Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Official Thread)


May 11, 2012
I didn't like this at all.

So disappointed. The resistance shyt has always been the most boring part about these movies and that seemed like the focus. It took us what felt like 40 min to get to the Rey and Luke stuff and even that didn't last that long.

The dialogue was awful. Not that it's ever been Star Wars strong point, but still. The characters literally explained every single action they took. It was semi insulting as an audience member. It felt like when you watch a big NBA on ABC game and Mike Breen exlains the game like it's the first ever NBA game you've seen.

I also expected it to be darker than it was considering the director, but it felt pretty damn family friendly. There was no buzz or excitement in the theater either. Hardly a peep the whole time too. That's what Disney did to this franchise.

As awful as the prequels were, they came out every 3 years and were an event. Now its like :russell: another movie. This will be the quietest 1.5 billy ever.

Some ridiculous shyt in this flick too. The Leia floating scene. Lea blasting Poe and then her and Dern giggling about how much they like him. The yoda scene felt random as fukk too :what:

The snoke room fight was dope The standoff with luke and kylo was beautiful to look at and I liked him brushing dat dirt off his shoulder. Though the only thing i truly loved about is movie was that you could tell it was shot on film, dat grain was lovely. The new weaons were cool too.

Yet another movie from 2017 getting great reviews that I didn't really fukk with. I was legit BORED throughout.

Other than that, between Disney buying Fox, net neutrality ending and this movie, this has been a shytty ass day.
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Guarding the Galaxy
Aug 31, 2015
Planet X
Maybe it's because I didn't like Force Awakens and went into this with lower expectations but I liked this a lot more than I expected to like it. Still thought it had some major issues though.

I was legit impressed with how risky and ballsy this movie was. If you've been waiting for a Star Wars movie that doesn't play it safe and formulaic, this is it.

I love how Luke explained the Force and how Rian Johnson visualized it. The mirror scene with Rey, the way the Force "connects" everything, the connection between Rey and Kylo, Yoda's cameo and the knowledge he drops on Luke, all very well done

The movie itself was gorgeous. Awesome cinematography and action scenes with the standouts being Rey and Kylo vs. the Royal Guard, the suicide hyperdrive, and everything on the salt planet at the end

Acting in this was top notch. Mark Hamill's best performance in a Star Wars flick even if I had some issues with where they went with his character (more on that later). I don't know what kind of acting classes Daisy Ridley took but she gives a MUCH better performance here than she did in Force Awakens and I liked her character a lot more here.

Adam Driver was great, Kylo went from a character who came across as whiney wannabe Vader in the Force Awakens to a dude who was genuinely in turmoil in this one. Kylo was the best part of the movie for me

I liked that there was a constant sense of danger in this movie. Like you always felt just how fragile the Resistance was and how it could all be completely destroyed with one bad move. However, they definitely stretched the chase aspect of the film way too thin. Like how hard was it for the First Order to just catch up with them? Lol. Narrative-wise, the whole movie is basically the rebels escaping from Hoth in Empire Strikes Back but stretched to 2 1/2 hours lol. Felt like they could've expanded the Resistance's subplot a bit more

Boyega does a good job with what he's given and Finn is less of a bumbling weakling in this but in general I'm just not really feeling his character. I think RJ tries his best to make the most of a character with a weak foundation but if you look at his arc in the whole movie, his mission and the whole subplot at the casino just didn't seem to matter much

I have a lot of mixed feelings with what they did with Luke and I feel like how you feel about this will make or break the movie for you. It was cool to see both Luke and Kylo's perspective of what led to Kylo turning but just something about how it all went down just doesn't feel true to his character. I didn't have an issue with him having a brief moment of wanting to kill Kylo before coming to his senses and I understood his disillusionment with the Jedi order, but I just can't imagine Luke going into exile and hiding like that. This is a dude who takes constant punishment in the OT but keeps coming back stronger. And if you're gonna have him hide and turn his back on everyone, the payoff needs to be stronger than what we get at the end, even if the scene with him facing the First Order was well done. It was an awesome display of power but I needed more than just him "distracting" the First Order. Just felt like they could've done more with him at the end to justify his earlier actions

Snoke was a mixed bag. He did come across as menacing especially with him throwing Rey around like she was nothing but while his death was really well-staged, I'm disappointed that we really didn't learn anything more about him. They'll have to really do something special with Kylo in the 3rd one to justify killing off Snoke so easily

Poe- I like that he had more to do but he really came across like an a$$hole in this movie lol. Just constantly fukking things up and taking Ls as a result. He was the Finn of The Last Jedi lol

Rose - She was aight I guess, idk didn't feel like she had much chemistry with Boyega and her character wasn't particularly interesting to me. Her sister's one scene in the bomber hit me harder than any of her scenes. I wish the sister was more of a major character.

Leia - Carrie gives a much better performance here than she did in Force Awakens but seriously, wtf was up with her floating in space scene? Lol. They should've either had Leia died or find a better, less corny way of having her display her power.

Casino - It's weird. I do feel like the entire casino segment had some great world-building and genuine creativity but it felt like it was part of a completely different movie. Shyt felt like a Luc Besson sci-fi flick or something lol. And the narrative payoff wasn't good enough to justify spending so much time here. They easily could've cut 15 minutes of this subplot or just get rid of it all together. Feel the same way about Benicio's character who had some cool moments but just felt kind of pointless overall

As someone who did not like the Force Awakens, I have mixed feelings about Rian Johnson basically saying "fukk it" and either ignoring or not really paying off on a lot of the ideas and characters that JJ Abrams introduced. Yes, I understand wanting to do something different and unpredictable and I think there are moments here that are much more creative than anything Abrams came up with. But some of the twists and commitment to not following JJ's formula came at the expense of a cohesive narrative. There were a lot of moments here where it just didn't feel like a sequel to the Force Awakens, let alone a Star Wars movie. Johnson really went completely left field with a lot of shyt and it's gonna take me some time to figure out whether I liked the risks he took or not. A lot of it depends on what they do in the 3rd movie and whether or not they can successfully tie everything together. But with this film it's pretty clear that there's no overarching plan with the new trilogy and they're pretty much making it up as they go along.

Off first watch, overall I'd give this somewhere between a B and a B+. Very solid, entertaining film with a few things keeping it from being great. Not sure where I'd rank this yet in the entire series. People who are sick of how formulaic the Star Wars films are will probably enjoy this. More conservative fans who want their Star Wars movies to feel like "Star Wars" will probably hate it. I'm somewhere in the middle. I want the Star Wars films to take narrative and artistic risks but I also want them to feel like cohesive parts of the same story. And that was my main issue with the Last Jedi.




We are Groot!


Jul 24, 2015
As much as I hated what they did to Luke in this movie
I was hyped for the Kylo vs Luke fight even though Kylo is a joke and got beat by Rey but I said hey at least I get to see Luke in action and be a badass :takedat:

That whole standoff was great until it was revealed Luke was just a projection. RJ had me right up until then and then Luke died from that :hhh:

One step forward 3 steps back

I really like Poe in this movie but he got turned into a bytch this movie because he has a dikk between his legs
I mean Holdo and Leia both just emasculating breh


Guarding the Galaxy
Aug 31, 2015
Planet X
I didnt' like this at all.

So disappointed. The resistance shyt has always been the most boring part about these movies and that seemed like the focus. It took us what felt like 40 min to get to the Rey and Luke stuff and even that didn't last that long.

The dialogue was awful. Not that it''s ever been Star Wars strong point, but still. The characters literally explained every single action they took. It was semi insulting as an audience member. It felt like when you watch a big NBA on ABC game and Mike Breen exlains the game like it's the first ever NBA game you've seen.

I also expected it to be darker than it was considering the director, but it felt pretty damn family friendly. There was no buzz or excitement in the theater either. Hardly a peep the whole time too. That's what Disney did to this franchise.

As awful as the prequels were, they came out every 3 years and were an event. Now its like :russell: another movie. This will be the quitest 1.5 billy ever.

Some ridiculous shyt in this flick too. The Leia floating scene. Lea blasting Poe and then her and Dern giggling about how much they like him. The yoda scene felt random as fukk too :what:

I did kind of like the scene with Rey kylo and snoke. And the standoff with luke and kylo was beautiful to look at. though the only thing i truly loved about is movie was that you could tell it was shot on film, dat grain was lovely.

Yet another movie from 2017 getting great reviews that I didn't' 'really fukk with. I was legit BORED throughout.

Other than that, between Disney buying Fox, net neutrality ending and this movie, this has been a shytty ass day.



I am Groot!


pico pal q lee
Apr 30, 2012
Boyega does a good job with what he's given and Finn is less of a bumbling weakling in this but in general I'm just not really feeling his character. I think RJ tries his best to make the most of a character with a weak foundation but if you look at his arc in the whole movie, his mission and the whole subplot at the casino just didn't seem to matter much

Casino - It's weird. I do feel like the entire casino segment had some great world-building and genuine creativity but it felt like it was part of a completely different movie. Shyt felt like a Luc Besson sci-fi flick or something lol. And the narrative payoff wasn't good enough to justify spending so much time here. They easily could've cut 15 minutes of this subplot or just get rid of it all together. Feel the same way about Benicio's character who had some cool moments but just felt kind of pointless overall

Agreed with a lot of what you posted, and in the cases I didn't agree I could totally see your point :salute:

Regarding the Casino part, specially the bolded. I agree it was too long and the execution of this cool idea left a lot to be desired BUT it did matter a lot. The mission itself ends up being a complete failure. But what Finn and Rose do in Canto Bight is exactly what the Rebellion is looking for during the whole movie: create a spark. It's because their mission that the kids go :krs: :ohhh: and a force sensitive kid - that already is using the Force - takes on the ring and "pledges allegiance" to the Rebel cause.

That final scene "saved" that whole arc for me, at least the idea/intention of it. It's too bad the actual sequences and scenes feel like filler and just way too long.


Guarding the Galaxy
Aug 31, 2015
Planet X
Agreed with a lot of what you posted, and in the cases I didn't agree I could totally see your point :salute:

Regarding the Casino part, specially the bolded. I agree it was too long and the execution of this cool idea left a lot to be desired BUT it did matter a lot. The mission itself ends up being a complete failure. But what Finn and Rose do in Canto Bight is exactly what the Rebellion is looking for during the whole movie: create a spark. It's because their mission that the kids go :krs: :ohhh: and a force sensitive kid - that already is using the Force - taken on the ring and "pledges allegiance" to the Rebel cause.

That final scene "saved" that whole arc for me, at least the idea/intention of it. It's too bad the actual sequences and scenes feel like filler and just way too long.




We are Groot...


Feb 17, 2014
Way better than TFA.
It feels like there could be a time skip between this one and the next one tho. Wouldn'[ be surprised if they jumped 10 years /SPOILER]

Drew Wonder

May 10, 2012
Agreed with a lot of what you posted, and in the cases I didn't agree I could totally see your point :salute:

Regarding the Casino part, specially the bolded. I agree it was too long and the execution of this cool idea left a lot to be desired BUT it did matter a lot. The mission itself ends up being a complete failure. But what Finn and Rose do in Canto Bight is exactly what the Rebellion is looking for during the whole movie: create a spark. It's because their mission that the kids go :krs: :ohhh: and a force sensitive kid - that already is using the Force - takes on the ring and "pledges allegiance" to the Rebel cause.

That final scene "saved" that whole arc for me, at least the idea/intention of it. It's too bad the actual sequences and scenes feel like filler and just way too long.

Completely forgot about the ring, you're right, it did create that spark. Just wish it took them about 15 minutes less to do it lol. But good catch right there


Feb 17, 2014
But while I think it was better and overall a solid movie there's still a lot I didn't like.
Finn is a jobber. I kinda just want him to die. Conflicted about the snoke thing. Like i still want answers about him. Too powerful to just overlook. I couldnt have been the only one wishing rey would have taking up Kylo. Dont get how luke died. Loved them letting him go out like an OG tho. The fake that the first order wastes so much time and energy on fighting 300 rebels in a galaxy of people still baffles me


Feb 17, 2014

When Leia, Admiral Ackbar (:rip:), and everyone else got sucked out, I was like ":manny: Well, at least they won't have to explain her absence in the next one." Then, they showed her body floating through space and I was like " I guess this is the final goodbye to Le...*she wakes up* :lupe: Wait? What's going on?" Then, she starts heading back to the ship as her theme plays and I was like "Is this shyt for real? :what:" Then she got inside and I sat there thinking ":beli: That...kind of took me out of the movie."

I know she's force sensitive but damn. :pachaha:
Lmfao you just described my reaction to a T. I was just sitting there like :dahell:"did that just happen".


Feb 17, 2014
breh when he has the showdown with Kylo and the frame cuts to him levitating on the island using the Force I lost my shyt :wow:

The entire theater started applauding, it was as a special moment :ohlawd:
That shyt was dope as fukk. That was the greatest sonning in star wars history imho


May 7, 2012
Saw it

1- If you are one of the people who's enjoyment relies on what Finn does and overthink everything involving his character....don't go watch this movie. NOT BECAUSE HE'S JOKE, read my spoilers for more details, but because you are not gonna get any payoff worth a damn for the hopes/investment you have on him :manny:

2- This was better than Force Awakens, but it's far from perfect. A lot of things work, a good number don't. I see plenty of people hating or not liking it because of those "misses". The Honest Trailer for this is gonna be hilarious :pachaha:

3-The biggest problem this movie has is, in fact, Force Awakens. So I have no fukking clue how the hell JJ is supposed to end this trilogy neatly. And honestly, this story shouldn't end in Ep. IX....

4- I'm really excited for Johnson's trilogy. Having free reign to tell a story that doesn't have to answer to any other and just build lore and loosely connect with the cannon will suit him perfectly.

Anyways, about them spoilers...

Rian Johnson basically said "fukk your movie" to JJ Abrahams :heh:

I really liked where he took the story and the lore - except for the Leia "resurrection/flying" scene, that shyt was out of place and unnecessary - but everything that happened in Force Awakens felt like big weight this movie couldn't shake off. Like, if this had a different film to continue from, Last Jedi could've been amazing. But a lot of the time it felt like a bunch of retcons to take the story were Johnson wanted: When it seemed like we were gonna find out shyt about Snoke, he gets killed. Rey's parents are nobodies. Kylo's "betrayal" gets explained but we the Knights of Ren are not even mentioned by name this time. Phasma gets dealt with and thrown to the bushes...all choices I have no big problem with, but it just rendered Episode VII as useless.

Finn's story started pathetically. NO ONE laughed at his goof ass intro, I'm glad the point of his arc was going away from being a clown/coward and evolving into a "hero". The Canto Bight shyt was too long though and could've been better executed. It was kinda saved by the last scene with the force sensitive kid showing the Rebellion ring, but still, most of that arc felt like filler just to give him shyt to do.

Kelly Marie Tran's character is meh at best.

LOVED how you can feel the desperation and how dire the situation is for the Rebellion. Every death matters and it makes you go :lupe: thinking how the fukk are they gonna escape. But again, it's a shame Force Awakens did such a terrible job of showing how important the loss of the Republic was and how much of a threat the First Order is. Besides, Rian Johnson makes the FO look like the Empire without giving any context besides the intro scroll.

Also loved the space battles and the action in general. The shot of Holdo's kamikaze against Snoke ship was :ohlawd: :ohmy: my lord., this is gonna be one of the main things people hate about this fillm. We don't see him beast with a lightsaber - I just wanted a little bit more from the Kylo fight, just a couple of offensive moves at least - and only in the end you realize how much of a MONSTER he is with the force. To me, the shot of him levitating in the island and revealing he was using a damn projection on Crayt was enough for me to understand and respect his true power. But I know a bunch of folks will find it wack that's all he did. My only problem with Luke's story is that it's never explained why he left half the map with R2D2. He pretty much wants to die in the island - and actually does - so why the fukk did he left bread crumbs to be found....

Yoda's cameo had me :wow: and they used the OG puppet and no bullshyt CGI :banderas: and the motherfukker created lighting from the sky to burn the library :damn: and also hit Luke with his stick....makes you think what will Luke do in Ep. IX if needed, he did tell Kylo he would be seeing him again.

Leia...I don't know brehs. The point of the film was showing how the Rebellion will have to rely on other people to lead it, but her "resurrecting" after the ambush, flying and then doing nothing else with the Force was weird as fukk. She showed incredible power and then it was just same ol' Leia. And JJ can't use her in IX, really weird what they did with her imo. I'm glad we got a Luke and Chewie reunion with her though.

I have zero faith in JJ Abrahams sticking the landing. He'll probably re-retcon what Johnson did and gives a bunch of new cliffhangers and misteries :francis:
Wow just left I actually say the movie is only ok except for the last 1/3 have no desire to see again . First of all as a person who knows TFA wasn't perfect I did want to see where that movie led or rather whete it led the characters . Why are people even blaming JJ this isn't his movie at all. Remake or not he definitely showed he's a fan of the OG trilogy this ... This was Johnson seemingly saying I want to write my own Star Wars movie and I have to use the guys JJ left over . then why do the sequel? It's like the Fly on breaking bad I like the episode it's artistic and creative but is it a great bb episode I want to rewatch ? Nope unless I'm watching the whole series.
How the hell did they want trevorrow to follow this movie ?? I can see why his script was having problems.
And does every actual heroic moment have to be a female? Leia does something more impressive with the force , Laura dern is smarter wiser more seasoned than Poe AND manages to take out all those ships , Rey is rey , Rose always knowing more than Finn and freeing the horse things as if Finn a man who was taken as a kid doesn't understand the slavery forced imprisonment angle ???


#grizzlies #titans
May 1, 2012
As a huge Star Wars stan this didn’t really do much for me. Completely dissapointed but I’ll privably give it a second viewing in imax. The only parts that were really good to me were them talking through the force and their scene on the ship together. Force Awakens had better moments.