Stuck in carbonite for 4000 years? grey sith?this is from concept art
is darth revan awakened?
Nah son. I mean, I guess, if you wanna go down that sorta logic. But it still just seems stupid, IMO.Why ? If he has ability to move objects and throw them at folks,shouldnt he be able to use the force to do flips and make athletic plays...
Driver is my bet too. If he's Darth RevanSo we pretty much all agree that that dark jedi is either Adam Driver or Lupita. I'm banking on Driver, because that kinda looks like his frame under them robes(pause). But who knows.
yoda and the emperor, as portrayed in the original movies, were far wiser and far more powerful.
i mean you tell me. do you believe a dude that could literally move spaceships with his mind would ever lower himself to a sword fight?
seeing yoda and the emperor engage in a lightsaber duel is like watching god and the devil deciding the fate of the world over a game of checkers. it is beneath them. they function on a much higher plane.
Because he's 900 years old and uses a cane to get around. Then he just drinks a Coruscant Red Bull and starts flipping and jumping around?
At least the CGI Yoda was better than TPM's puppet abortion.
If it's Driver I'm guessing a dark side Jacen (probably different name) SoloSo we pretty much all agree that that dark jedi is either Adam Driver or Lupita. I'm banking on Driver, because that kinda looks like his frame under them robes(pause). But who knows.
Including EU characters? If so Maul would actually be pretty lowIN the midiachlorin power rankings whos the top 5 ?
It was said Anakin/Vader was No 1
But where does Yoda,Luke,Mace rank ?
I assume siths have a high concentration so where would Maul rank ?
I see where you're coming from. Though I'll say that Palpatine and Yoda were pretty unique in their combat agility. No other force user has been shown to be capable to move at their level. To me, that is an acceptable gap of power between a Yoda and a typical Jedi. You think of Yoda and Palpatine as God-like, but I think that's an over-estimation. If you saw the last few seasons of the Clone Wars, then you would know about some force beings who could truly be deemed God-like.. Yoda is nowhere near that level.
I just assumed he used the force to gain that agility. That never seemed far-fetched to me.
As for the trailer, I think it was a perfect teaser. I'm going to see the movie so my media blackout starts now.
Including EU characters? If so Maul would actually be pretty low