I was so excited to see this movie, I had high hopes. I’m sad to say that this will be my last Star Wars movie in the theatres. Disney may have plans to make these movies well into the next decade but for me the franchise is dead now.
I truly believe they’ve sacrificed compelling characters and character development to appeal to what they think is most marketable - people who think Kylo Ren is cute or somehow represents the physical embodiment of who a main lead should be (broody misunderstood white male). He’s a whiny baby, and his anger, and story arc makes no sense. Teenage Anakin is more plausible than this guy. And the way they twisted both Luke and Rey’s character development to make Kylo sympathetic was so transparent and cheap.
And I really dislike what they did to Finn. It was classic bait from the beginning. They had no intention of giving this guy any real shine.
Aside from that, Daisy Ridley really is a great actress and should go far. I enjoyed her scenes. Also, it was nice to see Carrie Fischer in her last performance with so much material. She really did make the movie come alive for me. But those were the only highlights really, IMO.
Overall, the movie was too long and uneven, and there were things built up that did not deliver. It just wasn’t
And I say that as a long time fan who saw her first Star Wars film in 1978. Maybe that’s the problem, maybe I know and remember what these movies used to be and I can’t let go of the amazing characters, character development, and clear cut story lines that made sense.
I guess you can’t teach a old dog new tricks. If folks disagree and enjoy this movie, I say good for them. But this old dog did not enjoy it, and I will be watching Episodes 3-5, and perhaps Rogue One to get my Star War fix from here on out.
It was fun while it lasted. May the force be with the new fans and new generation.
4 out of 10 for me