 2014
First off, there real MVP is John Williams. :kawhiblessed:

Initial feelings are that i really liked it as whole but Im glad JJ is coming back. Visually this was flat, and oddly dark. It might have been in combo with the 3d but I wasnt feeling this. The tonal confusion between cross cutting from serious luke/rey/kylo stuff to slapstick, to faux Monaco and hearing this poorly acted character i dont like mope about rich people was :camby:

Finn and that girl can just die already. Please. They were such a waste of time. The entire subplot made me roll my eyes. It really felt like a video game mission "find this guy then go here." And she could have killed both of them at the end lmfao

Finn is a walking L for real.

Kylo, Rey, and Luke were awesome. And I LOVED luke not actually being there. Hamill was terrific.

I really dont know what else to say about it. They did their swerve and got snoke out the picture, and set the finale up for only one way to go. They clearly wanted to make a statement in response to TFA, about nostalgia and structure (I mean Rey's parents were CLEARLY NOT DRUNKARDS SELLING HER IN TFA), but in doing so reduced the story down to fhe most obvious outcomes for episode 9.

I could do with the clapping when characters show up, but thats just me. Serves me right for opening night at 2 in the morning. Still cool so many people were there.

They clearly chose the wrong Skywalker to kill off:pachaha:
might wanna spoiler this breh.