Star Wars: The Force Awakens (OFFICIAL THREAD)

Numero Deux

All Star
Nov 7, 2014
The Unapproachable East
I feel the same way breh.

Still got two more films though. Hopefully he will become the badass we want him to be.

They really had better be going somewhere with Finn. Going on what we know so far, I don't understand how JJ could be so high on a young, talented and obviously charismatic actor like Boyega and praise him, have him audition for 7 months for this role, outright tell him to his face that he is "The New Star of Star Wars", promote him heavily as the male lead with the lightsaber, only to cut his legs off right from under him right out of the gate.

First impressions mean everything, even with characters in stories.If Finn shapes up to be a chump in the film, that's what the general audience is going to remember the most. The development of his character over the trilogy could be read as an attempt to salvage him, and audiences probably won't care anyway, a lot of them have already made up their minds about him before even seeing this film, and him being a buffoon and basically a total auxiliary to the white female protagonist in it will just solidify their belief for the rest of trilogy.

John Boyega has already been facing an uphill battle here. I hope our fears are unfounded come Dec 18.

They had better be going somewhere with him. Or else John Boyega will be dubbed "The Jar-Jar of the Sequel Trilogy".
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Jul 6, 2014
Harrison Ford dropped a massive spoiler during that twitter Q&A.

People avoiding careful.

For people who already know :

This just confirms our fears, Finn is a jobber. Rey is the ONE....:mjcry:
link? What is it?


Jul 7, 2012
They really had better be going somewhere with Finn. Going on what we know so far, I don't understand how JJ could be so high on a young, talented and obviously charismatic actor like Boyega and praise him, have him audition for 7 months for this role, outright tell him to his face that he is "The New Star of Star Wars", promote him heavily as the male lead with the lightsaber, only to cut his legs off right from under him right out of the gate.

First impressions mean everything, even with characters in stories.If Finn shapes up to be a chump in the film, that's what the general audience is going to remember the most. The development of his character over the trilogy could be read as an attempt to salvage him, and audiences probably won't care anyway, a lot of them have already made up their minds about him before even seeing this film, and him being a buffoon and basically a total auxiliary to the white female protagonist in it will just solidify their belief for the rest of trilogy.

John Boyega has already been facing an uphill battle here. I hope we our fears are unfounded come Dec 18.

They had better be going somewhere with him. Or else John Boyega will be dubbed "The Jar-Jar of the Sequel Trilogy".

Good post.

I agree first impressions usually go a long way. Given how all these racist idiots dumped on Boyega and scoffed at the thought of him being a jedi. The sight of him being cut down by Kylo and Rey helping save the day is going to put a smile on their face and that makes me uncomfortable.

The one thing that is keeping me a little optimistic about this whole thing though is how positive Boyega has been this whole time. He's excited, he loves his character, and it feels very genuine not like he's putting on a front. It leads me to believe that maybe there is something special in store for Finn that we don't know about.


Aug 17, 2012
New York City
Harrison Ford dropped a massive spoiler during that twitter Q&A.

People avoiding careful.

For people who already know :

This just confirms our fears, Finn is a jobber. Rey is the ONE....:mjcry:

About what Harrison said:

Does not mean Finn doesn't have the force and won't be the hero. Of course Rey is the One cause she has Skywalker blood (Weither she's Leia or Luke's daughter) in her and the Episodes are the Skywalkers Saga. Her fighting Kylo is a given, we've seen her shoot at him in the trailers. Also just because she fights Kylo doesn't mean she kills him but we will see. I don't think his comment proves Finn is going to be some goofy sidekick. Finn and Rey can both be Jedi, it doesn't have be one or the other. Of course they weren't goin to miss a chance to have a female fighting with a saber so I don't even feel what he said was a spoiler

When is the first screening?

The Premiere is Monday 12/14. It opens as early as 12/16 overseas. So Spoilers will be flying by Tuesday 12/15.

Does anyone feel bad about George Lucas as this movie creeps to release date

its a shame the fanbase turned on him

The entire Star Wars fanbase hating George Lucas is a myth. Plus Lucas doesn't care, he will be laughing all the way to the bank as Episode VII makes him billions more. I find it funny dudes will hate on Lucas but he was the one that brought it all together. There is no "The Force Awakens" without Lucas and based on what we've see it's not like JJ is reivented the wheel. The film is heavily influenced by George Lucas. All those shots of Xwings and Tie fighters with Han and Chewie on the Falcon. Oh yeah, George already did that.

Every trailer has his blueprint all over it. I personally enjoyed the prequels for what they were, the back story. Also I didn't have a problem with the speical editions cause I grew up on the originals and saw them in their original format so it didn't matter to me what changes he made. At the end of the day Lucas will go down one of the greatest minds in film history and the upset nerds can't change it. But I do think he won't be fully appreciated till he passes away.
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May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
They really had better be going somewhere with Finn. Going on what we know so far, I don't understand how JJ could be so high on a young, talented and obviously charismatic actor like Boyega and praise him, have him audition for 7 months for this role, outright tell him to his face that he is "The New Star of Star Wars", promote him heavily as the male lead with the lightsaber, only to cut his legs off right from under him right out of the gate.

First impressions mean everything, even with characters in stories.If Finn shapes up to be a chump in the film, that's what the general audience is going to remember the most. The development of his character over the trilogy could be read as an attempt to salvage him, and audiences probably won't care anyway, a lot of them have already made up their minds about him before even seeing this film, and him being a buffoon and basically a total auxiliary to the white female protagonist in it will just solidify their belief for the rest of trilogy.

John Boyega has already been facing an uphill battle here. I hope we our fears are unfounded come Dec 18.

They had better be going somewhere with him. Or else John Boyega will be dubbed "The Jar-Jar of the Sequel Trilogy".

I feel the EXACT same way. You said it all brother...

I will be SUPREMELY pissed off if his character arc turns out as ANYTHING less than what you wrote. Seriously I'd boycott the rest of the fukking series


Nov 18, 2013
You guy's should calm down.
John Boyega is a charismatic, good actor, who's character is obviously being built up for something big. But it's ridiculous how scared/petty you get at the the very hint of Rey being either more or just as important as him.
Like that guy on here (don't remember which member) who got massively bent out of fukking shape for Black Panther not being essentially the sole subject of the Civil War trailer.
The writers know what they're doing, but maybe because the archetype I tend to love are the good hearted "sidekicks" who aren't ridiculously badass from the beginning and may be the butt of jokes this doesn't bother me as much, because they almost always come through in the biggest way.
Not that I think that's totally what Finn is like but because I'm never bothered by that the same anger doesn't come out in me.


May 7, 2012
I feel the EXACT same way. You said it all brother...

I will be SUPREMELY pissed off if his character arc turns out as ANYTHING less than what you wrote. Seriously I'd boycott the rest of the fukking series
But unless I missed more Info all ford said was
his favorite scene is the Rey and ren sword fight . And he spelled ren wrong so maybe he actually just confused characters names .
where did the bumbling comic sidekick stuff come from?