is isn't about social issues. It's about a story that doesn't make any sense, and where characters have no stakes and no challenges. There have been tons of strong female characters in movies.
I think the movie was whack. Period. But some things really stood out.
1) Finn is just a janitor, but he can go toe-to-toe with Darth Vader's grand son who was trained by Luke Skywalker. The same guy who can stop laser beams? Same guy who wrecked the entire New Jedi order? It would have been okay if they dropped subtle clues to show he is a force user, but the movie went out of it's way to show that Finn was just a normal janitor. Kylo was hurt? Fukk that, I don't belive it
2) captain phasma? She was hyped up to be the bad-ass, but did she actually do? Why did she so easily lower the shields? So one of the New Orders best solders wouldn't sacrifice her own life to save the millions on starkiller base?
3) rey: who is she? Was her mind wiped? Does she already training? Why isn't this explained? She suddenly discovers she is a force user and can challenge Kylo Ren? What's the point of training?
4)What is the purpose of the new order? What do they want? Are they a terrorist organization?
5) the resistance.. Are they some militia? Why doesn't the republic have an army that challenges the new order? They need a proxy organization (the resistance) to fight the new order? Why? what is the big problem with the Republic fighting a organization like the New Order that is clearly out to destroy the republic.
6) its not a complete movie. What are snokes objectives? Who is he? Why does he have control? Is snoke a sith lord?
7) why is Luke in hiding? Finding him was the whole point of this movie, and the ending wasn't very fulfilling.