Star Wars: The Force Awakens (OFFICIAL THREAD)

Numero Deux

All Star
Nov 7, 2014
The Unapproachable East





Box Cutta

Bumbling Sidekick
May 1, 2012
Sanitation Department
Wait I read this all. Really Finn looks bad and bumbling ??? To me he looks heroic and has a arc. I see no dialogue here so i don't get some of the conclusions you guys are reaching

Fair enough....:manny:

To me it's obvious how things are about to play out. We'll see in a little over a week I guess....:ehh:


May 7, 2012
Fair enough....:manny:

To me it's obvious how things are about to play out. We'll see in a little over a week I guess....:ehh:
Does rey really come off great in those spoilers ?
also did I miss something it seems see isn't a solo or sky walker

Numero Deux

All Star
Nov 7, 2014
The Unapproachable East
Does rey really come off great in those spoilers ?
also did I miss something it seems see isn't a solo or sky walker

As far as her abilities go:

INT DAY - 234 - STARKILLER BASE - DUNGEON • Kylo Ren tries to learn all he can from Rey. She turns the tables
INT DAY - 253 - STARKILLER BASE - DUNGEON • Rey uses some special skills to convince Stormtroopers to leave
INT DAY - 275 - STARKILLER BASE - CORRIDOR #2 • Rey goes on a walk-a-around, avoids some Stormtroopers
INT DAY - 276 - STARKILLER BASE - CORRIDOR #3 • Rey uses her fight skills to take out a Stormtrooper, get his gun
EXT EVE - 327 - ENCHANTED FOREST NEAR STARKILLER BASE • Finn and Rey dance with Kylo Ren, Rey's special.

How and why does a scavenger who is unaware of the Force have the ability to do this? She should be at Farmboy Luke's level at this point, yet she has force powers and can go toe-to-toe with a powerful trained darksider like Kylo Ren with a lightsaber, a weapon she has never used before.

She needs Han to confirm that the Force/Darkside/Jedi are real, but uses Force abilities left and right when she needs to.

Why is Rey special? Why is she so skilled? Again, think about Luke in ANH. That's where she is at in this film, and yet Luke couldn't do any of that stuff in his first film. To quote another forum: "There's being related to a Jedi, and then there's having all the Jedi skills... do you inherit that shyt without having to learn how to do it? Why did Luke have it so hard?"

As far as Solo/Skywalker stuff goes, the guy who posted the shooting schedule says that various scenes were withheld/detail were intentionally left vague on said shooting schedule for secrecy (preventing it from leaking out with the rest). We won't know for sure until release.

Box Cutta

Bumbling Sidekick
May 1, 2012
Sanitation Department
Does rey really come off great in those spoilers ?
also did I miss something it seems see isn't a solo or sky walker

I mean, she can pilot the falcon, can beat off multiple thugs with her staff, has force powers, and holds her own against Ren after Finn (Likely) gets his hand cut off.

In regards to her ancestry, The shot list *does* leave some questions unanswered. Her ancestry is one of them, although it seems extremely likely that she is Luke's. Just look at her role in the film, outfits, the way she looks (Pretty much another Nat Portman/Keira Knightly), etc. Also, common storytelling sense. The "predictable" thing would be to make her a Skywalker...and this movie, although I don't think it's a bad definitely playing it safe.

Rey *might* be a random, it's certainly more likely than her being a Solo. It's possible that she's just a former student of Lukes, or maybe he adopted her. Read that stuff in the synopsis about Kylo attacking the "clan".

The Force Awakens Synposis - Public

  • A flashback begins:

  • Bodies are on the ground.

  • Luke turns up.

  • Then we see Artoo-Detoo upset as his master leaves him.
  • Maz explains that the Knights of Ren did this and that Luke has gone into exile..

  • We then see a reprise of the hand taking the lightsaber and Nakka is revealed.

  • Nakka ignites the lightsaber in his house and starts a fire. He panics and runs, but decides to go back for the lightsaber, saving it.

  • Nakka sells the saber to a trader for next to nothing.

  • We then see a local trader walking away with the weapon.

  • The trader sells the sword to a prosperous man to use against the Knights of Ren (the leader of the Clan).

  • The Clan has been raided by the Knights of Ren before.

  • Then there’s a battle raging and the sword is being used by the Clan against the Knights of Ren.

  • Rey and her parents were part of the Clan, but they escape the attack.

  • They are all dead and we see Kylo Ren approaching Rey.
  • The Knights of Ren are looting.

  • Kylo gets the lightsaber but Maz steals it from him.

  • The family gets away and drops Rey off on Jakku and have never gone back for her
This is all written kind of awkwardly, and seems to be more information than the shot-list....:manny:

She is almost certainly not a Solo. That's out of the question at this point. As you can see, her meeting with Han/Leia doesn't make it seem like they know who she is. Kylo on the other hand is likely a Solo.

Final thing on Finn : Keep in mind that they (Cast, crew) have talked about how he was able to bring "humor" to the role. Pretty sure Harrison himself pointed it out. Maybe the "bumbling sidekick" label is an over-statement, but people expecting him to be "the guy" are in for a rude...ahem...awakening.

Hell, look at that trailer just posted, he's clearly playing up light-heartedness. HELL NO!

Actually some new footage here.
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May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
The trailer said "a jedi" and showed Finn and they got him using a light saber. I don't know why they would try mislead us but that's what's bothering me the most. We were skeptical as to what his role would be because we know the archetype. It seemed like they were going against that and to have that not be the case will be a major disappointment. I'm hoping he ends up a jedi at some point.

And he better bag Rey in the end:birdman:

Exactly. It's baffling my mind that there are actually BLACK posters on this site claiming that they don't see any issue with the BLATANT misdirection of marketing that's gone since this movie's casting was announced.

Like there isn't a HISTORY of the metaphorical castration of black characters (especially black MALE characters) when it comes to representation in Hollywood media.

If this were a typical Star Wars movie with two white leads then it would be par for the course, there wouldn't be any reason to get up in arms it would just be another "White Man saves the Galaxy" that we've seen ad nauseum since forever.


Since the beginning of the casting leaks it's been marketed that John Boyega was the LEAD of the movie

'Star Wars Episode VII': Actors Battle for Lead Role (EXCLUSIVE)

THEN we get the first trailer. With the words spoken "there's been an awakening...have you felt it?"

Whose the FIRST persons face you see? BOYEGA!

ok this in itself doesn't truly mean anything, but it could be directly implied that the awakening in question would be the BOYEGA's "male lead" who you are seeing I'm character for the first time.

Then we get the Twitter teaser confirming BOYEGA's Finn with the lightsaber, about to battle Kylo Ren, again this could be construed as the MALE LEAD battling the known antagonist.

Then we get the third trailer. All types of allusions and symbols pointing towards Finn. Han's voice speaking on the existence of the "The Jedi" while a close up of Finn walking is displayed. The entire trailer is focused HEAVILY on Finn from showing the beginning of his desertion from the storm troopers, meeting with Rey, and traveling with Han Solo. Then you get the final clip confirming AGAIN Finn's battle with Kylo with the closing dialogue of "the force is calling you...just let it in..."

As I stated earlier NO character in the Star Wars movies besides General Grevious has gone to BATTLE with a lightsaber and not turned out to be Force Sensitive. After that trailer we've got Finn not just battling Kylo, but a Storm Trooper as well.

So now we've got marketing pointing towards Finn as the Lead and Finn battling multiple times with a lightsaber. An actual BLACK lead who WASNT a stereotypically dumb, unheroic brute, or gets his ass kicked and killed (Windu) or is a treacherous coward (Lando).

But NOW we're at the home stretch and their turning the tables? Finn is now the sidekick to Rey? (Not co-star) Finn is scared and running for half the movie and needs the calm, heroic Cac bytch to continually save him? Finn carries a lightsaber, battles with it, only to get his ass kicked and have the Cac bytch step up and use the force? We're right back to square fukking one? Naw fukk that shyt:camby: I ain't got time to sit through another "White Man/Woman's Journey" of self discovery and inner heroism...

I will, of course, reserve full judgement until I've seen the movie and/or I decide to read a leaked plot synopsis when the movie premieres, but if any nerfing of Finn's character goes down to prop up the White Hero dynamic then I'm not fukking with Star Wars anymore. And that's entirely MY decision I'm not trying to shame any die hard Star Wars fans on here to boycott the film, but I find it shameful, and downright c00nish to even attempt to deny the absolute repulsive bullshyt that this type of bait and switch would imply.
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May 7, 2012
Exactly. It's baffling my mind that there are actually BLACK posters on this site claiming that they don't see any issue with the BLATANT misdirection of marketing that's gone since this movie's casting was announced.

Like there isn't a HISTORY of the metaphorical castration of black characters (especially black MALE characters) when not comes to representation in Hollywood media.

If this were a typical Star Wars movie with two white leads then it would be par for the course, there wouldn't be any reason to get up in arms it would just be another "White Man saves the Galaxy" that we've seen ad nauseum since forever.


Since the beginning of the casting leaks it's been marketed that John Boyega was the LEAD of the movie

'Star Wars Episode VII': Actors Battle for Lead Role (EXCLUSIVE)

THEN we get the first trailer. With the words spoken "there been an awakening...have you felt it?"

Whose the FIRST persons face you see? BOYEGA!

ok this in itself doesn't truly mean anything, but it could be directly implied that the awakening in question would be the BOYEGA's "male lead" who you are seeing I'm character for the first time.

Then we get the Twitter teaser confirming BOYEGA's Finn with the lightsaber, about to battle Kylo Ren, again this could be construed as the MALE LEAD battling the known antagonist.

Then we get the third trailer. All types of allusions and symbols pointing towards Finn. Han's voice speaking on the existence of the "The Jedi" while a close up of Finn walking is displayed. The entire trailer is focused HEAVILY on Finn from showing the beginning of his desertion from the storm troopers, meeting with Rey, and traveling with Han Solo. Then you get the final clip confirming AGAIN Finn's battle with Kylo with the closing dialogue of "the force is calling you...just let it in..."

As I stated earlier NO character in the Star Wars movies besides General Grevious has gone to BATTLE with a lightsaber and not turned out to be Force Sensitive. After that trailer we've got Finn not just battling Kylo, but a Storm Trooper as well.

So now we've got marketing pointing towards Finn as the Lead and Finn battling multiple times with a lightsaber. An actual BLACK lead who WASNT a stereotypically dumb, unheroic brute, or gets his ass kicked and killed (Windu) or is a treacherous coward (Lando).

But NOW we're at the home stretch and their turning the tables? Finn is now the sidekick to Rey? (Not co-star) Finn is scared and running for half the movie and needs the calm, heroic Cac bytch to continually save him? Finn carries a lightsaber, battles with it, only to get his ass kicked and have the Cac bytch step up and use the force? We're right back to square fukking one? Naw fukk that shyt:camby: I ain't got time to sit through another "White Man/Woman's Journey" of self discovery and inner heroism...

I will, of course, reserve full judgement until I've seen the movie and/or I decide to read a leaked plot synopsis when the movie premieres, but if any nerfing of Finn's character goes down to prop up the White Hero dynamic then I'm not fukking with Star Wars anymore. And that's entirely MY decision I'm not trying to shame any die hard Star Wars fans on here to boycott the film, but I find it shameful, and downright c00nish to even attempt to deny the absolute repulsive bullshyt that this type of bait and switch would imply.
It's a brand new character so he's not being nerfed as we have no prior experiences to judge him by so your being kind of harsh . And I never saw it being positioned as Finn was the only star like your saying , I think a bunch of people confuse being a lead with being the main character .having read the spoilers (if correct ) he has a good story and is heroic he may not be the chosen one but :yeshrug: . He may have a comedic side that doesn't make him a bumbling fool or sidekick .


Nov 18, 2013
Exactly. It's baffling my mind that there are actually BLACK posters on this site claiming that they don't see any issue with the BLATANT misdirection of marketing that's gone since this movie's casting was announced.

Like there isn't a HISTORY of the metaphorical castration of black characters (especially black MALE characters) when not comes to representation in Hollywood media.

If this were a typical Star Wars movie with two white leads then it would be par for the course, there wouldn't be any reason to get up in arms it would just be another "White Man saves the Galaxy" that we've seen ad nauseum since forever.


Since the beginning of the casting leaks it's been marketed that John Boyega was the LEAD of the movie

'Star Wars Episode VII': Actors Battle for Lead Role (EXCLUSIVE)

THEN we get the first trailer. With the words spoken "there been an awakening...have you felt it?"

Whose the FIRST persons face you see? BOYEGA!

ok this in itself doesn't truly mean anything, but it could be directly implied that the awakening in question would be the BOYEGA's "male lead" who you are seeing I'm character for the first time.

Then we get the Twitter teaser confirming BOYEGA's Finn with the lightsaber, about to battle Kylo Ren, again this could be construed as the MALE LEAD battling the known antagonist.

Then we get the third trailer. All types of allusions and symbols pointing towards Finn. Han's voice speaking on the existence of the "The Jedi" while a close up of Finn walking is displayed. The entire trailer is focused HEAVILY on Finn from showing the beginning of his desertion from the storm troopers, meeting with Rey, and traveling with Han Solo. Then you get the final clip confirming AGAIN Finn's battle with Kylo with the closing dialogue of "the force is calling you...just let it in..."

As I stated earlier NO character in the Star Wars movies besides General Grevious has gone to BATTLE with a lightsaber and not turned out to be Force Sensitive. After that trailer we've got Finn not just battling Kylo, but a Storm Trooper as well.

So now we've got marketing pointing towards Finn as the Lead and Finn battling multiple times with a lightsaber. An actual BLACK lead who WASNT a stereotypically dumb, unheroic brute, or gets his ass kicked and killed (Windu) or is a treacherous coward (Lando).

But NOW we're at the home stretch and their turning the tables? Finn is now the sidekick to Rey? (Not co-star) Finn is scared and running for half the movie and needs the calm, heroic Cac bytch to continually save him? Finn carries a lightsaber, battles with it, only to get his ass kicked and have the Cac bytch step up and use the force? We're right back to square fukking one? Naw fukk that shyt:camby: I ain't got time to sit through another "White Man/Woman's Journey" of self discovery and inner heroism...

I will, of course, reserve full judgement until I've seen the movie and/or I decide to read a leaked plot synopsis when the movie premieres, but if any nerfing of Finn's character goes down to prop up the White Hero dynamic then I'm not fukking with Star Wars anymore. And that's entirely MY decision I'm not trying to shame any die hard Star Wars fans on here to boycott the film, but I find it shameful, and downright c00nish to even attempt to deny the absolute repulsive bullshyt that this type of bait and switch would imply.
Waaaah :sadbron:
Anyone who regularly screams cac/fakkit doesn't have any grounds for complaining about racial representation.
You're a grown man whining about representation in a fukking movie made by white people when from your posts you're on that typical coli militant tip and wouldn't even associate with one in real life.
So it's absolutely absurd that you're supporting something that's going to make millions for white people in real life or any American media really.
Finn is going to be a fantastic character with heart who'll do badass things and will inspire black children everywhere, not a badasss character cut out like it seems you all want.
So fukking fragile.
Actually your entire mentality goes against the foundation of Star Wars and what Boyega and Finn are pushing.
This was never just Finns journey, it's Reys and Poe's as well.
You're acting like he doesn't even have an arc.