I feel like anything short of Jedi for Finn and yall will be disappointed. Do I have to point out the horrible history of Jedi in this story again? I'd rather him be the next Solo who is skilled in many things and able to sacrifice himself time and time again than be a Jedi. The Jedi have turned out to be selfish, deathtraps that never learn from their predecessors. Just like in Clone Wars and Rebels, the real heroes of this saga are the non-Jedi, while the Jedi generally have whiney baby battles about their place in the universe. Anakin and Obi Wan are shown this time and time again, only for Ahsoka to be the only one that gets it. Black excellence would be best served if Finn is out there saving people and getting shyt done instead of going through the flawed angel arc of the Jedi. Hell, Anakin was given a chance to save the Universe and wouldn't. Would rather Finn be someone that would. I bet Chewie would.
Yes, I've read the MSW stuff. Sounds like Finn is the brave one. Closer to Han than anything. Bumbling is a bit much. Sounds a little like ROTJ Han, where he's a little stripped down vulnerable initially and has been through a trauma, but is still willing to help whomever no matter what. Remember Han's scene at the Sarlac Pit as well as his fight with the bike trooper after stepping on a stick and prematurely alerting them. If its anymore than what the MSW rumors are suggesting, don't worry, I'm sure blacks will walk out.